I’m too lazy to list what we’re giving away with this prize drawing, so I’ll conveniently call it a “Mystery Box.” But if you’ve been following our previous Weekend Giveaways, you can figure out most of the stuff we’re giving away to one lucky reader.

There are a couple of things that aren’t previous prizes. One is a limited edition item and one is a recently introduced product here in Hawaii. Intriguing? Intriguing enough to get you to enter this drawing?


To enter The Impulsive Buy’s Mystery Box Prize Drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. You can write whatever you want, but please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for his or her mailing address.

We will stop accepting entries on Sunday, September 9, 2018 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

Good luck!

FINE PRINT: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails about needing your help now. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you sand. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost or damaged mail.


312 responses to “WEEKEND GIVEAWAY: A Mystery Box…Again”

  1. Three Oranges

    I like boxes full of things. Things only, please. No stuff.

  2. Renee C

    I’m having a bad week and some junk food would be awesome.

  3. Natalie

    I love mysteries. I love TIB. I love mysterious TIB.

  4. Bobby

    OOOOH, Mystery Box — yes!!

  5. amy marantino

    happy Friday

  6. Courtney


  7. david

    What what

  8. Aaron Unalle

    I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts! ?

  9. Dave

    Mystery boxes are awesome!

  10. Kristin

    Thanks for the offer, everyone loves a Mystery Box! 🙂

  11. DJ

    Love a good mystery!

  12. Ryan

    Love the site, keep up the good work.

  13. Jennifer

    Pick me!!!

  14. Deb

    Love your posts.

  15. Ben

    Who doesn’t like a good mystery box?

  16. Paul Smith

    Ooo, I love a good mystery!

  17. Lisa woemmel

    I love suprises!!!!

  18. Melissa F

    I love surprises!

  19. Alex Kruger

    I’m the ultimate junk foodie and would love this!

  20. Heather H.

    Sounds delicious.

  21. henry

    Nosh show

  22. Mike b

    I want a mystery box please

  23. Jennifer Roberson

    You could send me Schrodinger’s cat for all I care, but I don’t know if I will like it or not ??

  24. Robert M

    How exciting!

  25. Rik

    Punkish Brewster.

  26. Philip

    Fingers crossed

  27. Nicole

    Yes plz

  28. Alek


  29. Kevin


  30. Aaron

    I love boxes and mysteries. Sign me up please and thank you!

  31. Kevin Vodzak

    mystery boxes are my FAVORITE Boxes!!!!

  32. Joshua C

    Mystery flavored peeps worked out so well, why not another mystery?

  33. Mindy

    Yes, please!

  34. Kenneth

    I would definitely like a mystery. Please give me one. Thank you.

  35. kelly

    pick me

  36. Albert Chao

    I’m not sure what’s going on, but I know what’s going in. My mouth.

  37. Nocode

    Soda-Licious Fruit Snacks

  38. Matt J

    Hopefully there will be something in the box that my dog will like too.

  39. Charles C.

    I could use a box o’ mystery.

  40. Skye

    I like mysteries!

  41. Chris

    Fingers crossed

  42. Michelle


  43. Marc Goldberg

    I love a good mystery!

  44. SD

    If I win, I probably won’t share it with anyone unless there is something I don’t like at all.

  45. Craig MacCormack

    Yes please! Gimme gimme!

  46. Candice

    Mystery Ill take

  47. Sounds great; after a rough week, I could use a little pick-me-up!

  48. Tommy

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  49. Joseph Shannis

    I was in Hawaii last week. That place is awesome.

  50. RaveGyrl

    Paging Sherlock Holmes!

  51. Kaylin


  52. ED

    Mystery? Yes, please!

  53. Feed the birds, tuppence a bag,
    Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag…

  54. Kristie D

    Any mystery or surprise works for me. Thanks for the giveaway!

  55. Leela

    I hope there are some Dark Nestle Crunch and Dark Butterfingers in there 😉
    I can’t find them anywhere.

  56. Jim

    I love a good mystery

  57. michele

    Thank you!

  58. Elizabeth

    I would love to win a mystery box again!

  59. Starkzilla

    Mystery box! Yes!

  60. Jo

    A mystery box!?! Yes please!

  61. BoJangles

    I love a good Mystery! 😉

  62. john lance

    its a mystery what a surprise to see

  63. Jason

    I want this!

  64. Mike Brown

    I like a good mystery!

  65. Darrell Martinsen

    Great giveaway! Fingers crossed!

  66. Karen

    I dig mysteries.

  67. Ryandog

    I gotta find out this Mystery! haha!

  68. Sarah

    I can’t wait to find out what’s inside!

  69. Beth M.

    But what if I wanted you to send me some sand?

  70. Matt

    Mysterious AND potentially delicious? Yes, please!

  71. S

    Love this!

  72. Carrie Ardoin

    THIS post 😛

  73. M.H.

    Yes please!

  74. Chad Kowalewski

    Life is like a mystery box of junk.

  75. C Lee

    Hey, I’m from Hawaii! Except I live across the country on the mainland now, so the only other way I’d be getting the exclusive product would be through asking my grandma to send a box lol

  76. Eilish Brazell

    I love mysteries!

  77. Hillary

    Maybe it’s a 16 year old box of Bart Simpson Cereal lol

  78. Jarred

    Count me in! 😀

  79. Joanna

    I love a good mystery.

  80. Sign me up! Thank you so much!

  81. Jen

    I need a surprise right about now….

  82. Adriann


  83. Eden

    Chicken. Chi-chicken. Chicken chicken. Chicken.

  84. Susan G

    Hi. Have a great weekend.?

  85. Eagles409

    Pick me please

  86. Adam Davis

    Mystery please

  87. Tyler Ayala

    A mystery box? Oh I hope I get picked I love a good mystery!


    Hmm.. I wonder what the mystery is?

  89. Justin

    Pick me

  90. Bryn


  91. Melissa S.

    Mystery, what mystery? 😉

  92. Bob K

    Sign me up

  93. Matt

    It was Marvo, in the Kitchen, with the Laptop.

  94. Mike Davis

    Colonel Mustard in the Observatory with a package of all-dressed Ruffles.

  95. Christina Miller

    I love mysteries!

  96. HOLLY

    Well this is fun! Thanks!

  97. Jodi DeVore

    I’m in!!

  98. Robert

    Me want win, oh yeah, oh boi

  99. Kiera

    Yay, excited! 🙂 Mahalo.

  100. Jeff

    Gimme your box!

  101. Tracy

    It will be fun to win.

  102. Ethan Bunting

    Would be a great surprise!

  103. David

    Pick me! ?

  104. Stacey


  105. myke

    gimme dat boxxxxx

  106. Nathan

    thank you! good luck to all 🙂

  107. Courtney Grover


  108. Erin

    Ooo exciting!

  109. Farnic

    Intriguing, what could it be?

  110. Ashley


  111. Astor


  112. Troy

    Thank you!

  113. Dee

    I just won a gift card elsewhere for a Vietnamese restaurant. Maybe I get lucky again already.

  114. Mary Anne

    I could use a happy surprise for a change…

  115. Mike Espos


  116. Gina E


    P.S. I want dis 🙂

  117. Diana

    I need to know what is in the box please!

  118. Stacy

    How fun!

  119. Barbara B

    Would love to win a box ??of something!

  120. Dana

    I love reading your stuff!

  121. jean finegan

    Who doesn’t love a surprise gift!

  122. sarah

    Happy Fall Y’all!

  123. Shannon

    Pick me please

  124. traumajunky

    I love mysteries

  125. Samuel Van Beek

    Surprises are like TheImpulsiveBuy.com……..extremely exciting and always fun

  126. Judy Elvey

    I love mysteries!

  127. Noelle

    o hey

  128. Dianne

    Fun fun

  129. Emily


  130. Josh

    I want a box, even if it is a mystery box.

  131. Amarsir

    I like mysteries.

  132. Tracy Bogdan

    Please pick me!!! 🙂

  133. TM89

    Hopefully I’m not “very stupid” for picking the box!

  134. Cierra O’Dell

    Pick me!

  135. Amberly Winters

    Aloha! I love food. And I especially love boxes filled with a delightful smorgasbord of edible items. I may or may not be a unicorn. Thank you.

  136. pilar


  137. Kate

    I love a mystery

  138. Corey

    That’d be awesome for sure!

  139. Joe K

    Good luck everyone!

  140. Karin

    Ooh. Hawaiian stuff.
    And random stuff.

    *happy hula dancing*

  141. Nina Nichols

    Pick me. Pick me please. ???????

  142. Bj

    I love surprises!

  143. Jimmy James


  144. Jeff Williams

    Here’s hoping it’s something pumpkin-related.




    wonder what it is

  147. Hannah

    I love The Impulse Buy, I’ve been following for a few years!

  148. Dre

    Yes please and thank you.

  149. Michael

    Well damn daddy.

    1. ray

      One mystery box winner here. thanks

  150. Aaron

    A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a box

  151. Amy Hart


  152. Donnie

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  153. MODOK

    Pfft. Mystery giveaways are silly! There’s no way I’d be caught dead leaving a comment that automatically enters me into the drawing.

  154. Mickey H.

    Who doesn’t love a good mystery?

  155. Gina

    Yipee! Thank you!

  156. Jackie


  157. Felicia

    Heck yeah!!

  158. Tina

    Yay, I love mystery!

  159. Vicky

    Cool…love surprises!

  160. Noodlez

    Rah rah sis boom bah Green eggs and ham, blah blah blah.

  161. TheOneAboveAll


  162. Khan

    “Hope… grows… in a dump.” – Michael Scott/Dwight Schrute

  163. Jason Mader

    Oh man, love a mystery!

  164. Richard

    What’s in the box?! What’s in the boooxxxxxx!!!!!!????!

  165. Dagmar

    Oh pretty please me this time- I’ve had a rough week LOL.

  166. Zachary Jenkins

    Hmm interesting

  167. Samantha

    A mystery …how very interesting

  168. Chad Dierkes

    Building a mystery.

  169. Daniel Caddell


  170. DH

    Sounds cool

  171. Sylvia

    Sweet mother of mystery Sttongbad. Thanks for the opportunity!

  172. Jeremy

    I’m too lazy to leave a comment

  173. Liz

    I love the Impulsive Buy!

  174. Eric Stanton

    Like airheads and dumdums. I love Mystery Hawaiian Goods.

    Consider this my entry

  175. Mike S.

    Let’s go for it! 🙂

  176. Jackie

    Thanks for a fun giveaway! Hope you have a great weekend!

  177. Howard

    A boat’s a boat, but the mystery box could be anything! It could even be a boat!

  178. Heather Mcknight

    Ooohhhh mysteryyyyyy ????

  179. Chris W

    Paw Patrol?

  180. Cat

    Jinkies, what a mystery!

  181. Melly

    I love a good mystery!

  182. Christopher Stewart

    There could be anything in the box, even a tired Family Guy reference.

  183. David A. Albright

    I read your postings daily!

  184. Gayle

    Is there anything pumpkin-flavored in the Mystery Box?

  185. Phyllis Gossett

    Love this mystery idea! Plus there is nothing better then a box of surprises!!

  186. TropicalChrome

    Fun giveaway!

  187. Jorge

    I love solving a mystery

  188. Karl M

    whats it the box and Mario mushroom or star?

  189. Mike N.

    Me me me!!

  190. Olga Baken

    Thank you so much!

  191. Jessica

    Pick me!

  192. Hilary

    This new mama would love a box of treats!

  193. Jacob E

    Hot diggity dog!

  194. Emma Moody

    Gotta love a good mystery box!

  195. Jess

    So mysterious!

  196. Leslie

    I wanna win!

  197. Anthony

    Thanks for the giveaway

  198. Jessica Wa

    Everyone loves a mystery. I myself love a murder mystery. Addicted to those tv shows

  199. Keith

    Over patiently waiting for you to pick me lol

  200. Tabitha

    Surprise Surprise

  201. Brooke

    Yum! I’m sure a delicious mystery

  202. Keri

    Mystery food!

  203. Eric

    I love me a giveaway!!!!

  204. Theresa Bergeron

    I’d love to win!

  205. Jared

    Intriguing. Count me in for Hawaiian mystery product!

  206. jh

    I, for one, do not require more information.

  207. Chris Hicks

    Can we take a moment to praise the stalwartness (I make up words) of Little Debbie? For DECADES, there was a yearly release, with minimal fan fair, of her delicious Pumpkin Delights. A couple of years ago, when Pumpkin Spice Everything took the world by storm, no one seemed to remember poor Little Debbie had already been the champion and proponent force of such a thing. These delicious little snacks are still going strong, and probably always will be long after the world has moved on to it’s next flavor craze. Thank you, Little Debbie. Here’s a thumb kiss from me to you. Anyway… ZOINKS! I would like to win a mystery box of goodies. Thanks.



  209. Rebecca Foreman

    I love a good surprise

  210. Alexandra Hensley

    Mystery Boxes and good, my fav things!

  211. If mystery was spelled mystory….I would write my-story in a box. MMMM

  212. Caleb

    Giveaways are awesome!

  213. Rebecca Ledford

    I love a good mystery!

  214. Laura

    I love a good mystery!

  215. Kristi

    Yes please!

  216. Amy J.

    I like free things!!

  217. Dan L


  218. Wolf

    Aaahhh.. Surprises are awesome.

  219. Roger M Williamson

    I love a mystery.

  220. snuff

    Marvo Claus

  221. Jared A

    Sounds cool.

  222. Really enjoy your postings as it gives me so much wonderful new food & snacks availability.

  223. Laura C


  224. Courtney

    I’m curious.

  225. Jacob

    Gimme Gimme

  226. Mike

    I want win now

  227. Ronni Berger

    I just celebrated my birthday and this will just make this year the best ever!!!

  228. Pam

    Love a mystery!!

  229. Kris Kallinen


  230. Kerrington

    I love a good mystery

  231. Den

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  232. This would be awesome for a day full of football!

  233. Amber Vallan

    Oh mystery, Oh mystery, I hope you somehow choose me!

  234. The Hardly Boys

    I’ve got a raging clue


    Legend has it that the mystery box contains the secret to the location of the Holy Grail. Or, you know some awesome food. Either way, I’m excited!!

  236. Carly

    Ready to win this one!!!

  237. Liza


  238. Nathan Rodriguez

    Mystery food!

  239. Jenni S

    Hoping I win this one! Love mysteries

  240. janay b.

    Best food blog ever!!

  241. Seth

    The best kind of mystery is a delicious mystery.

  242. Emily

    Mysteries keep life interesting. What happened to the Mary Celeste anyway?

  243. Anthony

    Thanks for doing the giveaway

  244. sarah k

    A mystery box, I am intrigued 🙂

  245. Karla

    Hmmm..wonder what’s inside.


    A mystery box! Hopefully, it will be nothing like Pandora’s box.

  247. Kevin Underwood

    I love a good mystery!!!

  248. Crysta Kleinatland

    Oooh, a surprise!

  249. Daniele S

    How exciting!!!

  250. Julie Pilossof

    I love all of your reviews! thank you

  251. Carly

    Blind faith, yahoo!

  252. Elizabeth

    Yay mystery box!

  253. Megan Ackley

    I love my a good mystery!

  254. Leslie


  255. Kristi

    I like it better when it’s a mystery!

  256. Devin H.

    Is there a bit of whimsy in the box as well? Either way, I’ll take a gander at it.

  257. Sarah

    i hope i win 🙂

  258. Heather R

    Yeah I want to win!

  259. Anna Ludlow

    Yes please!

  260. Gloria


  261. Chris

    Fingers Crossed! I’m sure it’ll be a good bunch of stuff!

  262. Logan Guntzelman

    Oh wowwwwww

  263. Gage

    I keep entering these things. ?

  264. Ann Harry

    This would be nice to win??.

  265. Lizi

    I never win anything

  266. Brad Burns

    Hmmm, what’s in the nox?

  267. Phil

    Hopefully Scooby and the gang deliver it in the mystery machine!

  268. Sabrina

    Is it like a murder mystery but with food?

  269. Chris

    I will not win

  270. miss m

    Hope to win!

  271. Holly

    Hmmmm….mystery? I love a good mystery.

  272. allen

    mystery box? yes please

  273. JD

    Sounds good to me

  274. Jordan Arbuckle

    this sounds so cool!! Also I’m in college and need free stuff…

  275. David W

    I miss the Nosh show.

  276. Hannah

    Sounds intriguing! 🙂

  277. Robin

    Oooh! What fun!

  278. Shana B.

    I love a good mystery!

  279. Tiffany B.

    Mystery’s are always fun!

  280. Rory

    Mystery box!!!

  281. Cristy

    Yeah mystery box!

  282. Rachel

    Wow! I’m so curious!

  283. Mike

    I want to win please

  284. Molly

    Surprises are fun!

  285. Dave

    Will I win?

  286. Tad Ghostal

    Always wanted to win one of these—and the mystery box is calling my name.

  287. Jeremy


  288. Cyana Welch

    Ooooo, I hope I win!

  289. Hungry Fool

    No dirty laundry please!

  290. Juba

    Surprise Surprise!!!

  291. Stephanie

    Yes, please!

  292. Meg

    OK, I’ll bite… (hopefully, literally)

  293. Kimberly

    Woohoo! 🙂

  294. Mario B

    All in for a mystery!

  295. It was Colonel Mustard, in the parlor, with a pipe wrench.

  296. Katy Crabtree

    I love a good mystery!

  297. Nick

    Wonder what it is!

  298. Toni

    Oh yay, I need this! I hope I win!

  299. Chris

    I hope to win!

  300. Rachel

    mystery meat?

  301. nellie

    beep beep so let’s ride

  302. Claire

    I love a mystery

  303. Katie B

    I love solving mysteries!

  304. Christine

    Insert winning comment here

  305. Austin

    I need a box

  306. Alejandro