SPOTTED: Shaq-A-Licious XL Gummies

Shaq-A-Licious XL Gummies.

Shaq-A-Licious XL Sour Gummies.

I’d really like to see and taste a Shaq gummy that’s the actual size of Shaq. (Spotted by Hydi M at Walmart.)

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3 responses to “SPOTTED: Shaq-A-Licious XL Gummies”

  1. Jason


  2. mh

    i almost got those at walmart yesterday. but it was the first thing that caught my eye and was on a mission! for two simple basics: butter and tp.
    (i ended up also walking out with salt & vinegar chips, discounted 4th of july frosted cookies, wildberry goldbears, and a tiny bottle of kinders bbq sauce)

  3. TG911

    These are really good. I was able to order them thru Walmart shipping. Sour were my favorite!

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