ANNOUNCEMENT: New Impulsive Buy Writer Tiffany

GREETINGS!! Yes, you can follow that with “Earthlings” or the Vulcan salute – your pick.

My name is Tiffany and I’m excited to be your guinea pig!

My love for junk food developed at young age when my parents forbade me from eating junk food and all sugar. So when they weren’t looking, I was eating Hot Cheetos and Maruchan Ramen/Cup Noodle (dry & crushed up – still highly recommended!) I graduated to Marie Callender’s TV dinners as an “afternoon snack” in middle school. As the sugar rush on top, I worked at Ben & Jerry’s in high school. Pretty sure I consumed over 100 gallons of ice cream, waffle cones, and fudge during my two-year tenure. Over the past quarter century, my taste palette has refined some so you can find me on Yelp! But, ya never forget where you come from.

I live in Los Angeles, but I’ve been slowly chipping away at my bucket list to attend every state fair. Why state fairs? Deep fried goodness, of course. Everything is (usually) better deep fried – except for beer. Avoid deep-fried beer at all costs. I only have four state fairs down but lots of stomach space!

When I’m not stuffing my face, I’m thinking about it or talking about it. I started my career in digital media/advertising for a Fortune 500 beverage company. Now, I’m back in business school so I can manage my own food/beverage brand one day!

If I had to pick one thing to eat everyday for the rest of my life, it would be chocolate chip cookies. I’d love to hear yours – comment below!