This mystery box is shaped differently than the others. That’s because it contains a ba…Oh, I almost gave it away. I can tell you what’s in this box is all swag from the same company. I think. I sealed it up already so I might’ve snuck something else in it to make room in another mystery box. I mean, you know how it goes when trying to stuff as much as you can in USPS Flat Rate Priority Boxes. It’s like trying to put clowns in a clown car or potato chip crumbs into your mouth.


To enter this prize drawing for this Mystery Box of accumulated swag, leave a comment with THIS post, and that comment MUST include the word “kumquat.”

Remember to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for their mailing addresses.

We will stop accepting entries on Friday, December 27, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment is allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents.


If you post a comment and it doesn’t show up, it ended up in our comment spam or trash folder for some strange reason. There’s no need to attempt to post another comment because I’ll be pulling those out of the comment spam vortex regularly.

Also, do not leave your comment using the blue REPLY button at the bottom of other comments. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and leave your comment in the section above the blue POST COMMENT button. I know. Lots of scrolling. But it’ll totally be worth it if you win this.

Good luck!


The Impulsive Buy won’t use your email address to send you emails regarding lawn chairs or use your mailing address to send you lawn chairs. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, or putting too many clowns in a clown car.


256 responses to “TIB’S SEASON OF GIVING 2024: Day 2”

  1. Alli

    Kumquats, the fruit everyone forgets about.

    1. Zachary Simpson

      Harold and Kumquat save christmas

      1. Heather

        On the second day of giving, TIB gave to me: A kumquat in a pear tree.

      2. John


  2. RA

    kumquat it about

    1. M86

      Pretty sure I’ve never had a kumquat but now I want to

    2. Amber

      I have no clue what a kumquat is and even though I’m using a Google phone to type this, I will never look it up

    3. Jason Krol

      What you kumquat about?

  3. Derek

    Kumquat. Funny name, serious citrus.

    1. Yvonne Gallegos

      Kumquat what is it?

  4. Alison Cave

    Did you say you were dressing up as a kumquat?

  5. Alison

    Oh “kumquat” all ye faithful… readers of TIB!

  6. Charles

    Just what does a kumquat taste like anyway?

    1. Joshua Lelle

      Not a big fan of Kumquat

  7. Mara

    Kumquat – but seriously, where do you come up with your choice of comment words?!

  8. Tina Eggers

    What the heck is a kumquat anyway?

  9. Greg Leslie

    Comedy words: “spatula”, “moist”, “ kumquat”.

  10. Holly

    Never ate a kumquat, never care to. Lol. Thanks for the giveaways!

  11. Jimmy James

    I’m not sure I’ve ever had a kumquat

  12. Fruit Bat

    Kumquat is no one’s favorite fruit.

  13. Darrell Martinsen

    Is a kumquat the same thing as a loquat?

  14. H M

    I love sugared kumquat strung around the Christmas tree. Happy holidays, Marvo 🙂

  15. Melissa

    Kumquat is a funny word.

  16. Andy M.

    Somebody should make a Kumquat energy drink.

  17. Melissa Long

    The word kumquat would be difficult to say with a mouthful of grapes.

    1. Jeremy McMurry

      Never had a kumquat.

  18. Tabitha

    Don’t think I’ve ever used used the word kumquat before today.

  19. Donald Upton

    Kumquat is the ? version of grape tomatoes.

    1. Donald Upton

      I tried an orange emoji. The system failed me.

  20. Danilo

    I don’t know kumquat about it

  21. Brandon

    I’ve seen a kumquat in the Asian markets, but never in my local grocery store. Never tried it, am I missing out? lol

    1. Richard Ratliff

      I’d eat that kumquat

  22. Eric Henning

    Merry Kumquat

  23. AJ

    I don’t think I’ve ever had a kumquat.

  24. Misty Riley

    What oh what is a kumquat??

  25. Michelle Hryvnak Davies

    Did you ever see the best of the worst from RLM where they watch the “Octopuff in Kumquat”?

  26. Kelly

    I’ve never had a kumquat before, I’m not sure what they are.

  27. Javier Perez


  28. Adera Causey

    Kaotic Klowns in a kar karrying a kumkuat

    1. Adera Causey

      oops, kumquat – got too carried away on the alliteration…

  29. Peter Strubel

    I hope it’s not a box of seeds to grow my own kumquat orchard

    1. Chelsea

      kumquat And Perdue chicken

  30. Chris

    kumquat kumquat kumquat kumquat

  31. Stephanie

    I’ll take that orange and raise you a kumquat.

  32. Vicki L Moon

    I’ve tried alot of fruits, but never a kumquat.

  33. Sheila

    Happy kumquat!

  34. Sage G

    I was once called a kumquat.

  35. Emily

    Fun fact I just Googled: the word “kumquat” comes from the Cantonese phrase kam kwat, which means “golden orange”.

    1. Chaz

      It’s not Christmas without a kumquat.

  36. Vicky M

    Hmm…don’t think I’ve ever had a kumquat

  37. Jason

    Kumquat. Woohoo!

  38. Seth H

    Kumquat is a fun word to say

  39. Bethany Penton

    Y’know, I don’t think I’ve ever had a kumquat before.

  40. Kohl Dresden

    kumquat, not a fruit I see often

  41. Jason

    Kumquat or don’t come at all.

  42. Stephen


  43. Kyle A Klever

    I have been searching my local stores around Akron and can’t find a kumquat!

  44. Jason

    You know I don’t think I’ve ever had a fresh kumquat. I should fix that.

  45. Cathy

    Kumquat. Kumquat. Kumquat.
    Love a good giveaway.

    1. Linda

      Kumquat-please and thank you.

  46. Marty

    hmm kumquat’s inside?

  47. Adrienne Patterson

    Anybody want to play Mortal Kumquat?

  48. Lee

    kumquat ???

  49. Kayla Harmon

    Dear Santa:
    I was not a kumquat this year. I was not even a Durian. I promise I was good and all I want is a mystery box. -KH

  50. Mary Anne

    I’m not really familiar with kumquat but I’d like to try them. Where does one find them?

  51. Mallory

    How does one EAT a kumquat?

  52. Anne Sutton

    Slip me some skin….i love a good kumquat especially at the holidays!

  53. Elizabeth


  54. Justien B

    Kumquat sounds kinda dirty NGL lol

  55. Scott Butters

    kumquat go squat

  56. Richard Ginn

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm kumquat

  57. Josh Catlett

    Is there a kumquat in it?

  58. Rod

    Kumquat green tea..yum yum

  59. Sharon Putman

    I don’t think there was a kumquat in the 12 Days of Christmas.

  60. Nathaniel Oliver

    I want a kumquat

  61. Adam

    kumquat lol
    Thanks for doing this!

  62. Khris Apley

    Crazy Kangaroos keep kumquat pieces with coriander in their crystal containers.

    1. Dagmar Kessler

      Kumquat Plumcot

  63. Renee

    Ok, maybe I will name my next dog kumquat instead.

    Happy Holidays!!

  64. J

    kumquat kumquat kumquat

  65. Patrick

    Kumquat? You should have seen the other guy!

  66. Rik

    Oh, sweet Christmas kumquat!!

  67. Erin


  68. Nick

    How did the absolute corniest joke teller ever call his dog QUAT at the dog park? “KUMQUAT”.

  69. Melinoe

    I’ve actually never had a kumquat and now I’m curious about them

  70. Geoffrey Gugel


  71. Kathy Aaroe Barbieri


    1. Terri Garfinkel

      I prefer loquats over kumquats!

  72. Joanna

    Kumquats are delicious!

  73. Jez

    Where do you come up with the words you choose?
    Words like kumquat? Interesting.

  74. Dan bolyard

    I love the site.

  75. Molly

    Kumquat may

  76. Marcus

    Sugarcane with kumquat is the best drink ever

  77. BigGunn

    I have never eaten a kumquat.

  78. kailey

    i’ve never actually tried a kumquat before

  79. Karen

    Kumquat did you say?

  80. Starkzilla

    I’ve never seen a kumquat, let alone tasted one!

  81. amy mara

    kumquat is such a cool and weird word.

  82. Julie


  83. Bree Brown

    Kumquat. Kumquat. Kumquat.

  84. Natalie Horner

    Bah kumquat.

  85. Howard

    You can’t make me say kumquat! If I say kumquat it is because I WANT to say kumquat!

  86. Eric Winokur

    I never had a kumquat i enjoyed…a little too tart.

  87. Matt Jennings

    In third grade a kid ran for class president and had a kumquat as a mascot. He didn’t win.

  88. stacey

    don’t think i’ve ever ate a kumquat

  89. Amber B

    I don’t think I’ve ever had a kumquat.

  90. Franklin t

    Oh kumquat ye faithful joyful and triumphant

  91. Shandelle

    My mom has a kumquat tree in her backyard!

  92. Kayla C

    A kumquat to all and to all a goodnight!

  93. Deb

    You had me at kumquat

  94. Jake Hayes

    I’m just here for the kumquat.

  95. Kate Abelson


  96. Robbie

    Merry kumquat ya filthy animal…

  97. Jeri

    I wonder how many people have tried to peel a kumquat?

  98. Holly Blaser

    Why did the kumquat go to the doctor? It wasn’t peeling well!

  99. Matt DiBartolo

    On the -4th day of Holiyay why did we get kumquats…?

  100. Leela

    I made a kumquat cake. I pickled them myself!

  101. KW


  102. Bb

    Kumquats are a pretty color.

  103. Eric

    Fun Fact, The Kumquat is the only major Citrus fruit whose skin/rind you can actually eat, unlike Oranges/Lemons/Limes……unless you’re freaky like that…

  104. Monika Ramirez

    Come here my little kumquat….haha!!

  105. DJ

    Kumquat and mystery box! What a great combination!

  106. William L

    Thank you for doing this! Kumquat

  107. Kevin Leonard

    How long until they make kumquat flavored Kit Kats?

  108. Toni

    A coworker once told me that kumquats cure the common cold. I’m not sure where he’s getting his kumquats, though; I’ve never seen them in my local grocery store.

  109. Though I don’t believe I’ve ever tried a kumquat before, as a big fan of fruit, I’d be open to it!

  110. Christin Ford

    Kumquat Oreos. That is all.

  111. NL

    What even is a kumquat?

  112. Van

    Kumquats just in time for lunar new year!

  113. Oliver Nguyen

    Has any of you guys ever tried a kumquat pie before?

  114. Charly Miller

    Not a fan of kumquat. It the texture.

  115. Phil

    I’ve tried thinking of the last time kumquat was used as the giveaway, but I can’t remember it. Though there are some very imaginative entries so far.

  116. Jessie

    I’ve never had a kumquat

  117. Gigi

    Kumquat – the dirtiest sounding name for a delightful little fruit

  118. Marc S. Goldberg

    I can’t help but giggle when I enjoy a kumquat.

  119. Karen

    I’ve never had a kumquat. I didnt know they were only the size of an olive.

  120. Rob Drewett

    Tasty tasty kumquat.

  121. Robert Sautter

    kumquat Is a funny sounding word.

  122. Susan Eckel

    I’ve had a kumquat, it was interesting.

  123. Jennifer

    kumquat sounds so strange to say

  124. Jessica Denning

    I love kumquats!

  125. Michelle Goldberg

    Kumquat is a such great word!

  126. BigBelly

    kumquat roasting by an open fire

  127. Jeff Jarvis

    That’s what kumquats are all about, Charlie Brown.

  128. Emily


  129. cott freedman

    I have never had a kumquat. Maybe there will be one in the box.

  130. Jarred

    Fun fact: Kumquats are the smallest citrus fruit in the world, around the size of an olive.

  131. Pamela Sheppard

    I probably wouldn’t even know what a kumquat is even if it bit me

  132. Tiffany

    Kumquat loo-whoo?

  133. Philip

    Apparently a kumquat tastes like a combo of lemon and tangerine.

    I’m shocked we haven’t seen kumquat juice pop up all over the place. Sounds amazing.

  134. Melissa

    I had to google what a kumquat is! Happy Holidays!!!

  135. Jacob

    What the kumquat?

  136. Stephanie

    I wonder what a kumquat tastes like.

  137. Dan Demler

    kumquat, I barely know her!

  138. Matt

    Knock knock.
    Who’s there?
    Kumquat who?

    That’s it. That’s the joke.

  139. Julie Parent

    So … does the box contain a kumquat?

  140. jjwspider

    When will we see kumquat flavored Coca-Cola or Pepsi?

  141. Kay

    kumquat – I don’t think I’ve ever tried one now that I think about it 🙂

  142. Michael C Flory

    Never had a kumquat.

  143. Dana

    Kumquat, Gobot?

  144. Elizabeth Whitehead

    I have never had a kumquat

  145. Chaz

    Funny word, tasty little fruit. I’ve only had them once… the kumquat.

  146. Steph

    a kumquat is a fruit

  147. Jess

    They also didn’t have kumquat spread for Christmas cheeses. Maybe next time?

  148. Amy

    I’ve never had a kumquat, what do they taste like?

  149. Rod

    What’s a kumquat?

  150. Sheila

    kumquat fruits are pretty tasty!

  151. traumajunky

    I don’t think I’ve ever tried a kumquat.

  152. Mike

    If you were described as sweet, tangy, and hard to figure out; you’re basically the human version of a kumquat.

  153. Margarita Martinez

    Kumquat. The citrus punch you didn’t see coming.

  154. Joe N

    Does this box include kumquat?

  155. Adrian

    Let’s all gather around the kumquat tree for Christmas!

  156. David

    I’m like a kumquat – sweet on the outside, sour on the inside

  157. Carl

    I never had a kumquat

  158. Amy Green

    It’s been a long time since I treated myself to a kumquat!

  159. Heather

    I’m not sure I could pick a kumquat out of a crowd…. 🙂

  160. Rob

    Big cat: “Nice kumquats”
    Eek the cat: “Thanks!”

  161. Renee Ladd

    I’ve never had a kumquat.

  162. Alina

    I prefer a loquat to a kumquat!

  163. Lindsay

    kumquat fruit salad

  164. Michele

    kumquat is a fun word to say!

  165. Tiffany B

    I’ve never had a kumquat but it’s kind of fun to say.

  166. Chris


  167. Beth

    All I want for Christmas is a kumquat

  168. Stanley Zigmont

    What is a kumquat?

  169. Tiffany


  170. Kevin

    Kumquats are good

  171. drew cohen

    I love kumquats!

  172. Marc

    I would rather have the contents of this swag box than a kumquat!

  173. L

    mysterious kumquat

  174. Melissa Zangger

    Maybe in 2025 I should try a kumquat!


    Kumquat and tater tot

  176. Josh

    Honestly when I see that something tastes like a kumquat, i think of orange or something similiar.

  177. Diana

    Kumquat honey iced tea

  178. Shannon

    Kumquats for all

  179. Chris

    Never ever tried a kumquat!

  180. Lina

    I remember my first experiencia with a kumquat.

  181. Jason

    I’ve never tried a kumquat, at least I don’t think I have.

  182. Cello

    Kumquat? What?

  183. Mike Davis

    kumquat are great!

  184. Amy Jennings

    Never tried kumquat!

  185. Mary

    Kumquats are such a delicious fruit!! Sweet and tart!

  186. Kendall

    I hate kumquats. But I love swag.

  187. Ron Burr

    Kumquat? I never even MET the man!

  188. Richard


  189. Anthony Pelaez


  190. Ally

    Would a kumquat ice cream taste good?

  191. Amanda L

    kumquat… whatever that is!

  192. Samantha severson

    What a kumquat of a situation

  193. Kelly

    kumquat – it’s what’s for breakfast!

  194. Mason

    We really need a new name for kumquat.

  195. Elisa

    Mystery kumquat

  196. Thistle


  197. Emily


  198. James Tyler

    I told my kumquat joke at a party, but it didn’t get a-peel—I guess it wasn’t ripe for the occasion!

  199. Tommy

    Kumquats are freaking delicious!

  200. Rachel W

    kumquat my liege

  201. Kaitlyn

    Merry kumquat

  202. Christine C

    Merry Kumquat!

  203. Amanda W

    I have never tried a kumquat. It’s a funny little word though.

  204. Jenny Loveridge

    I love me a good kumquat but they don’t sell them in my little town.

  205. Mike C

    Is a kumquat a fruit or a vegetable?

  206. Stephen Kolar

    Dade City cheers another year
    Of kumquat festivals they hold dear
    And Tampa puts it into beer
    Which gives a different taste than pear
    Crap that don’t rhyme

  207. Chris Claro

    I love a good kumquat.

  208. Rene B.

    Alexa, what is a kumquat?

  209. Jeremy

    What’s a kumquat?! LOL

  210. Debbi

    The word “kumquat” is fun to say!

  211. andrea

    kumquat sumquat

  212. Melissa

    Kumquat is fun to say

  213. Jessica

    Hope this kumquats in my mailbox.

  214. Mike D

    I loved a girl who loved her fruit
    She had to go away
    I told her I’d wait for her
    Kumquat may

  215. Robin

    Kumquats or cumquats in Australian English, are a group of small, angiosperm, fruit-bearing trees in the family Rutaceae. Their taxonomy is disputed.

  216. Tracie

    I wonder if you found a way to sneak a kumquat I to the box?

    Thank you!

    1. Philly Gossett

      I thought I had a kumquat but instead it was an orange.

  217. Maria Jose Tenuto

    A kumquat is not hot.

  218. Ashley

    Can’t say I’ve had a kumquat

  219. Kate B.

    Will the box contain a kumquat?

  220. Diana

    When I was about 7, I had already gained a reputation in the family as an adventurous eater. So when we were at the grocery store in the produce section, and Mom saw my fascination with the tiny kumquats, she let me put one in the cart. I wasn’t a huge fan of the mix of sour and sweet, plus I think it was a bit dried out. Still, it’s an enduring memory of my mom.

  221. Jordyn Brown

    The kumquat is king of all fruits

  222. Matt

    This kumquat tastes like kumquat

  223. Brent

    I’ll take the kumquat flavored box.

  224. Jess

    Kumquat sounds like an insult.

  225. Nate

    I hope the box is packed full of kumquat

  226. Eric


  227. Shane Griest

    The word kumquat has always made me nervously giggle.

  228. Kelly

    love a good kumquat

  229. TC

    kumquats are delicious.

  230. jenny

    I wouldn’t recognize a kumquat if it was sitting next to me.

  231. dale

    Kumquat Day today

  232. Erin Kilkenny


  233. Jennifer

    Kumquats are delicious!

  234. Kelly

    I want to love kumquat but it is the antithesis of an orange.

  235. Brandon

    Unlike lutefisk, kumquat is actually appetizing.

  236. Joe


  237. twodaylife

    kumquats are tasty with sugarcane juice

  238. nicole

    kumquat over the line just in time!