Every Saturday, at about 10 PM, I open up my web browser and direct it to the Target website. I’m there to look at Target’s weekly ad because I don’t subscribe to the newspaper that has the Target circular stuffed into its Sunday edition. Yes, I am helping with the downfall of the local newspaper industry.
While virtually flipping through the pages of the latest Target ad, I noticed the SunChips 6 Grain Medley. These SunChips come in two fancy pancy flavors — Onion & Thyme and Parmesan & Herb.
They’re available in 9-ounce bag and are Target-exclusives, so you’re not going to find them at Kmart, but really, who goes to Kmart nowadays? It’s a third-tier mom and pops store crusher, which combines the depressing aura of Walmart with the red of Target.
We don’t have KMart in Alaska, but they play the commercials here all the time
so I know all about their layaway.
…But do you know about their Blue Light Specials?
They don’t advertise those on tv.
Hey, AK is getting an Olive Garden this fall, does Hawaii have one? Just curious, OG is terrible so I’ll never eat there, but being able to say we have something Hawaii doesn’t is always nice.
Er … did you stop eating? The last two or three times I clicked on a headline to go to one of your reviews (on my homepage, how’s that for devotion?), there was nothing about how the food actually TASTES. This would be rather useful information for, oh, I dunno, knowing whether to actually buy the stuff …
This post isn’t a review; it’s a news post. So that people wouldn’t get confused I’ve labeled them accordingly, “NEWS” when it’s a news post and “REVIEW” when it’s a review.
I purchased these today… both flavors were pretty disappointing. The parmesan and herb flavor was seriously lacking (all I could taste was the 6 grains of.. graininess) and the onion and thyme flavor was oddly sweet. Not my favorite.