REVIEW: Hershey’s Milk Chocolate with Waffle Cone Pieces Bar

With a legacy spanning approximately 500 years—give or take a few centuries—one would assume that Hershey has produced more than a fair amount of limited editions in the history of its iconic chocolate bar. And that assumption, like the fact that I am prone to gross exaggeration with regard to time, would be true.

While we all know—and to varying degrees love— the standard deviations (Cookies ‘n’ Creme, “with almonds,” and Symphony), do you recall Cookies ‘n’ Chocolate, Cookies ’n’ Mint, Strawberries ’n’ Creme, Raspberries ’n’ Creme, or any of the Twosomes (Reese’s Pieces, Whoppers, and Heath)? Me either! But if you’re like me—hankering for some pieces of stuff in your chocolate bar— the good folks from Pennsylvania are here for us.

About this new treat, Hershey’s website says, “Extra creamy milk chocolate and crunchy waffle cone pieces all in one bar? Who says you can’t have it all?” And then 181 more words about this candy bar. Seriously. 181! It’s a dessert-tation, really. I felt myself nodding off midway through.

Was the candy bar enough to awaken both me AND my tastebuds? Sadly, it was not.

Everyone has had a Hershey bar, so I won’t spend any time describing that. It’s a pretty straightforward American version of chocolate that few outside of the States can stand, and even snootier American chocolate connoisseurs find off-putting at best.

So the real variable here is the pieces of waffle cone. And the verdict? They add texture, but that’s about it. They seemingly do nothing in terms of taste— likely because the pieces are so small. I found myself wondering, what’s the point here? I mean, waffle cones are incredible, and I like Hershey Bars. While the combination should be a win-win, there’s just not enough substance here for it to be anything other than “ho-hum.” It’s a chocolate bar, which makes it consumable, but beyond that, it’s pretty pointless.

Maybe next time Hershey will do something a little more inventive than Chocolate ’n’ Waffle Cone. Until then, I suppose I’ll just remain Bored ‘n’ Disappointed.

Purchased Price: $2.49
Size: 2.5 oz bar (King Size)
Purchased at: Hy-Vee
Rating: 4 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1/2 pack) 170 calories, 8 grams of fat, 5 grams of saturated fat, 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 60 milligrams of sodium, 23 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fiber, 19 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of protein.

11 thoughts to “REVIEW: Hershey’s Milk Chocolate with Waffle Cone Pieces Bar”

  1. Is a Hershey’s Kiss just a Hershey chocolate bar in another form? Is it the same as a Reese’s peanut butter cup coating? Or, the KitKat coating? I could list more of the company’s products, but what I am asking is do all the Hershey chocolate products use the same chocolate recipe?

    1. According to Google, no:

      No, not all Hershey’s products use the same chocolate:
      Hershey’s Kisses: Use Hershey’s original milk chocolate formula
      Hershey’s Milk Chocolate bars: Made in a Hershey, PA facility
      Hershey’s Milk Chocolate with Almonds bars: Made in a Hershey, PA facility
      Reese’s products: Made in a Reese factory across from the Hershey’s Milk Chocolate facility

  2. I lije the combo of waffle cone and chocolate (thinking of Ameri-cone Dream from Ben and Jerry’s and similar treats), so I was really interested in this review. Sorry to hear it’s not great.
    What I want-and maybe this is more a frozen food thing-is for the last inch of a Drumstick (the little waffle cone tip filled with solid chocolate) to be its own confection.
    That’s all I have to say about that.

    1. They sell those at Trader Joe’s. They aren’t frozen (though I don’t see any reason you couldn’t throw them in the freezer) and they are very good. I can’t buy them anymore.

    2. A lot of these exist now, I’ve seen several at my regular grocery store in addition to Trader Joe’s. Muddy Bites, Just The Fun Part, and Klondike are just a few that come to mind.

  3. Not quite the same thing (or the same target market i suppose?!) but the ghirardelli caramel waffle cone squares are pretty good. I think the cone pieces are again mostly textural without too much flavor, but obviously the quality of the chocolate / caramel is pretty decent.

  4. This is intriguing to me. I like Hershey’s OK, and I like other companies OK. I am not a chocosnob.

    I never knew about the ones with the Reese’s Pieces in them. That would seem excellent. Or bits of sponge candy within.

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