PRIZE DRAWING: A Roll of Cheetos Toilet Paper and a Walmart Gift Card

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Hey, you know that roll of Cheetos Toilet Paper we gave away earlier this year? Well, it came in a six-pack and since we don’t need five rolls of Cheetos Toilet Paper, we’re going to give away another roll to a lucky Impulsive Buy reader.

Sure, a roll of Cheetos Toilet Paper is cool a prize, but it’s not cool if you end up having to use it in an emergency. So to ensure you don’t end up using the roll, we’re also including a $10 Walmart gift card so that you can buy paw print-free white toilet paper or whatever your butt desires.


To enter The Impulsive Buy’s Cheetos Toilet Paper and $10 Walmart Gift Card Prize Drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. You can write whatever you want, but please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for his or her mailing address.

We will stop accepting entries on Wednesday, May 31, 2017 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

Good luck!

FINE PRINT: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails with purchase orders for coconut meat. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you those DAMN Farmers Insurance mailers. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost or damaged mail.


194 responses to “PRIZE DRAWING: A Roll of Cheetos Toilet Paper and a Walmart Gift Card”

  1. Joyce

    Nothing says cool like Cheetos TP!

  2. Debra

    I want to use a Walmart gift card to buy Duncan Hines mug cakes!

  3. denise

    Cheetos TP?

  4. Laurie Lankin

    I thank you in advance for a squeaky clean butt, Chester!

  5. Seth

    This would be great!

  6. Who doesn’t love Cheetos!

  7. BringBackVolcanoSauce

    will go well with the cheetos crunchwrap

  8. Dan


  9. Starkzilla

    I’d proudly display that tp on my mantle, just for a conversation starter piece!

  10. Jonathan

    I would use Cheetos toilet paper as long as they dont make it in the Flaming Hot version….

  11. DJ

    Love The Impulsive Buy! Check it all the time!

  12. Adam

    So is this as dangerously cheesy as the other Cheetos products?

  13. Quone

    I need TP!

  14. Aaron Uballe

    I want my butt to be as Orange as Trump’s face!

  15. Skye

    Good gift for my MIL?

  16. George

    I would like to wipe my butt with that

  17. Sara

    Let’s do this.

  18. A Walmart gift card would be great and the Cheetos toilet paper is an added bonus!

  19. Robert Acosta

    *Caution* This post is dangerously cheesy !!

  20. Ashley


  21. Ashley

    Does it dye the toilet water orange?

  22. david

    I don’t know about this…

  23. Ty Oden

    Sure, I’ll roll those cheesy, dusted dice.

  24. Candice

    I want to win

  25. Leela

    For when the in-laws visit!

  26. Dane

    Would love to wipe me bum with this!

  27. Cat

    Chester would approve.

  28. Alex L

    Another chance to win toilet paper!

  29. Phil F.

    I’d love to get my “paws” on this.

  30. Lindsay

    Cheetos toilet paper? What a time to be alive.

  31. M

    I need it

  32. Jennifer

    Would love this!

  33. Alle

    A better TP roll would have Trump’s face on it.



  35. John Wisbiski

    So if you wipe your butt with the Cheetos tp, does it leave it with orange residue?

  36. I’d be the coolest kid on the block with Cheetos toilet paper

  37. Spencer

    I’m ready for some dusty cheese farts.

  38. Cassie

    I would love to win ?

  39. Paul

    Love Cheetos! 🙂

  40. Bryn


  41. nocode

    Soda-Licious Fruit Snacks.

  42. Erin

    Best prize ever!

  43. I love the color orange.

  44. Melody

    This is awesome haha I love it thanks for the chance!

  45. Brad H

    I don’t use toilet paper. I do use Walmart, however. Merry New Year!

  46. Dominic

    Oo Oo pick me pick me!

  47. Tracy

    It would be nice to win.

  48. Sue

    This would be incentive for tbe toilet training tots and I would use the gift card towards Pull Ups.

  49. Sarah

    Here’s my contest entry!

  50. Molly


  51. Betty Jo R

    I really enjoy this blog. It’s neat to see what new products are out there.

  52. Mark W.

    That toilet paper reminds me of a joke from Last Man Standing.

  53. Nat


  54. Matt

    It ain’t easy being cheesy.

  55. Shay

    Cheez scented?

  56. Heather R

    haha cheetos tp-love it!

  57. Gabriella

    that toilet paper is threatening

  58. Jerrid Wingert

    As long as the TP leaves a residue then I’m game!

  59. Shannon

    FINALLY it won’t be so obvious when I get Cheetos dust on my toilet paper!

  60. meatypuffs


  61. JJ

    Me, me, I wanna win!

  62. ANITA

    Oh, yes, Cheetos TP and a Walmart gift card–I’ll write a story about my experience when I take my TP to Walmart.

  63. Matt J.

    I like turtles.

  64. Terri

    My daughters would love this toilet paper!

  65. Nick

    This would be awesome! Thank you!

  66. Pepe

    I’d love a free roll of anything. Thanks.

  67. Kristie Dilcher

    Thanks for the awesome giveaways!

  68. Heather H.


  69. PJH

    So cheesey…

  70. Bob Kupniewski

    Cheetos Toilet paper. Lets hope it doesn’t catch my ass on fire!

  71. amy marantino

    Orange Hiney Day? I thought it was Red Nose Day.

  72. Ryandog

    Cheetos TP haha!

  73. Caitlin J

    That $10 Walmart gift card would go towards white toilet paper and orange/black paint to make more of these… but I appreciate your efforts to have us still be normal butt wiping citizens of America, Marvo!

  74. Jackie

    I will tell all my friends about my joy of winning this, should the winning occur.

  75. Martin

    I’d definitely use the Walmart gift card. I probably wouldn’t use the Cheetos bog roll… I’d cherish it.

  76. Karina

    Cheetos fingers, cheetos sphincters

  77. Melissa

    It ain’t easy being cheesy.

  78. Hugo


  79. Libby

    I don’t want to make any implications as to how excited I would be to win this so I’m just going to quietly leave this comment.

  80. Jason Baker


  81. Kim

    Maybe you can use the Cheetos TP to wipe the cheesy goodness off your fingers!

  82. Jarred

    I’m an ass wipe guy, but I’ll make an exception for this tp XD

  83. Amanda


  84. Sweet! Thanks for the chance. My hubby will get a kick out of Cheetos swag! 🙂

  85. joe

    I would love to take a “paws” in my busy day and sit down and contemplate what I could buy with a $10 Walmart gift certificate

  86. Kelly

    My comment for awesome

  87. Justin

    Looks like Clemson paper. Perfect to wipe with.

  88. Does it turn your, ahem orange?

  89. Mike Davis

    This is the finest prize ever given in any giveaway ever. Ever.

  90. Craig L

    Cheeziest prize ever!

  91. AIDS

    “Hawaii Standard Time”


  92. Noodlez

    Still want that TP! Gotta wonder if it will give me orange butt however. Willing to risk it.

  93. Kristian g

    Its pretty easy being cheesy

  94. marcia simpson

    Oh chester….

  95. Kayleigh

    does the TP leave dust on your fingers like regular Cheetos?

  96. w0nka

    Orange toilet paper for when you take a Trump Dump!

  97. Fistblaze

    Impulsive buy is where I find all the info on new food products, website and reviews are great

  98. jean finegan

    Cheeto’s toilet paper? Who knew, but now I feel I have to have it.

  99. Deanna S

    I’d like to get my paws on that Cheetos toilet paper.

  100. Laura

    This screams, “America” and I am ready to wipe my ass with freedom!

  101. Amanda


  102. Courtney

    Coolest TP evs.

  103. Barbara B.

    Would love to win!

  104. Darrell Martinsen

    Second time is a charm! Since I didn’t win the first giveaway, this my “number two” entry!

  105. Devin H.

    This is the second chance I needed in life. I thought I would never have another opportunity to get Cheetos toilet paper, but now I do!

  106. Amber V.

    Pick me!

  107. Mindy

    I want this!

  108. Jay Brown


  109. Michael

    I shall use that $10 gift card to help cut the cost of buying an order of Vernors Ginger Soda. Thank you very much.

  110. Kevin Dorroh

    I want that

  111. jh

    You only *think* you don’t need 5 rolls of Cheetos Toilet Paper. But I’ll still take it.

  112. Keith

    I would like to win I visit this site everyday and I like cheetos

  113. Jay

    fun stuff!

  114. Brian

    Yes please!

  115. Andy cote

    Cheetoilet paper!!

  116. Amry

    Nice giveaway.

  117. Admittedly, I just want the Cheetos TP only to show it off to my neighbors and friends. 🙂

  118. Kristina Irwin

    Aahh orange!

  119. Jarmel

    Pick me! Pick me!

  120. Ryan Moberly

    What a prize, I’ll throw my hat in the ring.

  121. Michael

    Orange TP!!

  122. Ruth Gonzales

    Love new Cheetos bacon cheese fries!

  123. Candace pettiford


  124. Sylvie

    Cheesy tp. Love it!

  125. Heather Mcknight

    Yep, I’d wipe so much butt with that!

  126. Chris


  127. Lindsay

    Good luck!

  128. JoAnn


  129. Allison K.

    Woo! A second chance! :crosses fingers:

  130. Kim Delie

    Love your site

  131. Rebecca P.

    Never thought I would enter a giveaway for toliet paper, but here we are.

  132. Scott E


  133. Chris

    Fingers crossed I win!!

  134. Shelly Buchanan

    Cheetos toilet paper…okay. My kids’ll love that!

  135. Brandon Domarasky

    In it to win it

  136. SP


  137. Mejinn

    I never win anything, so Hi everyone!

  138. Karl M

    Like Chester I’m Chasing Cheese!

  139. Kaitlyn

    I hope the TP doesn’t come with any Cheetos cheese dust!

  140. George

    Those aren’t paw prints in the bathroom!

  141. josh C

    I would love to wipe up a winner with this!

  142. Dave

    That toilet paper looks rad!

  143. Claire

    I’d love to win.

  144. Anne Sutton

    Aldi’s makes really good cheetos knock-offs for just a buck. We love cheetos at my house any way we can get them!

  145. Amanda

    That Cheetos toilet paper makes me just uncomfortable enough to want to try it.

  146. J

    sign me up!!

  147. Lucas

    I love this cheesey prize!!!!

  148. Amanda W

    Does it leave the same orange color on your tush as it does on your fingers?

  149. well versed

    Thank you!

  150. Thomas Griffin

    I need this for a cat/cheetah party coming up

  151. Deb


  152. Brad


  153. Pablo


  154. Reese


  155. Mike S.

    Lookin’ good!

  156. Bj

    I would love this for football season! Very festive. 🙂

  157. Cheryl

    I want this for a Yankee Swap gift!

  158. Michelle

    What the heck–I’ll take another shot at this!

  159. Charlene

    Thank you for the opportunity!

  160. Brooke Hunt

    OMG this is the coolest thing EVER!

  161. E D

    what could be better?

  162. MDF

    Crazy orange!

  163. Cierra

    Yay hope I win

  164. CP73

    I could use some TP (and that $10 gift card too)! My house always goes through TP like crazy. My kid is in LOVE with Cheetos, she’d think it would be awesome to have Cheetos TP. Great giveaway!

  165. Curtis P

    Thank you for the contest

  166. Jeff

    Your Tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker

  167. Bianca

    i hope i win!!!

  168. Cheetah


  169. Jacob Grove

    “Chester cheetah…isn’t he a tiger?”

  170. Chris

    These are the only paw prints I want on my toilet paper. Looking at you, feline companion.

  171. Kevin5280

    There’s no Cheetos dust on the TP is there?

  172. Zenetta

    Does the toilet paper glow in the dark, it look like it should. lol

  173. Jeff

    Where did my life go so very, very wrong that I am entering a drawing for toilet paper?

  174. Ciara

    Who WOULDNT want to wipe their hiney with cheeto tp?!

  175. Amanda

    Eeek, there’s more cheesey TP! Hey, still got a few rolls around the house, that $10 gift card will for sure go to some limited Ben & Jerry’s

  176. Bridgette

    If I win I will buy oatmeal. Quaker Oatmeal.

  177. Toni C.

    Love the paw prints.

  178. KR


  179. Carla

    Hope it doesn’t leave a cheesy residue.

  180. Ashley

    I want to try the Cheetos TP!

  181. Brenda Haines

    OMG, this is too good!! I need Cheetos TP in my life! LOL!!

  182. I LOVE it!! What a neat idea!!

  183. Kelly Wach

    My husband loves Cheetos I would love to win this just for him for our anniversary . I know he would get such a kick out it.

  184. Lord Josus

    My sister would give me both kidney’s for this beauty.

  185. Anon

    Indeed-o, I’ll take those Cheetos (tissues)!

  186. Patti E

    I really only want the gift card 😉

  187. Adrian

    Return of the Mac & Cheetos

  188. Jenny

    I want the tp as a gag gift for my dad.

  189. Kellie Stritt

    ORIOLES colors!
    My mom loves the Orioles and her husband is a Yankees fan! ****(YUK)****
    This would looks awesome in her bathroom!

  190. Deborah G.

    What fun toilet paper! I’m currently potty training my son, he would love this t.p.

  191. Katie B

    While this roll definitely clashes with my bathroom decor, it would certainly be a conversation starter.

  192. Mickey H

    This would have to go on a shelf with a framed pic of Chester beside it!

  193. Fat Hipster

    I am cornholio, I need TP for my bunghole.

  194. Kit

    This is neat.