PRIZE DRAWING: $20 McDonald’s Gift Card


Hey Impulsive Buy readers! I’ve got a $20 McDonald’s gift card to give away.


To enter The Impulsive Buy’s $20 McDonald’s Gift Card Prize Drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. You can write whatever you want, but try to include a McWord in your comment. Please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for his or her mailing addresses.

We will stop accepting entries on Thursday, January 29, 2015 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

Good luck!


The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails about how your email address will not be used to send you emails. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you glitter bombs. Bribes will not be accepted. If you’re coming from a site called Online-Sweepstakes, your entries will be disqualified because this drawing for Impulsive Buy readers only. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail or you not lovin’ it.


264 responses to “PRIZE DRAWING: $20 McDonald’s Gift Card”

  1. Jessica

    Can’t wait to try the McGuacamole or whatever it is…(yeah I know it’s just the Guacamole Burger and Chicken Sandwich but that’s technically a McWord).

  2. Michelle

    Adding McCuties as an option for the McDonald’s Happy Meal is a great idea!

  3. Erin

    I would spend all $20 on MCDonalds cones…in one day.

  4. Brent

    Big McLargehuge!

  5. Vikki

    Who could turn down a McGift card? I love McJunkfood! Count me in!

  6. Evan

    When I win the gift card, I will give it to my in-laws. They are Mc crazy about Mcfluries.

  7. Danai

    My daughter is a huge fan of McD’s. This would make her very McHappy!

  8. Hasheem Thabeet

    I bet I could fit 100 McNuggets in my mouth at once… Hmmm

  9. Kelvin Price

    Oh Yeah — I am Mclovin my McImpulsive side!

  10. Deb

    That’s a lot of McBreakfast treats in my belly…

  11. I love Mcfood:)

  12. Stacey

    I would McLovin to win!

  13. Sherry

    Does McDonald’s ever sell any special McValentine’s Day items? I know they have holiday pies and drinks (McCafe coffee!), and an autumnal item or two. Of course, everyone knows about the Shamrock Shake. I don’t think I’ve ever heard about anything for Valentine’s Day, though. There is a McDonald’s right around the corner from where I live (I almost ate there last night), but I guess I’ve never gone in just before February 14th.

  14. Jessica


  15. Ben

    Think I’ll get it in time to get a few more egg nog shakes?

  16. Tina Cant

    Thanks for the opportunity to McWin! I love going to McDonald’s and playing in the McPlayplace.

  17. alek

    Why doesn’t McDonalds attempt new McShakes and make fresh burgers in house? That Mcbeat the Burger King

  18. I would spend it on 80 McNuggets…

  19. I have THREE McTeenagers that would love to gobble up this McPrize! <3

  20. M86

    It’s been a McWhile since I’ve been to McDonald’s. Thanks for the McGiveaway!

  21. David

    Thanks for the McDrawing!

  22. Jill N

    I just want some fries and a sweet tea!!

  23. Curtis


  24. Ashley S

    mcNUGGET! I’d love to enter. Thanks for this giveaway!

  25. Mrs Thompson

    Man, I wish there was a way to McDouble my chances of winning! 😉

  26. Heather

    Bah-dah-bah-bah-dah…I’m McHungry.

  27. Nathan

    I’m McPosting a McComment.

  28. Kyle P

    McDoubles with mac sauce is my go-to! Its a cheap Big Mac!

  29. Ray

    I would love to treat my family to some McNuggets!

  30. Jon

    I could go for a bunch of mcnuggets right now.

  31. Joyce B

    Man, I really hope I McWin!

  32. Steven


  33. Alyssa


  34. Kaci W

    McDonald’s, McDonald’s. Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut. This song is stuck in my head.

  35. Leia

    Nothing beats McD’s french fries and a diet Coke!

  36. Robert R

    I’m McLovin’ it!

  37. Beverly

    Mc my day!

  38. Felix


  39. kc


  40. Jennie

    Nothing beats a sausage biscuit from McDonald’s for breakfast!

  41. Devin

    I McReally McHope I McWin this McContest.

    1. Daniel Trogdon

      Bring back McCrabcakes!

  42. Mike N.

    I wanna buy 20 McChickens!

  43. Adrian

    Would love to McSpend this on Mighty Wings, Angus Third Pound Burgers, and Spicy Premium Chicken Sandwiches.

  44. Lauren

    McNuggets, Mcnuggets what! ketchuuuuuup and mayyyyyyoooooo

  45. Kim

    Just in time! I owe my McMother a hot fudge sundae from there. x3

  46. Melissa

    Yum, A McDonald’s Happy Meal sounds tasty right about now! McYum!

  47. Josh

    Would love (McLove?) some McDonald’s!!

  48. Eagles409

    I could really use some McLovin’ for a $20 McDonald’s feast

  49. Rae

    Free McDonald’s, sign me up!

  50. ashey1

    I’m so hungry! I want a mcdouble….

  51. Ric Flair

    I’m gonna put Dusty Rhodes in a McFigure Four Leg Lock.


  52. Heather B

    This McVegetarian is gonna overdose on McFlurries and fries!

  53. Mary Corr-Barberis

    I’m lovin’ it.

    ~thank you for the prize drawing opportunity

  54. Craig L Wittler

    I’d like a McDouble (or two) but know I can’t make duplicate entries.

  55. Rene B

    Woo-hoo another McContest! LoL!

  56. ML Bishop

    I think it’s sooo funny McDonald’s started selling their coffee in grocery stores- I’m sure that’ll go over super well.

  57. Layne

    I haven’t had McDonald’s in a long time…would be nice.

  58. Molly

    I really hope I McWin this McContest!

  59. Patrick Bateman

    My favorite member of NWA: MC Ren.

  60. BethinMD

    McDonalds owned by soul for a few semesters back in college… I’d like some of that time back. Or, I’ll settle for a giftcard. (seriously… thanks for the giveaway opportunity!)

  61. BrianG

    I’d love me a gift card so I can chow down on some McChicken and other various McWords!

  62. Jason

    I’d be McLovinIt if I won this. I haven’t had a McFlurry in forever.

  63. holly may

    I McReally would appreciate this McCard! Thanks

  64. Roger Daniels

    I’m McBroke so I would really enjoy that $20 McGiftCard

  65. charles

    I will leave my McWife for a McDonalds McGiftCard.

    Go Mcdonalds!

    Long live the Hamburglar

  66. Josh

    You could buy 20 ice cream cones with $20 and that makes me ridiculously happy

  67. I’d McFriggin’ love this! Haven’t been to McDonald’s in a real long time.

  68. Cat

    McHot fudge sundaes have made my day better, many times in my life.

  69. Krystal

    Please McPick me!

  70. Priscilla

    MC McClusive over here

    Did someone say McFries?
    Forget super size, throw me a Apple pie
    With this gift card, I’ll get whatever it buys!
    After a good exercise you know I’m down for a prize!

  71. Nikki

    I’m a broke McCollege student right now, and I could really use some free McNuggets. Hook me up!

  72. vin

    I’ve entered every contest you’ve had in the past few years and I’m starting to feel like you hate me… uh, mchate me.

  73. Nazneen

    keep my McFlurry McHabit alive!

  74. Steven L.

    You say $20 gift card, I see 80 McNuggets.

  75. Bilmster


  76. Ryandog

    Whatup! Wanna try the Jalapeno Mcchicken with this McCard! YEAAAUH 😀

  77. SD

    to win this would McRule!

  78. Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, and onions on a sesame seed bun!!!!

  79. chad b

    I’d love a Mcflurry!

  80. sairentohiru

    Man, I remember several years back McDonald’s had a holiday pie that was shortbread with custard filling. I’d McLove if they brought that bad boy back, because yum.

  81. Stephanie S

    I’d love to win this so I can have a Big Mac in my life.

  82. Jenn

    Not getting a glitter bomb makes me McSad.

  83. Eric

    This would be perfect so I can get my wife as many McNuggets as she wanted!

  84. Mami2jcn

    I love McDonald’s fries!

  85. Jess

    I remember McD’s had those Arch Deluxe burgers. They should bring those back.

    I’ve been meaning to try the mozzarella sticks. Are they called McSticks?

  86. Caliber

    I’m ready to McDouble my McMuffins with this $20 gift card

  87. Conrad

    I need this… think of all the mcnuggets…

  88. Scott

    McWhat? A McGiveaway? I’m McLovin that!

  89. Liv

    I want a couple jalapeño mcdoubles and a large fry!!! Lol ok thanks!

  90. Fred

    I’m going to stuff myself with french fries and mcdoubles. A small mcflurry wouldn’t hurt either.

  91. Erin McMotley

    This gift card will be used towards the Impending Annual Shamrock Shake Release ( 2015 Vintage).

  92. Melissa F

    This would be great to win so I can buy some McCafe iced coffees.

  93. McI McWant McThis McPrize!

    I’m losing my fluency in McLanguage, so I need these cards to consume McNuggets to replenish my knowledge of the language. KNOWLEDGE IS POWAH

  94. Kate

    I’d totally get a sundae and all the McNuggets they’ve got

  95. Lindsey

    Can’t beat a good dollar menu McChicken!

  96. Twilliams

    It would make me mchappy if I won

  97. MissyB

    Do they still make Mcflurries??

  98. wow136

    Want a wrap!!!

  99. Traci D. Haley

    I’d McLove to win this!

  100. Sue

    2 for Big Macs and a couple of large fries and diet cokes for me and hubby. McNuggets and a cheeseburger happy meals for the kids. McCafe if I have anything left for dessert.

  101. Marc G.

    I am still a fan of the Chicken McNugget and $20 can buy a lot of happiness at McDonalds!

  102. Courtney G

    I want 20 value fries to share with my entire fam. McNum

  103. rebecca

    give me the mcgiftcard please

  104. stacey

    I haven’t had a McDonald’s Shamrock shake in forever. Does McDonald’s count or do we McMakeup a McWord?

  105. Jamie D

    First thing after the McGlitter bomb with my gift card explodes.. McGriddle time 😀

  106. Shirosynth


  107. Sofia

    Picture this: a McHybrid composed of the sweet McGriddle cakes and the savory meat of the chicken biscuit. Good stuff.

  108. heather

    I would love to win this one I love McNuggets and the Big Mac thanks for the chance.

  109. Shandelle

    Just started a new job and would love some free McGrub! And Shamrock Shake season is upon us soon, too!

  110. Keith Young

    If I won I would be lovin it I also would probably buy two 20 piece mcnuggets

  111. Erin

    McDonald’s french fries are the McBest! 😀 And maybe I could try a Big Mac for the first time in my life if I won that gift card.

  112. Amy S

    McDonalds is McLicious!

  113. Jason B

    I need to mcwin this

  114. Lisa

    McDonalds is the McBest!!!

  115. Karla

    I would love to get as many McFlurries as I could get!

  116. Jp

    I’d McLove to get some free McFood and I McLove this McBlog too

  117. Alex

    I hope I get this! I’m McCraving the new Bacon Clubhouse burgers at McDonalds. They’re my new favorite item.

  118. Phil

    The prospect of winning 20 bucks in McDonald’s is mcmaking me mccrazy!

  119. Curtis P.

    McDonalds McFlurries and McNuggets are McDelicious

  120. Steve


  121. Amry

    McD’s makes the tastiest apple pies.

  122. JoAnn

    McMmmmm, McMcDonald’s!

  123. arjun

    i’d love a bacon mcdoubpe

  124. JLebowskiTheDude

    Is this gift card for the McDonald’s in North Hollywood on Radford, near the In-and-Out Burger?

    Because those are some good burgers, Marco.

  125. Leslie

    Sausage Egg & Cheese McGriddle!

  126. Maria

    There is one lady at my local McD’s that knows exactly how I take my McCafe coffee and makes it with just the right amount of milk and vanilla.

  127. Frank

    McCoffee for McMe with this McDonalds McCard!

  128. Kelly

    McFlurries in my McMouth!!

  129. McDonalds is McAwesome!

  130. Jarmel


  131. Lucy


  132. Matt J.

    McDog and I loves us some McDonald’s.

  133. Rob S.

    I want to get a Feux-Mac. Ask for a double cheeseburger with special sauce and lettuce.

  134. Stella

    Would love to try those McGriddles!

  135. Brad

    I would mclove to mceat 80 mcnuggets!

  136. Rebecca

    Gimme that greasy mclicious French fry!

  137. Leela

    I love their small hamburgers with onions and french fries in them 🙂

  138. Geren

    In spite of the rumors that everthing at McDonalds comes from the same McVat of McStuff in the McBack of the store, I cannot help but enjoy the McTastiness of their McGrub! McWinning!

  139. HD

    McD’s pleaseee for McCafe and Mcflurries galore.

  140. Jessica

    McNuggets. McDietCoke. McFries. McCookies. McFreakin’Delicious.

  141. AK

    Please… I have a McCafe addiction…

  142. Kristin Armagh

    My McEVERYTHING!!! Nuff said.

  143. Eilish Brazell

    McCafe is great coffee!

  144. jeremy

    Mcchicken’s forever

  145. April

    Mcnuggets are my favorite!!

  146. I think every menu item should be required to include a McWord

  147. I am having a McCravin for McDonalds today…!

  148. David

    Mcgangbang is probably the weirdest Mcword ever

  149. Whitney

    McDonald’s fries are still the best.

  150. Felicia

    McWord of the day is :freeeeeeeeeeee

  151. imgovtdrone

    McWord to your mother!

  152. Zin The Phoenix

    I need this McGift Card because it’s almost the Most Wonderful Time of the McYear, a.k.a. the return of the Shamrock Shake. Yum… $20 worth of minty green McDeliciousness.

  153. Technosquid

    Nothing can kill The Grimace

  154. Tara

    Little miss muffet sat on a mcnugget
    Eating her fries and misc mcbuys
    Then along came a spider
    That sat down beside her
    And miss muffet was like, “I’m too hungry to be scared, go away, I’m eating”

  155. Sara

    I’d love to pick up a round of Southern Style Chicken Biscuits for an impromptu brunch one weekend. Unfortunately, that product doesn’t have a “Mc” in front of it, but I could grab a few McCafes to fix that.

  156. Jay

    Did someone say Shammy Shake? McExcellent

  157. Stephanie

    The Hamburglar stole my last gift card so I would really like another one. McAWESOME. Ba da ba ba ba I’m lovin’ it.

  158. Mike S.

    Looking forward to some McFood at McDonald’s!

  159. Melody


  160. MMMM Southern Style Chicken…

  161. Heather S

    McMake McMy McDay…McPretty McPlease 🙂

  162. Anonymous

    McDonalds day n night

  163. Whitney

    Mcwoot woot!

  164. Theresa Bergeron

    Free food – who doesn’t need that?!!

  165. Aleise

    Said I’m all about McWord, that McWord, McDonalds. I’m all about McWord, that McWord, no others.

  166. Jeremiah

    I would love this so I can get some McGriddles and a Shamrock Shake!

  167. Sophie

    I am so devoted to this contest that I will talk in Mc words all day today…So my day will probably consist of sitting in my house like a recluse only leaving to go to McDonalds and subsist on menu items beginning in Mc.

  168. Stella

    Dada… da…da.da… I’m McLuvin it!

  169. Caitlin

    If I die I would by so many mcnuggets that I would have a heart attack, die, and go up to mcheaven expecting more<3

    1. Caitlin

      *If I won I would buy
      Wow, I guess it’s too early.
      I’d need to buy a mccafe latte while I’m at it

  170. Stew

    I love the McChicken.

  171. Arvinder Chattha

    Im gonna buy a bunch of McNuggets!!!!!

  172. Anne Sutton

    Wow $20 would feee all my McLovin kiddos! That’s like 80 nuggets….(and maybe even a burger for my dog too)

  173. Smeets


  174. PJH


  175. Donald Bratcher

    Eating at Mickey D’s makes me McHappy!

  176. Brooke

    I McHope I McWin. McYay!

  177. Jeff

    McWord – McNugget – McContest!

  178. Jamie Edwards

    My local McDonald’s has a 40-piece McNugget bucket. Can someone eat that many nuggets at once? There’s only one way to find out.

  179. Colby


  180. Jon

    Mmm, McFood.

  181. Amber

    The last time I went to McDonald’s I got a McIceCreamCone on my way to the McGym! haha

  182. Anonymous

    Thank you for the mcopportunity!

  183. Ali

    mcmuffins everyday…

  184. Anne Staszalk

    what a McYummy prize should I win!

  185. JTH

    Awesome! That’s like 19 cheddar onion burgers from McDonalds.

  186. Grant Bute

    I would love to win this McGift!

  187. Jen

    hoping for a Mcwin

  188. TC

    It’s almost Shamrock Shake time, so this would definitely come in (Mc)handy!

  189. This would make for a great McBreakfast (including some coffee or hot chocolate, love some McCafe).

    Hope I McWin!

  190. Andy

    I hope I McWin!

  191. C D

    i’ve eaten at some what i consider pretty great restaurants and they dont compare. mcdonalds is the best food in the world hands down. have had many bad days turn around with a visit.

  192. Rick With A Silent P

    I am annoyed by the taste of my teeth. Please send McCard A.S.A.P.!!!!!

  193. well versed

    I <3 McChickens

  194. Maggie

    I am McHungry.

  195. Shannon

    I would like this gift card to shove 20 mcdonalds nuggets into my mouth. First they will be dipped in sweet and sour first. yum..

  196. Christine


  197. I could really use this $20 McCard because I’m still trying to pay off my McVisaCard from Christmas!

  198. The Impulsive Buy is my McFavorite. Or at least right up there with the McHoliday Pie.

  199. Amy J

    To win would be McAwesome

  200. Melanie

    I would buy a McFlurry for myself and my McGirlfriend with this gift card. Nom.

  201. David Webber

    McPlease! Haven’t been to McDonald’s in several years now… Sure there’s McSomething I wouldn’t mind trying!

  202. MP

    McPizza + McDLT = McDeath

  203. Nate

    I’d be McCrazy if I didn’t go for this! McDonalds all the way!

  204. Enrique L.

    Would love to McWin this!

  205. Nicole B.

    I’m too McBroke to buy McDonalds, so I hope I win!

  206. Tracie

    Thank you for the chance!

  207. Courtney J

    I haven’t won anything on this McWebsite yet!

  208. rachel

    I McLoves me some contests

  209. Bree

    I need this to support my Big Mac McHabit.

  210. BKC

    I love anything banana! Hey, McDonald’s, how ’bout a McBanana Shake? YUM!

  211. Ron

    Thanks for the giveaway

  212. YJ

    I want to be a McWINNER!!

  213. Amy Orvin

    I love their McNuggets!

  214. DB

    I’d be lovin’ a Mickey D’s gift card. Convertible top down, yacht rock playlist and a Hawaiian shirt on, while I head out of the drive through towards destinations unknown. McHeaven.

  215. Howard

    Twenty McDollars? That’s a lot of McNuggets!

  216. hilary

    I’m so McHungry!

  217. KANDYCE

    Picking me would be McAwesome!

  218. Mandy

    Don’t McWant.

  219. Tabetha

    Winning would be McAwesome.

  220. Linze!

    McSeriously! This is a great contest. Thanks again for the opportunity.

  221. Shelby

    This would be McAwesome to win!

  222. snuff


  223. Mxzebrax

    Mcome on! Pick McMe!

  224. Heather Hughes

    I could buy a lot of McStuff with a McGift Card. McMake it McHappen.

  225. Darrell Martinsen

    I’m McLovin’ it! McMakes me really McHungry!

  226. C. M.

    i would mclove to win!

  227. Richard

    I need a McPickmeup…

  228. Meagan

    If I win, I’ll be McHappy!

  229. Chris Phelps

    I hope I McWin

  230. Christine

    I would so Mclove this gift card.

  231. Heather


  232. Andrew

    Mc muffin!

  233. Skye

    I’d love to McWin and get some McNuggets!

  234. Anonymous

    McDrunk me would be thankful. Sober me, disappointed.

  235. Taylor J

    The more I add Mc- to words the weirder it sounds. McSorry.

  236. Anastasia

    I have to leave a McWord so there it is 🙂

  237. Jenny

    I hope to win a Mcsomethin’!

  238. Devin

    Here’s hoping that McDonald’s R&D gets with the secret orders and officially rolls out with a McChurger because those are McDevine!

  239. Abby

    McHungry for some McDonalds! yum

  240. Mark

    I need a McFab meal!!

  241. Ben Finkel

    Sometimes i just crave mcnuggets..but the closest mcdonalds is so mcfaraway!

  242. anna

    I wish my McD’s still had hot mustard sauce for the McNuggets 🙁

  243. Laura S

    I would love a mcgift card to order a ranch Blt crispy premium chicken sandwich! EXtra mcranch sauce mcplease!

  244. Kayla

    I really hope I win… I’m a McPoor McCollege McStudent.

  245. Stella

    Would love to McWin!

  246. Stephanie

    As McDonald is my last name (for real) it’s not so hard to find a Mc word in my world.

  247. Steph

    I love McD! In fact I went this morning for a cup of coffee and breakfast.

  248. matt

    mcword is the word.

  249. Sarah

    A $20 McCard would equal a lot of McPoo. Worth it.

  250. Susan Christy

    My McWish is to McWin a McDonald’s Arch Card. One of my earliest childhood memories is having to take shelter from a tornado in the basement of a McDonald’s in Topeka, KS.

  251. Chris

    I’d love some free egg mcmuffins!

  252. Alison

    My kids love McDonalds, and I have fond memories. It was my first ‘real’ job at 16 in 1978. I remember hamburgers were .25, Big Macs were $1.15, Filet-o-Fish and shakes were .75. Minimum wage was $2.75. This was the pre-microwave days when McDonald’s was good – hate what they’ve done to it now. I remember when the Happy Meal was first introduced, as well as the McRib. Of course I could go on, but I won’t. 🙂

    Yes, I too, miss the hot mustard sauce, as well as the caramel sundaes.

  253. HomebrewedDwarf

    Homebrewed want McMUFFIN! *SMASH*

  254. Andrew Rector

    I’m glad McDonalds kept the Bacon McClubhouse on its revised McMenu. I would love to win this McArch Card.

  255. Car

    McWord Enter me please

  256. Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun…wait, wrong McContest!
    Does anyone recall radio promotions where you had to recite that jingle backwards in 10 seconds? Bun seed sesame, a on…

  257. Brittany O

    Give me that Filet O Fish!!!!