Category: Announcement

  • ANNOUCEMENT: Promax Bar Prize Drawing Winners!!!

    Here are the lucky winners of the boxes of Promax Cookies & Cream protein bars, along with what they would like more of:

    Comment #4 Heather M.

    “I want to be able to move things with only my MIND.”

    Comment #53 Aaron

    “Licorice ice cream. Why can’t I ever find licorice ice cream?”

    Comment #88 Eric

    “I need new drumsticks!!!”

    Comment #113 scaryice

    “I want more new and interesting products to fill the void in our lives.”

    Comment #130 Jacob LaFountaine

    “I want a liposuction machine that is small enough so I can do a little sculpting after a big meal.”

    Thanks to the folks at Promax for providing the boxes of Promax Protein Bars. Also, mahalo to everyone who entered this prize drawing.

  • PRIZE DRAWING: Because Some of You Need More Protein In Your Diet and These Five Boxes Are Taking Up Space In My Room

    Protein is one of those things our bodies need in order to…to be honest, I’m not sure what protein is used for because I have an English degree and I got a C in college biology. Actually, I got a C or worse in EVERY science class I took in college. I also got F’s in Russian 101, Accounting 201, Math 100, Anatomy 301, Anatomy 301 Lab and I think one more class. I’m surprised I earned a college degree. Actually, I take that back. I’m not surprised because to balance all of those crappy grades, I took really easy classes, like a class that involved watching television from Japan, including a censored Japanese porn flick, and comparing it with American media.

    I wonder if protein helps brain development? I guess if I listened in my science classes, I would know. Well, whatever protein does, I’m giving away lots of it thanks to the folks at Promax who sent us five boxes of their all-natural Promax Cookies ‘N Cream Energy Bars, which are taking up space in my room. I would move them to the closet, but they’re really heavy and I’m a weakling. I wish there was something I could eat to help me build muscle.

    Oh well.

    The Impulsive Buy will be giving away one box each to five lucky winners. Each box has 12 bars and each bar contains 20 grams of protein and is full of vitamins and minerals. They also don’t contain high fructose corn syrup. Whether you’re an athlete or just someone on the go looking for a snack, these Promax bars will satisfy you.

    To enter this prize drawing, just leave a comment with THIS post and in your comment include something that you need or want that isn’t money. For example, I want more Impulsive Buy readers and I really want to beat Spencer Pratt with a canoe paddle…across the head…several times…while America cheers me on.

    Please fill out the email field, because I’ll be emailing the winners for their mailing addresses. The Impulsive Buy will stop accepting entries on Saturday, June 20, 2009 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one entry allowed per person (I’m keeping an eye on the IP addresses) and it’s open to EVERYONE who’s 18 years old or older.

    Good luck!

    Fine Print: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails to Rickroll you. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you community newsletters. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, or you failing a college course.

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: The Smartfood Winners Are…

    Here are the lucky winners of the boxes of Smartfood Popcorn Clusters:

    Comment #58 Michelle Williams

    Michelle will receive the box of Chocolate Cookie Caramel Pecan and the trivial piece of information stuck in her head is that 7,500 pounds of ham went down with the Titanic.

    Comment #94 kp

    kp won the box of Cranberry Almond and the random fact kp posted was that pillbugs have gills.

    Comment #109 laura

    laura will receive the box of Honey Mulitigrain and the random fact stuck in her head is that a fruitfly’s sperm is really long, although she’s not exactly sure how long, either longer than itself or longer than a human sperm.

    Thanks to the folks at Frito Lay for providing the boxes of Smartfood Popcorn Clusters. Also, domo arigato to everyone who entered this prize drawing because I now have over 125 new nuggets of information stuck in my head. I feel like playing Trivial Pursuit.

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: The Winner of the Pepsi Throwback Prize Pack!!!

    The lucky winner of the Pepsi Throwback Prize Pack is:

    Comment #149 Clevegal42

    Thanks to the sweet folks at Pepsi for providing this prize pack. Also, thanks to everyone who entered this prize drawing. It was fun reading through all of the comments left behind and seeing all the things you folks want resurrected. The most popular item was Crystal Pepsi, and a number of people want Planters Cheez Balls, Arrested Development and Saved by the Bell to come back.

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: New Writer Ends The Sausagefest at The Impulsive Buy

    The glass ceiling has been broken, and I was the one who whipped out her .357 Magnum Lara Croft-style and shattered that sucker into a million pieces. Actually, it’s not that badass, but I will be the first writer sans schlong here at The Impulsive Buy.

    And yes, I used the words sans and schlong in the same sentence.

    Even though I am of the female persuasion, TIB will not be bombarded with reviews about tampons or other feminine products located in the aisle that has pregnancy tests and condoms.

    Now that I’ve cleared that up…

    I’m Kayla, a native of New Hampshire (a.k.a. Vermont’s spooning partner) who has been living in Philadelphia for almost three years. I’m pursuing my B.S. in Communications with concentrations in advertising and screenwriting. One day I’d like to be running my own advertising agency, making mad dough and coming up with commercial ideas that involve farting monkeys or other things that parent advocacy groups would deem inappropriate.

    I’ve been consuming massive amounts of media since the age of two, which turned me into a pop culture snob of sorts, but not one of those snobs that needs to use Grey Poupon on everything. However, I do have a taste for the finer things in life like strippers, PBR and Warrant’s 1990 magnum opus “Cherry Pie.” Most of the time I’m enjoying these things all at once while wearing a strand of pearls and an adorable argyle sweater. I would like to think of myself as classy on the outside and sleazy on the inside.

    I’ve been an avid reader of The Impulsive Buy since 2005, but never posted any comments on reviews since I really didn’t get into the blogging scene until recently when I started my own that focuses on advertising. You can check that out at I’m really excited to be on board here at TIB and I’m even more excited to start buying impulsively and working on my innuendo for reviews.
