REVIEW: Yoplait Original Cookies ‘n Cream Yogurt

Yoplait Original Cookies 'n Cream Yogurt

Yoplait has a habit of turning desserts into yogurt flavors. However, the desserts are almost always cakes, pies, and other baked goods.

Off the top of my head that’s filled with useless information, Yoplait offers Key Lime Pie, Boston Creme Pie, Raspberry Cheesecake, Strawberry Cheesecake, Red Velvet Cupcake, Cinnamon Roll, Lemon Cream Pie, Blueberry Pie, Banana Cream Pie, Black Forest Cake, and Cherry Cobbler flavored yogurts.

While there are a lot of baked goods flavors, there aren’t many Yoplait flavors based on ice cream. There’s just Orange Creme and now the new Yoplait Original Cookies ‘n Cream Yogurt.

After I peeled back the foil lid, it was as if I was staring at the fur of the unluckiest Dalmatian ever. There are tiny dark specks in the yogurt that have no texture, but I’m not sure what they are. The ingredients list doesn’t show anything that would suggest there’s chocolate cookie crumbs. But vanilla bean is listed. So those dark specks could be tiny bits of vanilla bean.

Yoplait Original Cookies 'n Cream Yogurt Closeup

The yogurt smells like vanilla ice cream, but when I take a spoonful, I don’t instantly think of cookies ‘n cream. Instead, I think of regular vanilla yogurt. But if I think harder, it does begin to taste like vanilla ice cream. But, no matter how hard I try, I couldn’t taste chocolate cookies. The yogurt does have a light artificial banana-ish aftertaste, but that’s not cookies.

I’m surprised Yoplait didn’t include chocolate cookie crumbs in this yogurt to make the cookie flavor stand out. If this was a Yoplait Light Yogurt, I would understand it probably has something to do with fat, sugar, and calories. But this isn’t a Yoplait Light, this is sugary, YOLO Yoplait Original Yogurt. Sugar be damned!

Of course, chocolate cookie crumbs might get soggy sitting in yogurt for weeks. But if we can put a man on the moon, create computers that fit into our pockets, and make breakfast cereal that will remain crunchy weeks after it’s been opened, I’m sure it’s possible to make chocolate cookie crumbs that don’t get soggy in yogurt.

Yoplait Original Cookies ‘n Cream Yogurt is okay, but with its lack of chocolate cookie flavor, it really should’ve been called Yoplait Original Vanilla Milkshake Yogurt.

(Nutrition Facts – 170 calories, 15 calories from fat, 1.5 grams of fat, 1 gram of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 10 milligrams of cholesterol, 85 milligrams of sodium, 33 grams of carbohydrates, 26 grams of sugar, 5 grams of protein, 15% vitamin A, 20% vitamin D, 20% calcium, and 15% phosphorus.)

Item: Yoplait Original Cookies ‘n Cream Yogurt
Purchased Price: 74 cents
Size: 6 oz.
Purchased at: Target
Rating: 6 out of 10
Pros: Made with vanilla bean. Smells like vanilla ice cream and at times tastes like vanilla ice cream. No HFCS.
Cons: Doesn’t taste like cookies ‘n cream because it lacks chocolate cookie flavor. Dark specks have no texture. Odd to have a light artificial banana aftertaste. No chocolate cookie crumbs.

4 thoughts to “REVIEW: Yoplait Original Cookies ‘n Cream Yogurt”

  1. They should had used gluten free cookies to give it crunch. Make it “Yoplait Crunch” line although it sounds like yocrunch.

  2. Have you tried the “new” yoplaits yet? We’ve tried the originals and the light. They were Awful. Neither creamy nor fruity as they used to we even compared the two originals side by side. They have a bad aftertaste. And people are going nuts running around desperate for the “old” yoplait!! This has New Coke written all over it.

    I’ve asked other people and they said the same thing.

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