REVIEW: Nesquik DJ Khaled Another Bun Milk

According to one of his more famous songs, all DJ Khaled does is win, win, win, no matter what. So, I was eager to discover whether his new collaboration with Nesquik, Another Bun ready-to-drink flavored milk, could be counted among those victories. If you’re not familiar, DJ Khaled is a musician whose catchphrase is “Another one!” (Interestingly enough, that’s my catchphrase too, but unlike the good DJ, who uses it whenever he releases a new hit song, I just use it when ordering more novelty junk food.) “Another Bun” is then, of course, a spin on that alludes to the drink’s cinnamon bun flavoring.

Said cinnamon flavor was on full olfactory display when I screwed off the top from my bottle and was met by a delicious churro-y smell. Aroma-wise, Another Bun was on point, though I was slightly caught off guard by its appearance. I expected a deeper, darker brown, but the color is more off-white. It looks more like frosting than a bun itself. But as they say, don’t judge a bun by its color. Or was that don’t judge a milk by its cover? In any case, I quickly dispensed with the judging and commenced with the tasting.

Remember those unrealistic expectations I had for what the drink would look like? Well, I’m sorry to say that maybe my judgmental attitude was warranted after all because I was similarly underwhelmed by the flavor. I was expecting a buttery, indulgent, almost overpowering sweetness like that of a Cinnabon. However, this reminded me more of the dry, nearly tasteless cinnamon bun that I was recently served at a fancy but stuffy café. Listen, subtle flavors have their time and place, but I just don’t think they’re a fit for any product whose mascot is a totally rad life-size rabbit!

What I’m saying is I wanted more from Another Bun. It gets points for its smooth, creamy texture and fundamental decentness, but it just didn’t taste very different to me than Nesquik’s existing vanilla variety. Yes, there was a hint of nice cinnamon-y warmth and spice, but it wasn’t strong enough to override the primary flavor: milk. Specifically, weirdly artificial-tasting milk. I wish I could compare this to the Cinnamilk left at the bottom of a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but it reminded me more of that hard-to-put-a-finger-on-but-impossible-to-ignore synthetic tang of a bottled protein shake. After searching through what felt like an endless amount of beverage coolers to find this flavor (was DJ Khaled’s persistent shouting of “Another one!” actually just foreshadowing how many stores I’d have to go to to buy the dang thing?), I was disappointed by how mild and unmemorable it was, especially in comparison to DJ Khaled’s ostentatious personality. I do have to admit that the art on the bottle is absolutely awesome, but it’s probably not a great thing for a consumable product when the best part about it is its disposable packaging!

Needless to say, even if I could track this thing down again, I would not purchase “Another one!”

Purchased Price: $2.99
Size: 14 fl oz bottle
Purchased at: 7-Eleven
Rating: 5 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (per bottle) 260 calories,4.5 grams of fat, 190 milligrams of sodium, 41 grams of carbohydrates, 39 grams of sugar, and 14 grams of protein.

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