The McDonald’s Snack Wraps are just like actors who’ve played James Bond — one of them defined it (Sean Connery, Ranch Snack Wrap), one of them not so much (Timothy Dalton, Honey Mustard Snack Wrap), one of them you’ve probably never heard of (George Lazenby, Salsa Roja Snack Wrap), and one of them was not bad (Roger Moore, the new Chipotle BBQ Snack Wrap).
But unlike the James Bond movies, which are somewhat limited by the number of novels written by Ian Fleming and other authors, the expansion of the McDonald’s Snack Wrap is almost endless. Stuffed with either crispy or grilled all-white chicken breast meat, shredded lettuce and cheese, and a spicy sweet sauce, the McDonald’s Chipotle BBQ Snack Wrap continues the evolution of this affordable burrito wannabe.
You could say about the Snack Wrap that McDonald’s is not only just lovin’ it, they’re also just milkin’ it. Slowly but surely, as they keep adding new sauces, Snack Wraps will reach a rare level of diversity that only Beanie Babies and Pokemon have accomplished, but unlike those two, Snack Wraps have horrible resale value on eBay.
But for now there are only three McDonald’s Snack Wrap flavors available nationwide, and if you’ve tried all three, congratulations, you’ve completed the Snack Wrap Gastrointestinal Triple Crown. Your prize? A possible slight raise in high blood pressure and making the lovable purple blob Grimace smile.
If you haven’t had the McDonald’s Chipotle BBQ Snack Wrap, I’d suggest you try it, because it’s good. Although, I personally think the ranch dressing version of it is the best flavor. The sauce itself tasted like any barbecue sauce with a little spice and it meshed well with the crispy version, but not so much with the grilled one.
As someone who prefers to get my tongue kicked by spices so hard that I cry like a Miss USA contestant after she’s announced as the winner or sweat like someone trapped in a Geo Metro with Spongebob Squarepants and Urkel from Family Matters, I was hoping that the chipotle sauce would’ve been hotter. But if you’re a lightweight when it comes to spices, I’d suggest passing on this particular Snack Wrap because there is a little burn.
(Nutritional Values: The crispy version of the McDonald’s Chipotle BBQ Snack Wrap has 320 calories, 14 grams of fat, 4.5 grams of saturated fat, 1 gram of trans fat, 25 milligrams of cholesterol, 780 milligrams of sodium, 35 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of dietary fiber, and 14 grams of protein. The grilled version has 260 calories, 8 grams of fat, 3.5 grams of saturated fat, zero grams of trans fat, 45 milligrams of cholesterol, 820 milligrams of sodium, 28 grams of carbohydrates, 1 grams of dietary fiber, and 18 grams of protein.)
Item: McDonald’s Chipotle BBQ Snack Wrap
Price: $1.49 each
Purchased at: McDonald’s
Rating: 3 out of 5
Pros: Good. Crispy tastes better. Sean Connery as James Bond. Making Grimace smile.
Cons: Kind of small. Sauce not spicy enough for me. Grilled is not as good as crispy. Nutritional values are snack-like. Timothy Dalton as James Bond. Being trapped in a Geo Metro with Spongebob and Urkel.
I kind of worry about what The King will do to you when he sees you with this. He’s a mad man, he is.
Damn, I suppose I won’t be able to resell my Southwest Ranch Salad on ebay, either. What dumb luck!
I so want to try one of these, but the crispy ones you prefer will be way too many calories for my Weight Watcher’s regime. Dumb luck again!
What about Daniel Craig? Is he the Fajita Filet Mignon Snack Wrap? Yowza!
I actually thought the first Timothy Dalton 007 movie (The Living Daylights) was very good. The second one he did, though, was a major suck-fest so bad that it almost ended the franchise entirely.
I generally tend to avoid McDonalds unless I have no other options but this might not be bad for a quick snack.
I hope you enjoyed these.. all reports are saying that you will be dead by dawn, Flossie is the reaper coming to claim all the souls on your island.
It’s the rapture and it’s starting in Hawaii.
I tried one of these last week and it kicked my ass. Yeah, I’m a lightweight when it comes to spicy. It’s yummy, though, and great for a quick snack (I go for the grilled version).
i don’t like chipotle anything, but you’re right, the crispy ranch ones are the BEST!
I’ve never seen a James Bond movie…and now I don’t have to because comparing them to McDonalds food, cements my belief that 007 would give me heartburn.
The introduction of Honey Mustard & Chipotle BBQ varieties gives me hope that Buffalo wraps are coming soon. It’s kinda baffling that they haven’t done it already…
Of course, you can just order a snack wrap without sauce, ask for buffalo sauce on the side, delicately open up the tortilla, dump a bunch of buffalo sauce on the chicken, and gently roll the tortilla up again. Quite tasty…and way spicier than the Chipotle BBQ!
I hope you appreciate how hard it is to read such yummy sounding reviews considering I’m detoxing and can’t eat any of it. I’m weak, so weak. Good thing Sean Connery isn’t around rllllll mmmmmm.
Man, I really hate it when Urkel and spongebob invade my geo. Glad to know I’m not the only one suffering. (unfortunately I really do drive a geo with no a/c)
Is there really no other artery clogging new idea McD’s can come up with other than putting a new sauce in their chicken wrap? I’m disappointed and, frankly, a little saddened by their lack of creativity.
Hilarious. I just wanted to show some appreciation.
Melissa – Go medieval on my punk ass?
nat – I bet you could try to resell your Southwest Ranch Salad on eBay. Just rearrange the vegetables so it looks like the Virgin Mary is in it.
Domokun – Daniel Craig is on the level of the Ranch Snack Wrap…unless he totally sucks in the next Bond movie.
Chuck – I really should avoid McDonald’s, but alas, eating food from McDonald’s is the life of a quasi-product review blog editor. Sigh.
Lord Jezo – Pfff…Flossie. Lamest. Hurricane. Name. Ever. Please don’t come over Oahu, I’m not prepared.
AmberLB – Oh, but that crispy version is better. You gotta try it just once.
Webmiztris – Yup, they are the shiznit! 🙂
Mia – Watching James Bond movies make me want to build machine guns behind my car’s headlights and turn my ball point pen into a grenade.
Adrian – Actually, I’d like to do that with their hot mustard Chicken McNuggets sauce. Mmm….
Erika – Ice cream. Ice cream. Ice cream. Right now I’m guessing you no longer crave the Chipotle BBQ Snack Wrap.
Jackers – I’m just glad they haven’t created the McRib Snack Wrap…Oh great, I just gave them the idea.
thesometimesgirl – Appreciation right back at ya fo’ yo comment!
I’ve only had the original snack wrap, but I thought it was awful. =\
Marvo why are you hating on the McRib – that’s the best thing McDonald’s has produced since the Filet O’Fish. I mourn for the McRib. The snack wraps are OK though.
Hmm…I thought the bbq wrap was better than the ranch wrap. Though, that could very well be because they use approximately half a bottle of ranch in the ranch wraps at my local McD’s. The flavor is so over powering that you can barely taste the chicken. Bleh.
i think i’ll pass on the micky -dee wraps the idea of teenagers making any thing scares me, worst than any bond movie?
Psh, the grilled honey mustard wrap is by far superior to both the ranch and BBQ chipotle ones. Although the BBQ is good, but because I’m a pathetic eastern european pansy, the spice kicked my ass and made me go running back to the sweet, gentle, honey mustard variety.
Someone told me Grimace was a taste bud and I was so grossed out I resolved never to think of him again. I’m relieved to know he may be a spilled shake. Thanks for that handy wiki-link. Although, now that I think about, it isn’t all that pleasant either. He must smell bad.
The Lazy Canadian – There are so many other things at McDonald’s that are awful, but I’m too tired to list them.
Clevegal42 – For some reason, the McRib is back….AGAIN!!!
Rhawb – I wish they’d put more of the secret sauce in the Big Macs.
db cooper – Immigrants here make them.
Tristyn – You know, ranch is used to cool down the mouth when eating buffalo wings.
Melbatoast – Oh…If Grimace is a shake, I do not want to taste him.
Ok, quick question. I don’t know where else to ask. What is the name of the woman in the commercial for the snack wrap? I’ve tasted the wraps, and they are scrumptious, but she seems even more scrumptious if you know what I mean.