Well this will be the last Impulsive Buy post for the year, but it’s a Year-In-Review/Prize Drawing post.
First off, I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and I also want to thank everyone who reads the Impulsive Buy regularly. It’s a lot of fun trying to come up with new ways to make you laugh, make you nauseous, and make you watch a video of me stripping.
Also, I guess a Year-In-Review post wouldn’t be complete without a list of some of my favorite reviews over the past year. So here they are in no particular order:
10. Carb Well Golden Crunch Cereal
9. Canon PowerShot A85
8. Girl Scouts Thin Mints
7. Full Throttle
6. Del Monte Carb Clever Sliced Pears
5. BK Tendercrisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch
4. iPod Shuffle
3. Poop Water
2. Star Wars Cereal
1. Glaceau SmartWater
Aaah, good times. Good times.
Well on to this month’s prize drawing. I don’t know what I’m going to give away, but the theme of this month’s prize drawing is, “A Month’s Supply.” The theme means that whatever the prizes are, the winners will receive a month’s supply of it.
THREE lucky Impulsive Buy readers will each receive a month’s supply of something I reviewed in the past year. However, I guarantee it’s not the Carb Well Golden Crunch Cereal, because I believe they don’t make it anymore.
To enter this month’s prize drawing, just leave a comment for THIS post with the words “Happy New Year, Sucka!” in it and whatever else you would like to say.
Please fill out the email field, because I’ll be emailing the winners for their mailing addresses. Don’t worry about the shipping, I’ll take care of it.
The Impulsive Buy will start accepting entries for the drawing on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 and stop accepting entries on Sunday, January 1, 2006. Only one entry allowed per person. The drawing is ONLY open to those in the United States, US Military APOs, and Canada. (To the rest of the planet, I’m sorry.)
Good luck!
Fine Print: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you spam about making money by filling out surveys. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you information about seminars that will help you manage people better or improve your grammar skills. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, Johnny Damon going to the Yankees, or the destruction of the Earth at midnight on January 1st.
118 responses to “Year-In-Review + December Prize Drawing = Crazy Delicious!!!”
Happy New Year, Sucka!
He’s one bad mutha
shut yo mouth
happy new year sucka
Happy New Year, Sucka!
g-d i need to start sleeping in a bed.
Happy New Year sucka!!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka! I’ve got MarvoMania!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
funny, funny stuff Marvo… keep ’em coming!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
See you next year, marvo! Oh, and “Happy New Year, Sucka!”
Happy New Year, Sucka! Here I come, Poop Water! wait . . . .
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Your blog rocks.
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Happy New Year Sucka!
oooooo-weeeee, shut my mouth, slap yo grandma!
For personal reasons, my favorite review was the habanero jerky. Of course, I can understand why that wasn’t your favorite product this year.
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Fo shizzle
Happy New Year, Sucka!
“Happy New Year, Sucka!â€
Thanks for all the laughs!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
woo hoo
Happy New Year, Sucka!
“Happy New Year, Sucka!â€, I hope the new year brings lots of fun products.
happy new year sucka!!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Ahhh, Marvo. I don’t think you blow OR suck but…happy New Year, sucka!
Slurpee rocks, Marvo! That was my favorite review this year and you know what? Happy New Year, Sucka! Keep rocking with those reviews!
“Happy New Year, Sucka!â€
Happy New Year, Sucka!
I hope that you get a coupon for a free stomach pump – you may need it!
All kidding aside, this is a must-read site – keep up the good work in ’06!
Happy New Year, Sucka,
may you try new foods that make you pucka,
with the ladies, may you have much lucka,
because you deserve a good…
ah, I couldn’t do it. May you actually use a box of Trojan Elexa in ’06!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
And in the words of Waterman: “Keep On Rockin’”
See you next year, bro!
I can’t pick a favorite, since THEY’re ALL GREAT!
Happy New Year, Sucka!!! Here’s to a 2006 filled with Marvo’s reviews!
Hauoli Makahiki Hou Sucka! just recently stumbled onto your site and got hooked on your reviews. keep on serving those great reviews. oh yeah, if you already didn’t know it that means Happy New Years in Hawaiian Sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
happy new year, sucka! i better win, sucka! you still owe me lunch, sucka!
Happy new year, sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka!â€
You have reviewed some wretched stuff,
And some that was quite pukka.
We can’t thank you near enough —
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka!!!!!!
Pick me pick me!! I never win anything!
Happy New year, Sucka!
Happy new year, marvo. Have a good one, and don’t get too nuts… :p
(and if you do, take a movie. this blog needs more stripping)
Our New Year starts 20 hours before yours. Na Na Na Na Na
Happy New Year, Sucka!!!!
“Happy New Years Suckaaaaaaa……” I’m entering this contest and I wanna win dammit, since your site kicked my site’s ass in a Battle of the Blogs Contest over at BlogExplosion – I didn’t mind losing to you though – coulda been worse :0)
Happy New Years, Sucka!
I just hope Its not a month supply of your grey goose Vodka…..
That would be interesting.
Happy New Year, Sucka!
high five to carbwell!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
You bad, bad motha sucka, you.
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Hey NSA, FBI, and whoever else is monitoring: Happy New Year, Sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka! This site rocks! I like exclamation points!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
sweet site found it awhile ago 🙂
I just want to say from New Orleans:
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka! What was your favorite comment?
happy new year, sucka!!!!!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Can’t wait to see what’s on the plate next year.
“Happy New Year, Sucka!â€
I really don’t need a month’s supply of anything besides water, but…
Happy New Year, Sucka!
(No poop water, I hope.)
Your blog is a bright spot in my RSS aggregator. Looking forward to more hilarious reviews in 2006.
Happy New Year, Suckaaaaa!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
From Brian, The Candy Addict
happy new year, sucka!
thanks ! 🙂
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Hope it’s like Mr. Pibb + Red Vines!
Marvo, Marvo, Marvo
Happy New Year, Sucka
Happy New Year, Sucka! Thanks for the fun times!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
A month’s supply? How precisely is that calculated… I mean, my USUAL months-worth of Airhead-flavored slurpee is about 0.003fl.oz. Hrmm…
Happy New Year, Sucka!
A month’s supply? How precisely is that calculated… I mean, my USUAL months-worth of Airhead-flavored slurpee is about 0.003fl.oz. Hrmm…
Happy New Year, Sucka! I hope you have a wonderful new year Marvo!!
Aaaw. Your firefox review isn’t one of your favorites? It’s one of mine. 😉
Happy New Year, Sucka foo!
“Happy New Year, Sucka!â€
Thanks for all the reviews.
“Happy New Year, SUCKA!!” Have a great one Marvo! You keep writing, and we’ll keep reading!
HaPPy NEW YeaR SuckA – A month supply huh by your standards or mine 🙂
I pity the fool who wishes you a Happy New Year, Sucka! 🙂
happy new year sucka
Happy New Year, Sucka! Hau`oli maka hiki hou! I just discovered this website about 2 weeks ago from http://www.slashfood.com and it’s already taken over my life – I’m about halfway through the archives.
Happy New Year, Sucka! And a toast to your very funny and informative site. Cheers!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
I tried to think of something else to add that might sound clever, but alas, I’ve had too much eggnog and champagne this week!
It’ll be sad if it’s a month’s supply of poopwater. Then you can say “Happy New Year, Sucka!”
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Marvo, you are sooooo much fun. I am going to try to get my (eligible) sisters hooked on your site, so they can stalk you. Happy New Year, sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
dammit i just read the rules….NOT FAIR!!!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Great site – keep up the good work.
Now go and have that happy new year I told you about…..
i’d really like to win. Happy New Year Sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Happy Happy Happy New Year, SUCKA!!!
For my Democrat Friends:
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2006, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures who contribute.
For my Republican Friends:
Here’s wishing all of You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka! I pity the fool.
No, really Marv – Happy New Year, Sucka! Your reviews brought a lot of joy into 2005 (and spared me a great deal of pain), and I thank you.
A New Year’s haiku,
thus: Happy New Year, Sucka!
Next year, more Marvo.
Happy New Year sucka
Thanks for the great reviews, and hav a Happy New Year, Sucka
Thanks for all the reviews this year, I’m looking forward to many more.
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
I bet I could beat the SmartWater in Trivial Pursuit. Besides, I’m thirsty.
Happy New Year, Sucka!
and I really mean it! I’m not just saying it cuz you told me to!!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
I don’t think I’d ever taste half of the stuff you review, so here’s my wish that I get something that’s not too gross. But I let the luck of the draw decide anyway. 🙂 Thanks for bringing me a good dose of laughs every day!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Thanks for a year of great reviews!
Um, side note: where exactly does TEd sleep?
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Yooooou soooo craaaazyyyyyy!!!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Thanks for all the great reviews!!!
Too bad about the Carb Well Golden Crunch Cereal (and the cinnamon flavor) because I loved that stuff!
blblblblbl Happy New Year, Sucka!
Please be the poop water. Thanks for the entertainment.
Happy New Year, Sucka! Indeed.
Month’s supply of Canon PowerShot A85.
Month’s supply of Canon PowerShot A85.
Month’s supply of Canon PowerShot A85.
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Month’s supply of Canon PowerShot A85.
Month’s supply of Canon PowerShot A85.
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Marvo, if I win I’ll send you some limited edition Coffee Kit Kats that I have in my freezer. Yummy!
Marvo, do you and your blog rawk?
Hell to the yes!
“Happy New Year, Sucka!â€
Happy New Year, Sucka! Thanks for all the funny!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka!
I feel so unoriginal….
“Happy New Year, Sucka!â€
A verrie Happy New Year, Sucka! LOL!
Happy New Year, Sucka! Hope you find lots of new crap to review in 2006.
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Happy New Year, Sucka! Geezmahneez, I don’t think I’ve gotten 112 comments in the past year, let alone on one post. Hope your 2006 is fabulous and Marvolus! xxoo
Happy New Year, Sucka!!! Thanks for the laughs!
Happy New Year, Sucka
Happy New Year, Sucka! No, seriously, Happy New Year.
Happy New Year, Sucka!
Liquid Cereal for everybody!
Well, this is a new website to me & I like what I see!
So, without further ado………“Happy New Year, Sucka!â€
Thank you to everyone who participated!
Entries will no longer be accepted.
Winners will be announced soon.