Category: Fast Food News

  • NEWS: Taco Bell Offers Two New Platters for the Big Game…Oh Wait

    Today, Taco Bell introduced their new Beef Soft Tacos Supreme Platter and Spicy Chicken Enchilada Platter. Along with the main entrees, each platter also holds seasoned rice, refried beans, tortilla chips and tangy chunky salsa.

    When I look at these platters and the food they provide, I wonder if they were meant for two people and if it would be all right if I called the enchilada one, “The Phallic Platter,” and the taco one, “The Yonic Platter,” because I’m a 33-year-old man with the mind of a 12-year-old boy, who just happens to know what “yonic” means.

    The Beef Soft Tacos Supreme Platters has 1040 calories, 48 grams of fat, 16 grams of saturated fat, 1.5 grams of trans fat, 2810 milligrams of sodium, 17 grams of dietary fiber, and 36 grams of protein. While the Spicy Chicken Enchilada Platter has 1030 calories, 44 grams of fat, 14 grams of saturated fat, 1.5 grams of trans fat, 3330 milligrams of sodium, 15 grams of dietary fiber, and 41 grams of protein.

  • NEWS: New Nachos Make Jack in the Box Look Like Jose in the Box

    First off, I have to admit that I’m not a fan of Jack in the Box tacos. There are people out there who swear by them, but its oil-soaked taco shell won’t appeal to me until I can go all Willie Nelson on my Toyota Corolla’s ass and turn it into a biofuel vehicle that I can fill up by wringing the oil from those greasy Jack in the Box tacos.

    But for those of you who <3 their tacos, Jack in the Box recently introduced their Taco Nachos, which is basically their tacos cut in half topped with a cheddar cheese sauce, pepper jack cheese and jalapeno slices served with salsa on the side. Nutrition values weren’t on the Jack in the Box website yet, but using the values from two regular beef tacos, the Taco Nachos will have more than 320 calories, 16 grams of fat, 2 grams of trans fat, and 540 milligrams of sodium. The Taco Nachos are available at the suggested price of $1.99.

    (via Snackosaurus Rex)

  • NEWS: Pizza Hut’s New Lasagna Looks to Exacerbate Garfield the Cat’s Weight Problem

    Whenever I look over a Garfield comic strip, I wonder two things: How should I strangle myself if they release a third Garfield movie and what are those dark lines on Garfield, stripes or stretch marks?

    If they’re stretch marks, they’re about to get wider thanks to Pizza Hut’s new Tuscani Lasagna. I haven’t tried any of the other Tuscani Pasta dishes, but I’ve heard they’re pretty tasty. I guess I’ve been hesitant because I’m afraid their pastas might be as greasy as their pizzas, which sometimes makes the area around my mouth look like I made out with a penny whore. (Note: It’s totally not worth the penny when you consider the cost of the penicillin you have to take after.) The nutrition values weren’t on the Pizza Hut website, but if it’s like any of the other Tuscani Pastas it will have around 500-ish calories, 25-ish grams of fat, 10-ish grams of saturated fat, and 1000-ish milligrams of sodium per serving. For $14.99, you’ll get over three pounds of the Tuscani Lasagna and five breadsticks.

  • NEWS: Pomegranate May Lose Its Health Cred After Jack in the Box Adds Pomegranate Item to Menu

    It looks like pomegranate has finally sold out and now must turn in its Superfood Card.

    Jack in the Box, usually known for their high-sodium and high-fat fare and being one of the Five Horsemen of the Fast Food Apocalypse, introduced their new Pomegranate Berry Smoothie today. I don’t know about you, but it’s unusual to see pomegranate on a menu board filled with burgers, fried items and salads that have over 1000 milligrams of sodium.

    Made from a blend of pomegranate, blueberry, red raspberry and cranberry Minute Maid fruit juices and purees blended with nonfat frozen yogurt, the latest smoothie could possibly be the best thing for you on the Jack in the Box menu. Although the 56 grams of sugar in the smaller size, might cause people to say otherwise. But I think the antioxidants found in each of the fruits included might negate the sugar content. It comes in 16- and 24-ounce sizes and retails for $2.99 and $3.99, respectively. The smaller size contains 280 calories, 0 grams of fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 250 milligrams of potassium, 69 grams of carbs, and the previously mentioned, 53 grams of sugar.

  • NEWS: Taco Bell Creates a Gordita That Hindu AND Jewish People Won’t Eat

    The new Bacon Cheddar Gordita Crunch is the first limited time only menu item from Taco Bell that I’ve wanted to try in a long time because it looks like their Double Decker Taco, which is my default whenever I make a run for the border. This Gordita on steroids has been injected with real cheddar cheese, a zesty Southwest cheddar sauce and bacon. That’s TWO FRICKIN’ CHEESES for those of you who are counting at home. From the picture above, it looks like the bacon is mixed in with the cheddar cheese, which should make Wisconsinites extremely happy. The crunchy taco shell inside should give it a nice crunch, unless all the grease from the ground beef, cheese and bacon get to it before you do. It weights in at 189 grams, which is roughly the same weight as a Double Decker Taco Supreme, but with 600 calories, 37 grams of fat, 1120 milligrams of sodium, the Bacon Cheddar Gordita Crunch is significantly less healthy. But that won’t scare me away because the bacon beckons me.