SPOTTED: Belgian Boys Pancakes & Go and Breakfast All Day

Belgian Boys Pancakes & Go with Chocolate Chip Butter
Belgian Boys Pancakes & Go with Maple Butter
Belgian Boys Pancakes & Go with Sprinkle Butter
Belgian Boys Babybel Cheese Breakfast All Day
Belgian Boys Maple Syrup Breakfast All Day

Belgian Boys Breakfastables? (Spotted by Rene B at Walmart.)

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4 responses to “SPOTTED: Belgian Boys Pancakes & Go and Breakfast All Day”

  1. Elsie

    My inner child demands a trip to Walmart for these. Really, her idea, not mine.

  2. Steve S.

    No blueberry option? That’s criminal.

  3. O-Qua Tangin Wann

    One package has 26 grams of fat which is 33% daily value, and 25% of the daily cholesterol maximum people should consume. 12 grams sugar, which s 20% daily value.

    1. Ckws

      They must be really tasty with all that fat and sugar. Yum.

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