PRIZE DRAWING: Because I’m Bringing Pepsi Back. Them Other Boys Don’t Know How To Act. You Might Be Special, What’s Behind Your Back? So Turn Around, It Could Be A Pepsi Prize Pack.

Right now, Pepsi and Mountain Dew are taking a nostalgic trip back in time by offering a special retro formula of their popular beverages sweetened with natural sugar, just as they were back in the ‘60s and ‘70s, giving fans literally a taste of the past. The Impulsive Buy reviewed the Pepsi Throwback and Mountain Dew Throwback last month. They have been available since April 20th and will only be around for 8 weeks in 20-oz retro designed single-serve bottles and 12-pack cans.

Thanks to the groovy folks at Pepsi, The Impulsive Buy is giving away a Throwback Prize Pack to one lucky Impulsive Buy reader via a prize drawing. The prize pack is valued at $150 and contains the following items:

A Pepsi Throwback Trucker Cap
A Retro Tin Lunch Box
A Retro Clock Radio/CD Player
A USB Lava Lamp
Pepsi Throwback and Mountain Dew Throwback

To enter this prize drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. Your comment MUST contain either a trend, food, beverage, television show or whatever else you would like to see brought back.

Please don’t forget to fill out the email field. TIB will stop accepting entries on Saturday, May 16, 2009 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one entry allowed per person and it’s only open to those 18 years old or older in the United States and at U.S. Military APOs. (I’m sorry to everyone else, but keep your eyes open for another prize drawing that will include everyone.)

Good luck!

Fine Print: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails containing gibberish. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you an application to upgrade your AAA membership. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, or your inability to bring sexy back.


264 responses to “PRIZE DRAWING: Because I’m Bringing Pepsi Back. Them Other Boys Don’t Know How To Act. You Might Be Special, What’s Behind Your Back? So Turn Around, It Could Be A Pepsi Prize Pack.”

  1. Matt

    I would love to see Pogs brought back. They were a terrible trend but when I was a kid nothing could bring me the kid of enjoyment that they did.

  2. David

    Pepsi Holiday Spice


    saying “as if”

  3. Oreo O’s where my favorite cereal. It was most likely the worst cereal for me that I’ve ever eaten but it was so good.

  4. Yani Marie

    Oh, I’d definitely LOVE to see those slap bracelets brought back. Those were the neatest thing ever!

  5. Would like to see 1920s flapper dresses come back.

  6. Josh Mc

    Chocolate Frosted Flakes

  7. You know, I remember people lamenting the loss of Crystal Pepsi (thought they got overwhelmed by the SNL parody of Crystal Gravy), but I gotta say, twenty years later, I still miss 7-up Gold.

    Even found an article explaining its failure: (the best part of that article is that the executives believe their focus groups on what made 7-up the um…raging?…success they thought it was.)

    But, you know, I also miss the Keebler O’Boises chips, so what do I know? Sucks growing up in a test market.

  8. Digimon! Digital Monsters… Digimon are the champions. It was like Tomagotchis, but manlier

  9. There was a show on Nickelodeon called “Double Dare.” It featured trivia, wacky physical challenges, and obstacle courses. There were also sequels to the show like Family Double Dare and Double Dare 2000. I loved that show in all its forms, and wish they’d bring it back.

  10. I would love to see the show Bananas In Pajamas come back.

  11. Given the price of shipping abroad from the U.S., and the fact that seamail was eliminated a few years ago, I can very much understand why you don’t want to have a contest which includes relatively heavy items to be shipped abroad. You’d get totally raped by the postal expenses.

    Last time my husband went home to California for a visit, he shipped a bunch of stuff home and it was horribly expensive.

  12. Tony

    Reruns of the 1984 Jason Bateman sit-com, “It’s Your Move”, broadcast on TV Land (or another cable network like it). With only 18 episodes, the show was ahead of its time, and deserved a bigger push.

  13. eric

    i wish they would bring back mcdonald’s deep fried volcano cherry pies. scalding hot off the fryer was the ticket baby….

  14. john d

    How about the WWF…that was great but ruined with the whole WCW and WWE and all that jazz bring back the original with Jake the Snake, Stone Cold, The heartbreak kid

  15. Free love, because prostitutes are too expensive.

  16. Jay

    Wow, awesome. I want to see Crystal Pepsi brought back. Apart from that, I want them to bring back Throwback after 8 weeks because I’m loving it.

  17. Kevin

    I’m still bitter that Veronica Mars got cancelled. I’d love to see that movie eventually get made.

  18. Tyler

    Man, I would LOVE to see Legends of the Hidden Temple again. That show was too sweet

  19. I’m not sure if this was ever trendy, but there was a show on Cartoon Network some years ago called Cyborg 009 that I LOVED…but it disappeared mysteriously. Oh, and, this definitely isn’t old enough to be retro in any way, but I want Pushing Daisies back :((((

  20. juli

    Anyone remember David the Gnome? I don’t remember much, but I do remember I really liked it.

  21. I wish they would bring back “Fantasy Island” – there were always such intrigues! Such dilemmas! And of course, happy resolutions (with moral teaching) at the end of each episode.

  22. Alex C

    I’d like to see McGyver again, starring Christian Bale. Seems like he’s the go-to guy when it comes to reviving franchises.

  23. Mouse

    I’d like to see that weird drink…Orbitz. It was a clear non-carbonated drink with little edible balls in it. I remember the citrus being not too bad but the other flavors tasted like ass. I thought it was sooooooo cool, back then.

  24. Lisa

    I wish the Mars Co. would bring back the Marathon bar. So many people I know miss this chocolate and carmel confection that I have no clue why they ever got rid of it in the first place.

  25. Tim

    Minute Maid Valencia Orange Fruit Soda

  26. I kinda wanna see John Lennon brought back, but since that can’t happen I’ll suggest Creepy Crawlers. Pointless little things…

  27. julie

    how about elvis? brought back from the dead?

    (but actually, he is still alive.)

  28. Jesse

    Oh man, bring back M.C. Hammer pants.

    Can’t touch this!

  29. Bibi

    I want PB Max back. No peanut butter bar comes close.

  30. Keavy Monster

    Laverne and Shirley!!!

  31. Bring back the Eek! The Cat cartoon…bring back blue creme soda…bring back white Crunch bars….bring back the original Cheesy Gordita Crunch from Taco Bell!!!….bring back M.U.S.C.L.E., (Millions of Unusual Small Creatures Lurking Everywhere)…remember those?

  32. OMG..Pee Wee Herman ftw…and Penny!!

  33. Kim

    Rondo soda. It was rugged and grapefruity and good. I miss that yellow can full o’ citrusy goodness.

  34. Zach

    pet rocks

  35. Brian V.

    I gotta gets this, yo!

    (enough of that)

    Nothing would be sweeter than washing down my favorite gut bomb blasts from the past w/ this sweet nectar of gods.


    I might just settle for the “”ORIGINAL COKE”” w/ cane sugar or new episodes of “Salute your shorts” as constellation though.

  36. Michael

    I would like so many things brought back but one is: The original Slice sodas with 10% fruit juice.

    @Tony: I loved It’s Your Move!

  37. Does anyone remember 3-2-1 Contact? I learned so much from that show, it’s ridiculous.

  38. Daniel

    I would like to see that funny guy Gary Coleman from different strokes be brought back. Oh wait, I forgot he hasn’t quite left yet.

    How about bringing Jesus back?

  39. Brian H

    Boy Meets World, the middle ages? F-F-F-F-FEENAY! *

  40. Neil the hammer

    I would love to see Vietman brought back so I could once again kill the VC for America

    and Nehi cherry soda


  41. SKellyHart

    Planters Cheese Balls need to come back. No other cheese ball is quite as delicious.

  42. Sara

    They were a fleeting special edition, but I wish I had stockpiled a bunch of inside-out Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Not that the original needs improvement, per se, but the inside-outs were tasty and delicious.

  43. Hanh

    Those awful yet hilarious 90s video game cartoons like Zelda, Mario, Mortal Kombat, and Street Fighter. “Well excuuuuuuuuse me Princess” Classic.

  44. missy

    i would kill someone for an apple fruit roll-up

  45. The PBMax candy bar!

  46. Dan

    I want vanilla pepsi back. Of all the vanilla-fad drinks out there, this was my favorite.

    I would also love to see Fruit Brute brought back.

  47. I want ABC’s TGIFs to be brought back….Step By Step, Family Matters, Full House….all of ’em….with the original cast! That would be epic! Mostly though things should stay in the past…there’s normally a reason they’ve faded from popularity 🙂

  48. I’d really like to see some old shows like Pete and Pete come back, no doubt. And yeah I know you can get it but fruit stripe gum needs to make a resurgence.

  49. I’d like to see the Keebler snack chip Pizzarias brought back.

  50. 1. Corsets
    2. 2 Stupid Dogs
    3. Jell-O Pudding Pops

  51. I want tv theme songs to come back! You know, the catchy ones you can sing along to. Everyone knows the Cheers theme and every so often one of my friends will bust out into the Fresh Prince theme. But now we just get little instrumental blips.

  52. Anne

    The Andy Griffith Show. I would love to live in Mayberry, but I would drink Pepsi with my Moon Pie!

  53. Jess

    Super platform shoes. I always wanted a pair.

    Ooooh, that oatmeal with the gummy bears in it. That stuff was good.

    There used to be these flavored waters in flavors like creamsicle, those also were awesome.

  54. Kristopher Kachurak

    I would love to see “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip” make a comeback. Brilliant show with the power of an incredible ensemble cast. The network didn’t give it enough room to get up to full speed. NBC does that these days.

    That being said, I’d like to see a comeback of the day when networks gave new shows enough time to grow into their own. Like HBO does.

  55. Robert Loy

    I would like to see fins on cars brought back and “Firefly” on television.

  56. gina

    i miss smurfs i want all the kids now to know the joy of smurfs

  57. Heather

    Can we please get back either Crystal Pepsi or Snapple’s Natural Root Beer? As you can see I like clear soda that tastes like it shouldn’t be clear 😀

  58. Sour cream & onion Doritos. That’s going all the way back to the mid-70’s…but they were awesome. Or at least that’s the way I remember it.

  59. Bring back Salsa Rio Doritos! I’ve missed these since I was a kid.

  60. Kathleen

    I NEED the Smurfs to come back. Not re-vamped, re-voiced smurfs; just put those original episodes back in syndication at times/channels people actually watch.

  61. TaikoG


  62. Daria

    Bring back Sledgehammer! because it was the best cop show ever!

    Also Kraft should not have stopped making Nabisco’s Crown Pilot crackers. Sure, they’re barely edible out of the box, but thousands of Mainers love them in their chowder or in various and sundry casserole recipes.

    And for some reason, the only discontinued cereal that comes to mind is Crispy Critters, but I don’t think my mom would ever buy it, so I don’t know if it was good or not.

  63. Bunnyfer

    I would love to see Crystal Pepsi brought back, and not the second one that came out, the bona-fide original goodness that is Crystal Pepsi

  64. Mountain Dew Pitch Black, I and II. My life, complete once more!

    Oh, and all the weird flavors of Herr’s potato chips, like baby back ribs.

  65. Bisty Q.

    Crystal Pepsi. Duh.

  66. Vince

    I want the Cap’n Crunch Choco Donuts back!!!

  67. jdeuel

    I’m not sure if this is something I just made up, but as a kid I kind of remember popcorn that had different color powder in it so that when you popped it it would come out green, or purple! I would like to see this brought back, that is if it actually existed.

  68. Elmer

    Umm lets see born in the 90’s so for me i’d have to say things that i’d want back..

    1.) Rocket Power!!!
    2.) All That(Nickelodeon)
    3.) Hey Arnold

    YEah I use to love cartoons..

  69. George

    If they don’t bring back Ecto Cooler Hi C I will be mad…

  70. Stephani

    Ha, going to show my age here, but, I’d love to see these snacks from the 80s called Peanut Butter Boppers make a comeback.

    I’m 36 years old and haven’t eaten one since I was probably 11 or so, but I *still* crave them. Fan-frikken-tastic, I tell ya.

    Oh, and the TV show Hart to Hart 🙂

  71. Vicki Smith

    I’d like to see Mystery Science Theater 3000 brought back.

    In terms of beverages, definitely Orbitz, one of my favorite drinks. Or Crystal Pepsi.

  72. UnsatisfiedMind

    As part of their rebirth, I really would like to see Bennigan’s bring back the Sean O’Flannery’s Wheelhouse Burger.

    “A juicy, mouth-watering burger topped with a savory fried cheese wheel, fresh parmesan cheese, and zesty marinara sauce.”

    That is living.

  73. Mike N.

    I would definitely like to see “The Six Million Dollar Man” brought back. Steve Austin was the coolest!

  74. James D. Maxwell

    I’d like to see the return of seaQuest DSV myself.

  75. Josh m

    Mountain Dew Pitch Black and Vanilla Pepsi (best soda ever btw)

    Choco Donuts were also hella beastly

  76. TM

    Can’t believe I’m first on this.
    Bring Arrested Development back! (George Michael Bluth just don’t know how to act.
    GOB has illusions hid behind his back…)

  77. CU

    Micro Magic Microwave Milkshakes

  78. Carol

    Back in the early 80’s the preppy girls wore shapeless embroidered Mexican dresses. Let’s bring those back.

  79. Bikerbabeee

    I am with the Crystal Pepsi and Planter’s Cheese ball lobbies.

    I would also like to see a remake of “Close Encounters” with today’s kick ass special effects and a much hotter leading man. (Insert your favorite hunk’s name here.)

  80. I enjoyed the make 7 … up yours commercials with Orlando Jones. They aren’t that old.. but they were priceless…

  81. Sterling

    I wish they’d bring back SoBe Mr. Green energy soda. It was like Moxie without the horrible horrible medical taste, it was herbal and kind of sweet and actually really awesome as far as the energy boost went.

    It was also a totally disgusting swamp-muck green color that I also loved, but everyone else I know hated.

  82. I’d love to have Twizzlers Twist-N-Fill back…*drool* god they were so awesome!

  83. rob

    Would love to see the Spanish Inquisition brought back!

    Good times!

  84. I look AWESOME in a t-shirt tied with a knot or better yet with a t-shirt buckle!! Come on, t-shirt buckles! Doesn’t that just SCREAM something that Urban Outfitters would sell?

  85. Mike H

    1. Dunkaroos!
    2. Orbitz (not the gum, the drink with the floaties)
    3. Stuffed Crust Pizza from pizza hut.

  86. Rick

    Crystal f’ing Pepsi

  87. Jared

    Bring back minute maid orange! or is it still around in other places? Oh, and the oatmeal with the jelly stuff that goes on top… mmmm

  88. Farrel

    Light jazz. Oh Kenny G, how I miss your dulcet saxophone and chestnut locks…

  89. Rebecca


  90. Kreestan

    Pepsi Bluuuuuueeee!!!

  91. Christie Zissler

    I would love to see the show ‘The Tick’ come back.

  92. hbizzle

    Saturday morning cartoons, those were the days….

  93. Johnnymac

    I want to see secession from the U.S. come back. XD

  94. Eric

    I like turtles.

  95. Justin

    Futurama ended way too early

  96. Angela

    Count Chocula, the best cereal ever.

  97. Bring back ET Cereal, PB Max candy bars, Mandarin Orange Slice, and the McLean Deluxe with Cheese

  98. Matt

    Bring back 8 tracks!

  99. I would like to see not being a moron come back into style. Just a week or two of idiots not being morons would be a pleasent throwback to a more innocent time when i wasn’t mad at everything.

  100. Kelly

    I want the A-Team back… am I alone in this? Maybe… probably!

  101. JS

    Sports Night on TV without the sitcom-iness would be nice to have back.

  102. Domino

    I would really like for Ben and Jerry’s to bring back the good ice cream flavours they took away. Ei. Uncanny Cashew or Chubby Hubby

    Every time I find an ice cream I like from them, they discontinue it. Bastard.

  103. My wife is addicted to this stuff…I’d give it all to her.

    As for what i want brought back? Macgyver, man. Mac was awesome.

  104. Steve

    Wendy’s should bring back the wild mountain line!

  105. lucyPan

    Bring back Pushing Daises, I loved that show. I also miss Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific!

  106. Richard

    On the TV front, I want Carpoolers back.

    On the food front, I want Ben & Jerry’s Rainforest Crunch back.

  107. staylor

    I wish I could get those cheese puff balls that came in the canister. Those were the best, and I don’t give a goddamn if you can get round cheetos in a bag: IT’S NOT THE SAME!

    And the skip-it thing was a fun trend and I could work off the fat ass that would result from consuming canisters of cheese balls. Everywhere I go, I would have to do a little skip hop over the constantly rotating ball hooked to one of my ankles. I promise I would wear it constantly.

  108. Brittany

    Orbitz, Orange Julius. They exist somewhere, but they went out everywhere i’ve lived since the 80’s

  109. Travis

    Bring back crystal pepsi!

  110. EM

    Oh, if only they would bring back “The Greatest American Hero”! I have the t-shirt; I’m ready when you are, William Katt!

  111. Rosa

    SWATCH WATCHES! Worn on the ankle…and more than one on the wrist.

    The eighties…sigh…

  112. david

    I would kill for the revival of PB Crisps. They were amazing and should still be around. ALSO. Resses Crunchy Cookie Cups. (chocolate cookie under the peanut butter.) They were my all time favorite candy bar.

  113. Mike E.

    Since Pepsi’s all about going back in time lately, how about a revival of Crystal Pepsi. I don’t care if it’s back for a week, month, or year, just bring it back! And not that citrus “Crystal from Pepsi” stuff, I mean the real Van Hagar “endorsed” Crystal Pepsi.

  114. Chris

    Mt Dew Game Fuel 🙁 I miss it so much. My roommate and I even tried following to try and make it, but it just wasn’t the same. My game just isn’t fueled anymore

  115. Tom

    “Freaks and Geeks” and Ben & Jerry’s Cool Britannia

  116. Sorry if the song gets stuck in your head but I want to see the Weebles wobble again.

  117. Eric

    Bring back good Saturday morning cartoons. I would get up at 6 am and watch till noon. It was awesome!

  118. EpicPhallus

    Ghostwriter on PBS. Gooey Gus still haunts my dreams. I mean…

  119. A few things I’d like to see brought back:

    I wish that they’d still make TV commercials for Slurpee flavors.

    I’d also like to see the old Mountain Dew logos that had solid bold lines on the outside:

  120. Michelle

    Would love to see the bonkers candy from the 80’s come back. I used to love those things as a kid! I know they came out with a version of bonkers not too long ago, but they were sooo not the same as the original.

  121. Kristen

    i would love to see beanie babies come back so i can sell all of mine and make loads of money.

  122. Julie

    I’d love to see a healthy economy come back. I can be mollified in the interim if Con Agra would bring back Big John’s Beans ‘N Fixin’s. Best baked beans ever.

  123. Fernando

    Bring back Crispy M&M’s and Surge!!!!

  124. Tara

    I want Nestle Alpine White bars back! White chocolate with almonds, they were SO good. Hershey’s white chocolate tastes like ass.

  125. Crystal

    I want the Beetlejuice cartoon back. I know I’m probably the only person who actually watched it but I freakin loved the show.

  126. Thomas Moore

    Brilliant Red Fiestaware should be brought back, because low doses of radiation never hurt anybody.

  127. I would love to see Drive-in movie theaters return to their glory day, but I would also love to have a Pearson’s 7up candy bar, my Dad would love to see Lawrence Welk, I would like to see Love American Style or the original MTV with videos. How about pop in the returnable 16 oz glass returnable bottles! ~ Robyn

  128. Katie

    Food to bring back: regular chicken nuggets at Burger King. Chicken shaped into crowns and “fries” doesn’t do it for me.

  129. The *good* McDonald’s apple pies (circa 1987) need to return – the new crust recipe is gross.

  130. Griffin Lauerman

    I’d like to see Fat Albert back. Screw all this PC crap. Bring back that original Fat kid who know how to mack down at junk food like there is no tomorrow. He is a kid for the entitlement generation.

    Each week you could focus on a new unhealthy product ready to be unleash on the youth of America like to locust to the fields.

    Hay hay hay it’s Fat Alberts Public Service Announcement of the week. “2 for tuesday at 31 flavors.” or “Make you own Deep Fried Twinkie kits on sale at Kmart.”

    I say forget the whole health food crave and go for glutton without remorse.

  131. Delia

    TVwise, I miss Friends. Foodwise, McDonalds needs to bring back the Salad Shaker.

  132. I miss Jello Pudding Pops. I still refuse to watch anything on CW after they cancelled Veronica Mars. I really really really miss that show. I also miss Alias and Dirty Sexy Money.

  133. Scot

    It’s not that old, but I would love to see Dr Pepper Red Fusion come back. Still wear the ratty T-Shirt

  134. btf

    I wish they would bring back Cheetos Paws!

  135. Chris

    Quantum Leap needs to come back; leaving it as something of a cliffhanger was very disappointing.

  136. Dick

    “One Adam 12, see the man…”

  137. to make some people happy i would like to point out: can still get dunkaroos in certain stores around my parents home (indiana). 2. i wear a swatch. (it is cool, really, i promise) 3. there is an orange juluis a few miles away from my apartment. 4. jell-o still makes delicious pudding pops.

    i would like it if the following things returned: 1. “just shoot me” 2. pizza-hut flavored doritos (not the new ones with ranch either) 3. planters made a 3D peanut shaped cookie shell filled with peanut butter sometime in the mid-nineties. 4. etco cooler, the green hi-c with monster on the front. 5. the fruit snack you would peel from cardboard in a maze shape.

  138. Rachel

    I think I’d like to see those plastic charm bracelets come back. I used to have about a thousand cheap plastic charms with bells . . . maybe it was just an Ohio thing. I don’t know but they were cool.

  139. maxchain

    I’ll tell ya what they oughtta bring back–Arby’s Homestyle Fries!

  140. Brenda

    Strawberry Shortcake! I have fond but faint memories of it as a kid and would love to see it brought back. I know you can find the dolls in some stores but it doesn’t feel quite the same.

  141. Ben

    Hi-top fades and buffalo chicken pizza bagels.

  142. Monsieur D.

    I’d like to see high-water pants brought pack.

  143. Meryl

    I really loved Crystal Pepsi, and am roundly mocked whenever I bring it up.

  144. dnL or 7up (upside down)

  145. amy

    they should bring back the show perfect strangers. just air the original episodes instead of the current programming. balki and larry. hilarity ensues.

  146. Kristen

    I would loooove for Saved by the Bell back. original cast, no new class crap

  147. pamela

    Gosh so many things I would love to see come back LOL
    I would love to see Bubs Daddy bubble gum come back lol
    I would love to see McDonalds bring back the actual fried pies, cherry was my favvvvv!
    I can remember when candy bars were a nickle and could get a huge bag of penny candy for 25 cents 😀
    TV shows…. Mighty Mouse of course lol

  148. Chrissy

    Planters Cheez Balls!! Oh, and those cereal things in the can…they wee like giant froot loops in a can.

    And maybe Tab Energy. I really liked that crap.

  149. Clevegal42

    There’s tons of cool stuff that needs to be brought back…Crystal Pepsi, Smurfs, sexy, Jellies shoes and bracelets, Hammertime…but the most important thing that needs to be brought back is the McRib.

    That’s right suckas – McRib was, is and always will be the bomb diggity.

    And I love Pepsi Throwback – plus it has less sugar grams than regular Pepsi.

  150. thefiftyfourth

    arrested development!

  151. Chris

    Inspector Gadget…not the live-action crap, the campy 80s cartoon!

  152. Jessica

    I would love to have them bring back cane sugar Dr Pepper, nothing like real sugar goodness.

  153. stephen

    i wish they could bring back stark raving mad. comedy on nbc (back when all the nbc shows were funny). it starred tony shalhoub and neil patrick harris. it was great. but of course it was canceled. never fails. if i really like it, it’ll get canceled. but the old pepsi is a good idea. i wish all the companies would go back to just sugar. that was goooood stuff.

  154. I wish they’d bring back TGIF! Best. TV. Ever. And also, Bump in the Night. Saturday mornings at their finest.
    And when is the McRib coming back?

  155. bj

    Gummi Bears the tv show, Crystal Pepsi, classic Lisa Frank stickers, fuzzy slap bracelets, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, and most importantly…SURGE.

  156. Matt

    I’d like to see sexy brought back. Oh, wait. Justin Timberlak already did that…NOT!

  157. Rob

    Tv show Seinfeld; pop culture phenomenon: George Carlin

  158. kyle

    Television sitcoms featuring a well-to-do family with a hilarious butler.

  159. C


  160. I wish Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Zima would come back, in that order.

  161. Kristina Cant

    They need to bring back “Freaks and Geeks”. The original Apatow team. That show was awesome.

  162. Melissa

    Josta. Definitely Josta!

  163. Easy: Buitoni’s Toaster Pizza.

    Jesus, I loved those things.

  164. Bz

    Bring back Surge!

  165. AT

    With all the Dominos hoopla I want to see the Noid brought back.

  166. liz

    I want the show Dharma and Greg back, Devon Knight and this prize!

  167. Toneh

    I don’t think there are any trends that I really miss.

    The ONLY thing I really miss was watching SNICK on Saturday nights when I was 12-15. My mom would get a pizza and I would spend a few hours in a different, more entertaining world.

    Nowadays it’s rather hard to get that happy off of such a simple thing.

  168. adrian

    AHHH! Real Monsters and Invader Zim. New eps of Zim would make my life wonderful 🙂

  169. chris

    id love to see either nintendo cereal or voltron back… not that version with the cars.. the one with the lions!

    some of my best childhood memories invovle both voltron and nintendo cereal. preferably at the same time.

  170. govtdrone

    Parachute pants because they would cover up my fat thighs.

  171. Jessica

    Awww come on, MTV. What is wrong with you? Those reality shows you now run constantly? They kinda, well, suck. Take a cue from Pepsi and BRING BACK DARIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  172. Pepsi Clear! That stuff was horrible, but such a novel concept!

    And tightrolling your jeans. I try to bring that back on a regular basis, but nobody else seems to want to jump on the bandwagon!

  173. OH! I would love, love, love for some of the real family dramas from the late 80’s and early 90s to see a revivial. Life Goes On and The Wonder Years in particular! Wonderful shows that weren’t all about teenagers acting as though they are 35 years old!

  174. Devika

    Oooh this rules! I just got a case of Pepsi Throwback, and it is the best!!

  175. cureusblue

    I would like like to see The Snorkles come back, the cartoon, and not as an updated version either…. Oh, or The Wuzzles, those crazy mixed up animals. Part bee, part hippo? Of course it’s awesome!

  176. Ed

    I’d love to see 7up Gold come back. I never got a chance to try it originally, and I’d love to.

  177. Chris P

    How about some old Nick shows: Salute Your Shorts, Rocco’s Modern Life, GUTS (agro crag ftw), Double Dare.

  178. Brian

    All my guilty pleasures… Saved By The Bell, Real Coke (not this “Classic” crap), Sports Night, Big Wheels, etc.

  179. Scott O

    I want the show Greg The Bunny, which only ran one season but was amazing, to be brought back. It had seth green it was awesome…

    Pogs rock too…. still have all my old ones at my moms house i think…

  180. Geoff

    Hot Warheads candy and the Wendy’s Chedder Lover’s Bacon Cheesburger please.

  181. Let’s bring Pepsi Throwback – back!

  182. AJ

    Spirals! Those crappy corn snacks shaped like corkscrews and doused with nacho cheese powder!

  183. G-Man

    I really wish that they’d bring back those Fat Frog Popsicles.

  184. Tracey

    I’m doin this one for my mom because she gave me my first Pepsi when I was 2 and I ain’t ever gonna give it back 🙂

    If they could bring anything back I would like either

    Giggles Cookies


    Pepsi Blue (I know it wasn’t that long ago but its worth a shot)

  185. Mgikflwr

    I wish they would bring back Cookies and Cream Twix. Those were the best. Ooo, and also Surge. Aww, to eat a Cookies and Cream twix while sippin’ on a Surge, pure bliss.

  186. I’d like to see a return of the overall as a fashion trend. not only is it easy to dress, and look totally fly but it would effectively kill the sagging pants complaint.

  187. Pittsburgh Phil

    Remember orbits? I would love those to come back. Brings back my childhood.

  188. Fletch

    Clear Pepsi! Except for the supposed cancer-causing elements of course.

    Oh, and that game we used to play in elementary school with a tennis ball and a wall. Throw the ball at the wall, if you fumble the rebound you had to run and touch the wall before someone pegged you with it or hit the wall with it. We used to call it Suicide.

  189. Tracy

    I wish they would bring back the Love Boat. We use to eat pizza, drink pepsi and watch the Love Boat and then Fantasy Island. Great family nights! Now I’m cravy a pepsi and pizza.

  190. Stephanie

    I would like to see The Kroft Super Show be brought back. Or better yet, Dusty’s Treehouse!

  191. ultradave

    I want to see them redo Dr Shrinker. Or, the Great Space Coaster. Oh hell both of them please.

  192. Lawn Darts!

  193. Michelle Williams

    Drive-in movies, because teenagers need to stuff themselves in cars, parents need to make beds for their kids in the hatchback, and popcorn and soda taste best when you are sitting on the hood of your car on a summer night.

  194. Lisa

    Ice Cream Cones Cereal! It had chocolate or vanilla puffs and sugar cone-shaped pieces. My brother and I used to bounce off the walls after eating it 🙂

  195. Rdy

    Short shorts worn by everybody.

  196. Brandon

    I say it’s time to bring back the old game show “Press Your Luck”. Big Bucks! No Whammies! STOP!

  197. Fran


  198. Eric B.

    Another vote for crystal pepsi. I actually liked it. Seriously.

  199. Jennifer M

    Bring back Arrested Development!
    What a great, great show!

  200. Philip

    The tv show Zoom from PBS Kids needs to be brought back! So much nostalgia

  201. TC

    The Jones Soda flavor ‘Happy’! It was delicious, and tasted of sunshine.

  202. I was going to say Mother’s Circus Animal cookies, but it turns out they’ve already been brought back!

    So, I’m going with My So-Called Life (Yes, I was a teenager in the 1990s).

  203. Nick T

    Bring back Global GUTS on Nickelodeon, McDonalds Arch Deluxe and the WB Frog.

  204. bianca

    ZOTZ that we would buy from the stranger that dished out confectionary to children. so sweet so fizzy. much better than the so sweet soooo sweeeter Dr. Pepper gum yet not as fun as the condom-looking packaged stinkbombs we got from the same guy.

  205. Jeannie

    The original Electric Company. 🙂

  206. I WISH pepsi would bring back diet pepsi with vanilla in 2 liters. yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm and if pepsi won’t bring that back how about the diet pepsi with french vanilla it was slightly less great but still good.

  207. Allan Bray

    Anyone else miss those old Doctor Dreadfull sets? I had all of them, and would love to see them come back, bigger and better! The stuff was sometimes icky, but always fun to make, and some of it was actually not bad to eat!

  208. darcy b.

    i hope nobody’s said these (i’m too lazy to read all the comments)

    1. old school tart n’ tinys without that nasty spree-like candy coating
    2. old school tv from when i was growing up like hey dude/salute your shorts/sqare one
    3. when wendy’s had a salad bar

  209. Lee R.

    Far from original, but I have to say Crystal Pepsi or Pepsi Blue.

    Alternatively, Keebler Magic Middles.

  210. I’d love to see Surge brought back! (But then again who wouldn’t?)

  211. mitchy from the block

    I wish they would bring back trans-fats. French fries taste like shit now.

  212. David

    Would love to see Dick Clark’s “100,000 Pyramid” brought back.

  213. I would like to see Bea Arthur back. I miss her. Of course, a Pepsi Trucker Hat is the next best thing.

  214. Shonda

    I would kill or die for the Pizza Hut Priazzo to make a come back. More specifically, the Roma Priazzo. Oooohhh, so good.

    I would also like Crystal Lite to make their Ruby Red drink again. The stuff actually tasted like grapefruit juice. I found it and only had it for a month before it disappeared. Crystal Lite bastards.

  215. Dee

    I have a few:

    1. Arch Deluxe
    2. ‘Yo momma’ jokes
    3. The TV show ALF

  216. Michael B

    Original Mr. Pibb soda. NOT PIBB XTRA!

    and the slogan “Put it in your head”

  217. Maudelle

    I wanna see Where In The World Is Carmen San Diego!

  218. Travis

    I would love to see Dt. Cherry Chocolate Dr. Pepper again…I LOVED that stuff…I miss it so much. Ruby Red Squirt would be another one…it may still be around, but I havent seen it in years…

  219. Jim

    I would love to see the TV show King of the Hill brought back after this season.

  220. Robyn Grey

    I wish they’d bring back the old imacs that looked like big toys with their flavour-colour-names!

  221. Jimmis

    I want my Surge! I need massive amounts of sugar! Oh the memories… 🙂

  222. I would love to have the best cheese snack ever brought back… TID BITS!! mmmmmmm

  223. Connie Kuhn

    SURGE is the best soda on earth and should be brought back immediately.

  224. Melanie Orr

    I’d love to see jellies come back… and it should be socially acceptable to eat those giant pixie sticks at every meal regardless of one’s age.

  225. Brandi

    I’d like to see the Apple Newton brought back.

  226. Dylan

    The original SNICK line up on Nickelodeon, Angry Beavers, and Rocko’s Modern Life.

    Oh and at least one more season of Firefly or another movie.

  227. Carrie

    I would like to see the Mike & Ike people bring back the Cherry & Bub flavor, or whatever it was called – it was a pack of cherry (red) and bubblegum (pink) flavored Mike & Ikes.

    Though now that I think about it, it sounds kind of gross. Maybe I shouldn’t wish for candy that I liked when I was eight…

  228. i would like to see the great american bank robbers (eg billy the kid, john dillinger, etc…) brought back, but in zombie form. they would be fun zombies to kill. forget about these “raised by the tv” zombies. i want some bad ass zombies to hunt down. i don’t want to chase a zombie that stops every 20 feet to catch his breath.

    or rainbow bright. she was cool… and colorful.

  229. david

    How about those space food sticks?

  230. Medicine

    I want the soda “OK!” back. It was like orange soda and dr pepper mixed together. So tasty.

  231. Ash

    I want Arrested Development back! I could also go for a cheesy gordita crunch from Taco Bell. Fortunately, I think the latter makes a return about as often as McDonald’s likes to bring back the McRib.

  232. I’d love to see McDonalds follow Burger King’s XT trend and bring back the Double Whopper.

    And yes, Arrested Development needs to be miraculously brought back to life.

  233. Jesse

    those Koala Bears cookies and Dorito’s Extreme: Zesty Sour Cream & Cheddar

  234. Cait

    Orbitz drink
    Planters crispy cookie things with peanut butter
    Surge soda
    Day-Glo t shirts
    Wendy’s Pita sandwiches
    Koala Yummies

  235. Aaron

    Some day before LA was like one of the most disgusting places ever…

  236. Jason

    I would like to see the return of the light brown (tan) M&M. Not only did it taste as good or better than its M&M brethren, it presented an earthy segment of the color spectrum that many people can relate to. The tan M&M was shamed when there were open auditions for its replacement while it was still in the bag. The reintroduction of the tan M&M, even for a limited time, would not only be delicious, it would bring closure to the indignity suffered by the tan M&M.

  237. Eddy

    I’d like to see the old formula for Nesquik chocolate milk mix make a comeback! They’ve made it so that it stirs very evenly and smoothly now, but part of the fun of drinking Quik/Nesquik was using a spoon to scoop up the clumps of chocolatey sugar floating on top of the milk and eating them!

  238. RossS

    I’m glad the 60’s and 70’s are gone. I can’t think of anything I’d want brought back other than my youth. Oh, and Great Shakes. Those were good.

  239. RossS

    …and Gauchos. Those were good too.

  240. I want the trend of whatever movie property comes out gets a terrible cartoon show. Whoever stars in it gets turned into kids like Robocop babies or Terminator gets a mokey robot sidekick. It’s all about the terrible 80’s quality cartoons that had outlandish insane storline that had mutants and trips to other dimesions. My favorite idea is a Matrix cartoon called Neo and the Matrix where the Matrix takes the form of a person and they go on adventures through time.

  241. mike rowley

    I would love to see the TV show Las Vegas come back.

    I love the Pepsi Throwback, the sugar makes it so good. Im totally addicted to the stuff!

  242. Tracy

    Ok I am totally showing my age here but I would freak if they would bring back Koogle!!! Remember that stuff? Differerent flavored peanut butter spreads…I think there was cinnamon and banana and maybe strawberry but the only one I ever had was chocolate and it was soooo good!

  243. bring back amercian graffiti and pepsi throw back cant wait

  244. Jesse

    Saved by the Bell

  245. M Allen

    – jello pudding pops

    – Hubba Bubba blueberry gum

    – Dr Pepper gum with the gel center

  246. These might still exist…but I would really like to see Dunka-Roos brought back. I remember showing them off to my friends whenever I had them packed in my lunch box!

  247. Eddie

    Bring back the TV series Jericho and the restaurant chain Ritzy’s!

  248. Chuck

    I rather like Boo Berry cereal and I can only find it around Halloween time. And bring back Nitro Cola. That stuff was the bomb.

  249. dms

    I’d love to see Pepsi Blue brought back ;(

  250. Before there were powerbars and zillion other ‘bars’ – Carnation Instant Breakfast had this really really dry breakfast bar that tasted like chocolate covered flavored powered milk. But it was SO tasty! I loved the peanut butter ones and have never ever found anything comparable.

  251. sj

    thundercats ohooohhhhh

  252. Tara

    I quite miss the Twix Java. I wish that would come back.

  253. csyria

    I’d love to see decent shows on Nick come back, like Legends of the Hidden Temple and GUTS.

    And Pepsi Blue. Maybe Crystal Pepsi since I was never old enough to try it myself. 🙁

  254. Jen

    Jell-O Gelatin Pops.

    Those things were magically delicious.

  255. Ben

    White Chocolate M&M’s and the Wire. Allergic to real chocolate, those were the closest I could get.

  256. seema

    tv show i want brought back: the oblongs!! anyone familiar?

  257. Jason

    Bring back Terry Schiavo…lol

  258. mandy_Reeves

    I <3 throwback pepsi

  259. I miss:

    Pepsi Holiday Spice
    Red Fusion Dr. Pepper
    Taco Bell wild sauce & 4 alarm tacos
    Oreo O’s

  260. christy cox

    I just love pepsi and need to win something please. Thanks

  261. mere

    KaBLaM! it was the best of those ’90s kid shows and i want more, in particular, Action League Now! for watching pleasure.

  262. Becci

    I want to see H R Pufnstuf brought back. That show was sweet back in the day.

  263. Bunny

    Bring back the old Disney Channel with the old school cartoons.

  264. Jennifer

    I would love to see Clearly Canadian brought back. Man, I loved that clear fruity bubbly water.

    For TV shows, I would love to see Punky Brewster brought back, only so long as it didn’t star some overly generic Disney brat.