REVIEW: Burger King Fiery Bacon Whopper

Remember Burger King’s Angry Whopper? I want to call the new Fiery Bacon Whopper the Annoyed Whopper. Not quite angry and not quite calm. Although, if I remember correctly, the Angry Whopper wasn’t that angry. Angrywho, this comes with 1/4 lb flame-grilled beef with crispy fiery-seasoned bacon, pepper jack cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, and a creamy fiery sauce n a toasted sesame seed bun.

It’s part of BK’s Fiery Menu that lets you have it your way if that way is with a bit of heat. We’ve already covered two of the five menu items with various heat ratings, with this Whopper in the middle. But using my personal five-point heat index, I’d rate it a two. Its mild heat isn’t anything that would make me put my mouth under any ICEE spigot behind the Burger King counter, and it might’ve been spicier without the vegetables.

Because most of the accoutrements are standard Whopper fare (patty, bun, lettuce, and tomato), I won’t go too deep into them. The two special additions—the Fiery sauce and fiery-seasoned bacon—do make themselves known, not only with their spiciness but also with their flavor.

The creamy sauce had a great smoky and peppery taste that also brought a little heat. Being creamy probably prevented it from getting too spicy, but I appreciate that because it allowed the sauce’s flavors to come through. Surprisingly, the seasoned bacon seemed to be spicier and more peppery than the condiment, but it’s a heat that doesn’t take away from the bacon’s smokiness. Unfortunately, while BK claims the bacon to be “crispy,” the strips I got were chewy. But I’ll forgive them for that because I enjoyed their taste.

As for the pepper jack cheese, I didn’t notice any heat from it, but it added a pleasant mild cheesiness. But I imagine its creaminess also prevented this from getting too mouth burn-y.

While I enjoyed Burger King’s Fiery Bacon Whopper, my favorite bites were the ones towards the end without the lettuce and tomato. With those last bites, I could really taste the seasoning and sauce, and it made me wish there was a BK Fiery Stacker with just the beef patties, fiery bacon, fiery sauce, and bun. Maybe for next year’s Fiery Menu, Burger King?

Overall, the Fiery Bacon Whopper was a pretty tasty burger. However, how much I paid for it took some of the taste out of my mouth. Yes, as I will mention at the end of this review, I live in a part of the country where things can get expensive, but even at eight dollars, it would’ve been pricey.

Purchased Price: $10.29* (sandwich only)
Rating: 8 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: 800 calories, 47 grams of fat, 18 grams of saturated fat, 1 gram of trans fat, 130 milligrams of cholesterol, 1690 milligrams of sodium, 58 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of fiber, 16 grams of sugar, and 43 grams of protein.

*Because I live on a rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, things are a bit pricier here. You’ll probably pay less than I did.

One thought to “REVIEW: Burger King Fiery Bacon Whopper”

  1. The app shows that it’s $6.99 here in middle Maryland. I can get by with the Whopper Jr. for $2.99 so I probably won’t be trying this.

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