REVIEW: McDonald’s Fruit & Walnut Salad

McDonald's Fruit & Walnut Salad

Where are your balls, McDonald’s?

Hardee’s comes out with the Monster Thickburger, Burger King releases the Enormous Omelet Sandwich, and you introduce the Fruit & Walnut Salad?

It’s like Cadillac introducing a bigger, eight-door Escalade with spinning wheels, Hummer selling a heavier, boxier H3 with tank tracks, and Ford coming out with another Pinto.

The combination of apple slices, red grapes, candied walnuts, and low-fat yogurt dipping sauce was pretty decent, but where’s the gluttony?

I know you’re trying to be more healthy, but couldn’t you have tried to make it overly healthy?

You could’ve made it the Xtreme Fruit & Walnut Mammoth Salad, which would contain insane amounts of things that are good for you, like dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

I’m not talking about one sliced apple, a handful of grapes, a small airplane snack-sized bag of candied walnuts, and a small cup of fat-free yogurt that I got with the regular Fruit & Walnut Salad.

I’m talking about a whole bushel of apples, enough yogurt to dip your head into, enough red grapes to make your own bottle of wine, and enough nuts to prevent the lemmings from jumping into the ocean.

All of that in a deep, gigantic bowl that just barely fits through the drive-thru window and makes your automobile tip over like the slab of dinosaur ribs does during the ending credits of the Flintstones.

All of that has to contain enough dietary fiber to make my bowel movements so irregular that I might need adult diapers, enough calcium to make my bones stronger than adamantium, and enough antioxidants to make me feel like I could survive a few years of living a hardcore rockstar lifestyle with excessive booze, drugs, and women.

Also, why are there only two types of fruit in the Fruit & Walnut Salad? If a Monster Thickburger can have several slices of cheese, why can’t the Fruit & Walnut Salad have several types of fruit? Maybe some mangoes, lychee, pears, cantaloupes, and strawberries.

Anyway, despite the McDonald’s Fruit & Walnut Salad not being gluttonous enough, it was a decent meal. The candied walnuts are what really makes this salad tasty, so if you’re allergic to nuts, I’d suggest you pass on the Fruit & Walnut Salad, unless you’re feeling dangerous.

(Editor’s Note: If you’re allergic to nuts and are feeling dangerous, The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for any allergic reaction caused by you feeling dangerous.)

Item: McDonald’s Fruit & Walnut Salad
Purchase Price: $3.29
Rating: 7 out of 10
Pros: Decent taste. Healthy. Good source of dietary fiber. Low sodium. Better tasting and looking than a Ford Pinto.
Cons: Tastes better with walnuts, which is bad for those who are allergic to them. Weak variety of fruits. Not enormous, monster, or gluttonous enough. Not overly healthy.

REVIEW: Star Wars Twisted Cheetos

Star Wars Twisted Cheetos

I’m disappointed with these Star Wars Twisted Cheetos.

Not because of the taste, because they taste great just like regular Cheetos. Also, not because they make my fingers a cheesy mess, because I like to clean my fingers by sucking on them after eating Cheetos.

I’m disappointed because I was hoping the Star Wars Twisted Cheetos would tell me that I belong on the Dark Side of the Force. Instead they told me I’m on the good side of the Force.

So how did the Star Wars Twisted Cheetos tell me I belong on the good side of the Force?

When you eat a bag of Star Wars Twisted Cheetos, which look like normal Cheetos, they will either turn your tongue Yoda Green (good side) or Darth Vader Dark (Dark Side). I bought two bags of it and both of them turned my tongue green, meaning I’m a good guy.

Some of you maybe thinking that this is a good thing, but I REALLY wanted to be on the Dark Side of the Force, because women love bad boys.

Look at Colin Farrell and Russell Crowe. Both bad boys and both loved by women all over the world.

So I guess it’s true that nice guys do finish last. Well I’m tired of being a nice guy and I’ve decided to be a bad boy so I can get all the women to like me.

First, I’m going to get myself a tattoo and get a couple body parts pierced. Maybe I’ll get a tattoo of a dragon on my back and a Prince Albert (Warning: Link not safe for work.) because those things would really make me a bad boy.

Then I’m going to get me a motorcycle, because women love bad boys on motorcycles, no matter how ugly the guy is. Either a nice Harley-Davidson or maybe a street bike. Also, I’m not going to buy a helmet, because I’m a bad boy and I live my life on the edge, baby!

Ooh, I also have to get drunk at a bar, get into a fight, and get arrested by the police. When they arrest me, I have to be dragged because a bad boy would disrespect authority. If the cops beat me, I’ll just tell them, “Naw, that didn’t hurt. Do it again!” That’s what a bad boy would say.

Oh wait. I forgot.

I can’t get a tattoo or a body piercing because I HATE needles and I have a very low threshold for pain. I can’t get a motorcycle because apparently they don’t come with training wheels. I can’t get drunk because I’m usually the designated driver. I can’t get into a fight because I’m such a wuss that I’ll probably get knocked out by a midget.

I wonder what else I could do to be a bad boy?

(Editor’s Note: Thanks to MSNBC blogger and occasional Impulsive Buy reader Gael Cooper for introducing me to Star Wars Twisted Cheetos.)
Item: Star Wars Twisted Cheetos
Purchase Price: 99 cents
Rating: 7 out of 10
Pros: Delicious just like Cheetos. Licking my cheesy fingers. Makes your tongue temporarily change color.
Cons: I don’t belong to the Dark Side of the Force. I’ll never become a bad boy. The pain from a Prince Albert.

REVIEW: Kellogg’s Star Wars Cereal

Star Wars Cereal

With Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith opening tomorrow, The Impulsive Buy decided to review a product that promotes Star Wars. Wait, that doesn’t make sense. Products that promote Star Wars? If there’s one movie that doesn’t need promotional products it’s Star Wars.

Star Wars needs promotion like we need another movie with Paris Hilton. Both are very unnecessary.

Anyway, there are literally hundreds of Star Wars-related products available and deciding which one to review was a hard choice. However, I decided to review Star Wars Cereal because there are marshmallows in it. Yahtzee!

The Impulsive Buy was fortunate to interview Jedi Master Yoda for this review, who just so happened to be on the front of the Star Wars Cereal box I bought.

TIB: Yoda, thank you for agreeing to do this interview.

Yoda: Conan O’Brien you are not.

TIB: Sorry, I’m not.

Yoda: Interviews, doing too many I am. Keeping track I cannot. Fire agent I will.

TIB: Anyway, so how does it feel to have your face on a box of Star Wars cereal?

Yoda: Many things my face is on. Cereal box, potato chips, pencils, candy, endless the list is. Prostituted me Lucas has. On the back of adult diapers, if my face appeared, surprised I would not be.

TIB: You also have a marshmallow in the Star Wars Cereal. Isn’t that pretty cool?

Yoda: Seen the Yoda marshmallow have you? Look like me it does not. Blind Kellogg’s must be. Also, Darth Vader marshmallow, blue it is. Even with eyes over 900 years old, the color of Darth Vader I can see.

TIB: I’ve tried the cereal and I thought it tasted pretty good, like Lucky Charms. Did you try it and what did you think of it?

Yoda: Yes, years ago cereal I have tried. Like it I did.

TIB: Years ago?

Yoda: With lightsaber fight scene with Count Dooku in Attack of the Clones help me it did. Without sugar in cereal, bounce off walls and spin around I could not. To get me hyper, in this small body, not much sugar it takes.

TIB: So the Star Wars Cereal is a limited edition cereal. Can you use your Jedi powers to determine if it will be worth anything in the future?

Yoda: On eBay you wish to sell?

TIB: Yes.

Yoda: Jedi powers for profit? Use I will not. But Britney’s first child, typical trailer trash it will become.

TIB: It doesn’t take the Force to figure that out, Yoda.

Yoda: Hmm…True that is.

TIB: Now on the back of the cereal box, puzzles there are. Dammit, Yoda! Talking like you, I am!

Yoda: No, Jedi mind trick that was. No Jedi powers for profit, but Jedi powers for entertainment, another story that is.

TIB: Well I know you’re busy, so here’s my last question. The last two Star Wars movies weren’t very good. Is the last movie any good?

Yoda: Last two movies, my fault it was not. Puppet I am. Act better than Hayden Christensen in first two movies I did. Besides, watch it you will anyway, because last Star Wars movie it is.

TIB: True. Well Yoda, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to visit with us.

Yoda: Welcome, you are.

Item: Star Wars Cereal
Purchase Price: $2.97
Rating: 7 out of 10
Pros: Tasted like Lucky Charms. Puzzles on the back of box were easy. Limited edition cereal. It may be worth more than retail price someday.
Cons: Yoda and Darth Vader marshmallows don’t look like them. Hayden Christensen’s acting in the first two Star Wars prequels. Revenge of the Sith is the last Star Wars movie.

REVIEW: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo

I think I might be the last person on the face of the Earth to try the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. But I guess I should be used to jumping late on the bandwagon, like I did with Hypercolor clothes, Razor scooters, calculator wristwatches, acid washed jeans, and the second coming of the yo-yo.

I’m surprised that I’m not still living in the 1990s. Thank you VH1, for showing me what is no longer cool. Now where the hell were you in high school?

Anyway, I finally got onto the bandwagon again when I tried the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo, which is slightly different than the original. It has a blue absorbent layer on one side, which is used to wipe up things like a normal sponge.

If you’ve never used a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, it’s very simple to use. Just wet it like a sponge, squeeze out the excess water, and wipe away dirt and grime. Also, if you’ve never used a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, you’re even more uncool than I am.

So for this review I’ve decided to also write a poem, which is very familiar to the Oscar Mayer wiener song, because I’ve had that song in my head all day for some strange reason. Enjoy.

Oh I wish the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo was a source of fuel.
A source that could run my car for months, weeks, days, or hours.
Cause if the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo was a source of fuel,
I wouldn’t need to spend $2.45 a gallon on my car’s power.
However, the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo isn’t a source of fuel,
But it got rid of the stubborn Gatorade stains on my kitchen counter.

Oh I wish the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo was a sledgehammer,
With huge iron spikes that were dipped in poison or hydrochloric acid.
Cause if the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo was a sledgehammer,
I’d use it on those damn German spammers and turn their hands flaccid.
However, the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo isn’t a sledgehammer,
But it easily erased an hour-old Sharpie pen mark that was quite massive.

Oh I wish the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo was a TV studio executive,
With the power to cancel any show when ratings begin to drop.
Cause if the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo was a TV studio executive,
Reality TV would be gone, giving people 15 minutes of fame has to stop.
However, the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo isn’t a TV studio executive,
But it got rid of all the crap that was on my white electric stove top.

Oh I wish the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo was a dominatrix,
With a whip, stiletto heels, and dressed in a leather and chain suit.
Cause if the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo was a dominatrix,
I’d want her to tie me down and step on my face with her leather boot.
However, the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo isn’t a dominatrix,
But it erased what’s in between my shower’s tiles without me being brute.

Item: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo
Purchase Price: $4.99 (4-pack)
Rating: 8 out of 10
Pros: Many uses. Easy to use. Magically got rid of stuff without much effort.
Cons: Slightly pricey.

Method Bathroom Surface Cleaner

Method Bathroom Surface Cleaner

Over the past nine months, The Impulsive Buy has reviewed a couple of products from the company Method because ever since reading an article about the company in the magazine Business 2.0, I’ve gone gaga over the company, like they were…

a. Opening day movie tickets for Star Wars Episode Three: Revenge of the Sith.

b. Google stocks.

c. Pictures of accidental celebrity nipple slips.

This time I decided to review the Method Bathroom Cleaner, which I have been using for the past few months. I like using Method products because they are biodegradable and non-toxic, which means…

a. I don’t have to wear rubber gloves when using it.

b. No taste of poison paradise. I’m not addicted to you. Don’t you know that you’re non-toxic.

c. It may come in handy when I’m really drunk and run out of Listerine to drink.

It’s an all-purpose cleaner so I’ve been using it to clean almost everything in my bathroom, like the shower, shower curtain, sink, countertop, and water fixtures. It cleans just as well as most bathroom cleaners out in the market, but when I’m done cleaning with the Method Bathroom Cleaner, my bathroom has a nice, fresh cucumber scent.

The cucumber scent was refreshing because most bathroom cleaners come in either citrus or chemical scent. Unfortunately, the Method Bathroom Cleaner only comes in the cucumber scent. However, this might be good for those of you who dislike cucumber because…

a. You believe zucchinis are much better and more fun than cucumbers.

b. They aren’t as cute as pickles.

c. You had a horrific accident involving a banana peel, a cucumber patch, and a particular orifice.

Despite the nice cucumber scent, the mist of the Method Bathroom Cleaner…

a. Caused me to sneeze.

b. Made me cough like a college freshman trying his or her first ever bong hit.

c. Irritated my throat as badly as it gets after a night of butchering every song I sang at karaoke.

Of course, on the packaging it says I should use the product in well-ventilated areas, but unfortunately my bathroom doesn’t have windows, just a crappy-ass fan. But then again when I was spraying it around, I was very liberal with it, like…

a. The amount of ketchup on my French Fries.

b. The amount of Raid I use on a cockroach.

c. The amount of facial tissues I use when I cry like a baby at weddings.

So far, out of the three Method products The Impulsive Buy has reviewed, I have to say that this was the least impressive of the bunch because…

a. The bottle wasn’t shaped as cool as the other Method products.

b. I have high expectations for a four dollar bottle of bathroom cleaner.

c. I’m bitter that another friend got married and I’m so alone…So alone…ALONE!!!

Item: Method Bathroom Surface Cleaner
Purchase Price: $4.00 (Purchased by Akiko and given to me as a gift)
Rating: 3 out of 5
Pros: Better smelling than most of the cleaning products I’ve used in the past. Non-toxic. Biodegradable.
Cons: Only comes in cucumber scent. Mist irritated my throat. My sensitive side that cries at weddings. Britney Spears reference.