FAST FOOD NEWS: McDonald’s Cinnamon Cookie Latte and Donut Sticks with Chocolate Sauce

News McCafe Holiday menu items

McDonald’s has given us two presents this holiday season that we have to pay for with our own money — the McCafe Cinnamon Cookie Latte and Donut Sticks with Chocolate Sauce.

The Cinnamon Cookie Latte features the sweet taste of cinnamon, milk, and freshly brewed 100% Rainforest Alliance Certified espresso. It’s also topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon. It’s available hot or cold, and can be ordered all day long throughout the holiday season.

The McCafe Donut Sticks with Chocolate Sauce combines the cinnnamon and sugary treat that made its debut earlier this year with a side of chocolate sauce. It’s available by the half-dozen or dozen, and only during breakfast hours.

If you’ve tried either one, let us know what you think in the comments.

(Image via McDonald’s.)


4 responses to “FAST FOOD NEWS: McDonald’s Cinnamon Cookie Latte and Donut Sticks with Chocolate Sauce”

  1. Mike S.

    It’s the McDonald’s version of chocolate con churros. 🙂

  2. Tina

    So what makes it a cinnamon cookie latte, rather than just a cinnamon latte?

    1. TheOneAboveAll

      I don’t think anything…adding the word cookie just sounds better.

    2. Cp

      Maybe more of a vanilla flavour?