REVIEW: Burger King Steakhouse Bacon Whopper

Burger King’s Steakhouse Bacon Whopper is not the chain’s first rodeo with A.1. Steak Sauce or including “Steakhouse” in a product’s name. I could look through this site’s archives and list all those instances, but instead, I’ll list something equally as extensive — the ingredients in this burger.

This limited-time offering features a 1/4 lb. flame-grilled beef patty topped with bacon, two tomato slices, lettuce, Swiss cheese, crispy onions, A.1. Sauce, and a creamy peppercorn aioli between a sesame seed bun. All those components created a hefty burger. In fact, when I received the bag that contained just the Whopper, I was surprised by how heavy it was. I almost dropped it in the drive-thru because I didn’t realize how firmly I needed to grip the bag.

Along with creating a weighty burger, all the elements of this Steakhouse Bacon Whopper result in something that tastes barbecue-esque. However, there were a few bites where the steak sauce’s flavor was noticeable. I guess the saucy equation of A.1. Sauce + peppercorn aioli = barbecue sauce. Even my wife thought there was some kind of barbecue sauce on this. Additionally, the crispy onions and bacon contributed to that BBQ flavor, which makes sense as onion rings and bacon are often featured on BBQ cheeseburgers.

While I understand the inclusion of A.1. Sauce because Kraft-Heinz probably has The King’s heir as a hostage or something like that, it’s a bit disappointing that the peppercorn aioli didn’t get to shine on its own because it’s a tasty peppery sauce. However, I wonder if it’s bold enough to carry an entire burger’s flavor. Maybe with the next “Steakhouse” Whopper?

The crispy onions provided a mild flavor with a satisfying crunch bolder than their taste. Lingering in the background were the bacon’s smokiness, the Swiss’ mild cheesiness, and the familiar flame-grilled flavor from the famous beef patty. The BK veggies did what they do best: add some texture and moisture to the mix. Although, the tomatoes also provided a bit of an acidic kick that cut through all the salty ingredients.

Overall, Burger King’s Steakhouse Bacon Whopper is a solid offering, especially for fans of “Western” barbecue cheeseburgers.

Purchased Price: $10.49*
Rating: 7 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: 890 calories, 53 grams of fat, 18 grams of saturated fat, 1 gram of trans fat, 130 milligrams of cholesterol, 1750 milligrams of sodium, 66 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of fiber, 16 grams of sugar, and 44 grams of protein.

*Because I live on a rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, things are a bit pricier here. You’ll probably pay less than I did.


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