REVIEW: French’s & Coolhaus Mustard Ice Cream Truck

French s  Coolhaus Mustard Ice Cream

You really get to know who your friends are in the moments after you yell across the office, “There’s a French’s Mustard Ice Cream Truck pop-up today for National Mustard Day – who’s going with me?!?!” 

I thought I’d drag my co-workers, kicking and screaming, into my novelty-flavored world. I dared them into trying Wasabi and Spicy Chicken Wing Oreos. I buttered them up with Strawberry Cheesecake Kit Kats. But there I was, standing solo on a hot Rockefeller Center sidewalk, gleefully spooning bright yellow, mustard-flavored ice cream into my gaping maw. I couldn’t miss something as potentially horrifying as this.

French s  Coolhaus Mustard Ice Cream 2 Truck

My co-workers missed out, because, defying all odds and expectations, French’s Mustard Ice Cream was GOOD. 

First things first – based on color alone, there was no question this was mustard ice cream. French’s and Coolhaus ice cream perfectly replicated that signature shade. The serving was a good size for a free sample – about a scoop and a half. It came with a Coolhaus pretzel cookie that was absolutely delicious. 

French s  Coolhaus Mustard Ice Cream 3 Cup

My first impression when the ice cream hit my taste buds was “vanilla plus something.” The mustard flavor was far more subdued than I expected. There was none of the sharp tang that the condiment is known for. It took a moment for the mustard flavor to even land on my palate, and even then, it took a back seat to the milk/cream/vanilla. I wondered if anyone would correctly identify it if they didn’t already know, or have the visual cue of the color.

Overall, I thought it was an enjoyable ice cream that I might actually buy again if it were in stores.

French s  Coolhaus Mustard Ice Cream 4 Empty

In case you weren’t in New York/Los Angeles, or had something more pressing to do with your day (can’t imagine what would qualify), the French’s website has a home recipe you can use to recreate the magic of the Mustard Ice Cream Truck, albeit without the intoxicating perfume of Manhattan in the summer. I decided to give it a whirl. 

It’s a no-churn recipe, so you don’t need an ice cream machine, just a blender. It came together in under five minutes, but needed a few hours in the freezer. I left mine overnight and it was a good scoopable consistency in the morning. 

French s  Coolhaus Mustard Ice Cream 5 DIY

Taste-wise, it was on-par with the truck ice cream, but the texture was more like a frozen whipped topping, because it’s essentially a whipped cream base. I think I added a pinch more mustard than the truck, because I noticed it more here, but it’s an easy and pretty accurate copy of what I had on the street.

I have to hand it to French’s for creating a quirky, fun food instead of just another “experience” that’s all about taking Instagram photos with their logo.

And guess who’s going to work tomorrow with a batch of mustard ice cream and a bunch of spoons?

Purchased Price: FREE / DIY
Size: N/A
Purchased at: French’s & Coolhaus Mustard Ice Cream Truck
Rating: 9 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: Not available.

REVIEW: Hershey’s Caramel Whipped Topping

Hershey s Caramel Dairy Whipped Topping

What is Hershey’s Caramel Whipped Topping?

Hershey’s Caramel Whipped Topping joins the Milk Chocolate and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup toppings as one more option to add a bit of pizzazz to your desserts.

How is it?

Is anyone else amazed by canned whipped cream? It takes at least five minutes to whip actual cream with my KitchenAid mixer, but this stuff explodes from the can fully formed in a split second. It’s like magic. I mean, I could certainly do a few minutes of internet research and learn the science behind it, but I’d rather assume dark magicks with some wizard opening a portal to a pocket universe of pre-whipped cream, no doubt.

Hershey s Caramel Dairy Whipped Topping 2

The name of the game for whipped cream is to complement a dessert without dominating it. A bit of sweetness and maybe a hint of vanilla is all it usually takes. Alone, this topping has the creamy sweetness one expects, with enough caramel flavor to make it interesting. The flavor is closer to butterscotch, with the characteristic sharp bite. (As a kid, I thought scotch would taste like butterscotch and was sorely disappointed when I finally tried it. I became less disappointed with time.) Despite the butterscotch flavor being stronger than expected, I don’t think it will overwhelm your treats.

Is there anything else you need to know?

I suspect a sizable portion of canned whipped topping never really tops anything unless dispensing directly on one’s tongue counts. Yet, Hershey’s prominently displays its whipped cream atop a brownie and coffee on the product’s can, so I doubt “spray directly into your mouth” is a serving suggestion. It appears Hershey’s expects this to be artfully swirled on a double-layered fudge brownie with a gooey caramel layer and an expertly crafted coffee beverage. I have some lukewarm gas station coffee and a half-eaten M&M’s brownie.

Hershey s Caramel Dairy Whipped Topping 3

The tepid coffee was still warm enough to slowly melt the cream, which lent a bit of needed creaminess to the otherwise mediocre coffee. If you’re looking to add something special to your morning cup, this is a good option. The brownie, on the other hand, didn’t benefit from the addition. Prepackaged brownies often have a chemical-like aftertaste, and the butterscotch flavor of the whipped cream only accentuated that. I have no doubt this whipped cream would be great on a better brownie, but it does nothing to elevate a bad one.


Hershey’s Caramel Whipped Topping makes a great addition to your dessert. It adds a hint of caramel flavor without losing the creamy goodness one looks for in whipped cream.

Purchased Price: $4.39
Size: 7 oz. can
Purchased at: Festival Foods
Rating: 8 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (per 2 Tbsp): 10 calories, 1 gram of fat, 0.5 grams of saturated fat, less than 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 5 milligrams of sodium, 1 gram of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of sugar, and 0 grams of protein.

REVIEW: Krispy Kreme Reese’s Lovers Original Filled Doughnuts

Krispy Kreme Reese s Lovers Original Filled Doughnuts

What are Krispy Kreme Reese’s Lovers Original Filled Doughnuts?

Filled Doughnuts are the new wave for Krispy Kreme. As soon as it rolled out the technology, it simply couldn’t stop, and I gotta say I’m hella here for it.

For its newest iteration of the doughnut, the chain has taken the flavors of Reese’s re-released Peanut Butter Lover’s and Chocolate Lover’s Cups and put its own Original Filled spin on them.

The Chocolate Lover’s version is a chocolate Original Glazed doughnut filled with Reese’s Peanut Butter Kreme, dipped in chocolate fudge icing and decorated with a Reese’s peanut butter icing drizzle. The Peanut Butter Lover’s is a chocolate Original Glazed doughnut filled with Chocolate Peanut Butter Kreme, dipped in Reese’s peanut butter icing and decorated with a chocolate icing drizzle.

How are they?

Krispy Kreme Reese s Peanut Butter Lovers Original Filled Doughnuts

Krispy Kreme Reese s Chocolate Lovers Original Filled Doughnuts

It should come as no surprise as someone who loves all things Reese’s and has an affinity for Krispy Kreme that I absolutely adore these.

KK has a good track record with its Peanut Butter Kreme, and the execution here is flawless. The chocolate base provides a solid foundation that, when combined with the peanut butter overtones, it keeps the doughnut from becoming too sweet. Don’t get it twisted, these are doughnuts dipped in glaze, so they’re sweet. But the fatty saltiness from the PB provides a great balance that’s addictive perfection.

Is there anything else you need to know?

There’s an interesting turn to all of this, and I think the names of the doughnuts should be reversed. The Peanut Butter Lover’s tastes less peanut buttery than the Chocolate Lover’s.

The PB Lover’s is filled with a Chocolate Peanut Butter Kreme, which is delicious and new for KK, but has a more cocoa-forward flavor than the straight PB Kreme, with a rich frosting texture. Even with the PB icing on top the chocolate takes over and really leads the flavor much more so than it does in the PB Lover’s which is iced with chocolate. If the Kreme were swapped, then we would have a TRULY indulgent PB experience in one, and a more muted but still peanut buttery flavored one with the Chocolate Lover’s.


Krispy Kreme Reese s Lovers Original Filled Doughnuts Box

The names of the doughnuts are confusing, but all you need to know is they are insanely smash worthy and provide different flavor profiles despite their similar ingredients. Plus, this is the first time I can remember that Krispy Kreme made new and unique packaging just for a doughnut release. So you know they’re special, and you know you need them both.

Purchased Price: $1.89
Size: N/A
Rating: 9 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: Reese’s Original Filled Chocolate Lovers Doughnut – 330 calories, 17 grams of fat, 7 grams of saturated fat, 0 gram of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 150 milligrams of sodium, 42 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 27 grams of sugar, and 4 grams of protein. Reese’s Original Filled Peanut Butter Lovers Doughnut – 340 calories, 18 grams of fat, 6 grams of saturated fat, 0 gram of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 180 milligrams of sodium, 42 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 27 grams of sugar, and 5 grams of protein.

REVIEW: Nestle Toll House Edible Cookie Dough

Nestle Toll House Edible Cookie Dough

We also reviewed Nestle Toll House Funfetti Edible Cookie Dough and Edible Fudge Brownie Batter that came out in 2020. Click here to read that review.

Edible cookie dough has been all the rage for the last couple of years, thanks to Cookie Dough Café on Shark Tank. I’ve tried this “edible” variety before, and I didn’t love it. But, I have been back on the train thanks to Ben & Jerry’s snackable version.

So, it was almost serendipitous that Nestle Toll House launched its new Edible Cookie Dough line with two flavors: Chocolate Chip and Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Monster.

Nestle Toll House Edible Cookie Dough Chocolate Chip Spoonful Top

Of course, I started with the original flavor. It smelled like the cookie dough I remember trying to eat as a kid when my mom was mixing the “non-edible” kind. I enjoyed everything about this.

Nestle Toll House Edible Cookie Dough Chocolate Chip Spoonful

The chocolate chips were the perfect size, the flavor was spot-on, and the texture was just right – not too hard and not too soft even right from the refrigerator. Flavor-wise, it was very comparable to the Ben & Jerry’s one but this spoon-in-“pint” form allowed for maximum cookie dough consumption.

Nestle Toll House Edible Cookie Dough Monster Lidless

As for the Monster flavor, my expectations were immediately lowered when I saw the way it was sitting in the container. All I have to say is that it reminded me of the “chocolate soft serve” emoji.

Also, I could see there was bleeding of the chocolate candy coating (or what they call mini gems in the ingredients), so that added to lack of visual appeal. On the bright side, it smelled like a tasty peanut butter cookie dough though!

Nestle Toll House Edible Cookie Dough Monster Spoonful

When digging in, I could immediately tell the texture was a bit different, probably from the rolled oats. It had a firmer texture, but still easily spoonable. Taste-wise, it was fantastic and again delivered true to the raw version.

But, I wasn’t able to eat as much of this flavor due to the richness of the peanut butter and rolled oats getting stuck in my teeth. So, I went back to eating the chocolate chip one.

If you’re a cookie dough fan, you won’t be disappointed! And if other brands of edible cookie dough have let you down, this one won’t!

Purchased Price: $4.49 each
Size: 15 oz. container
Purchased at: Meijer
Rating: 10 out of 10 (Chocolate Chip), 8 out of 10 (Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Monster)
Nutrition Facts: (2 Tbsp) Chocolate Chip – 140 calories, 4.5 grams of total fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 115 milligrams of sodium, 25 grams of total carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of dietary fiber, 15 grams of total sugars, 15 grams of added sugars, and 1 grams of protein. Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Monster – 140 calories, 5 grams of total fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, less than 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 110 milligrams of sodium, 21 grams of total carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of dietary fiber, 12 grams of total sugars, 12 grams of added sugars, and 1 grams of protein.


Chex Mix MAX D

2020 Update: We also tried the Chili Jalapeno flavor! Click here to read our review.

Hi, my name is Vin, and I was a recovering Chex Mix addict.

I don’t mean to make light, but that’s actually true. I’ve been trying to cut back on my sodium intake lately, and one of the main staples of my prior diet was Chex Mix – always Chex Mix. I never left the supermarket without a bag in my cart.

To me, every Chex Mix variety (besides Bold Party) has fallen on a scale between “damn good” and “ambrosia.” No hyperbole here, I love this stuff. They’re my favorite snack, and I was slowly kicking the habit.

That is until Chex Mix kicked back by releasing new MAX’D flavors. You didn’t think I’d skip out on these MAX’D flavors now did ya?

Of course not, you have no idea who I am. You don’t think about me at all.

Chex Mix MAX’D come in two exciting flavors – Buffalo Ranch and Spicy Dill.

There’s no “E” in MAX’D, so to remember that, I made up this lame mnemonic for ya:

“When it comes to MAX’D the ‘E’ gets axed!”

Chex Mix MAX D Back of Bag

The thing that sets MAX’D apart are the “flavor blasted” pieces, which are interesting, to say the least.

Buffalo is hit or miss for me, but ranch never fails. I went into these literally and figuratively thinking it was a mixed bag.

Chex Mix MAX D Buffalo Ranch

The mix consists of amazing Ranch Chex pieces that reminded me of the Sour Cream and Onion Chex, which are “ambrosia” tier. You also get standard pumpernickel chips, pretzels, and baffling “Flavor Blasted” Buffalo Chex pieces.

It’s a milder Buffalo flavor than you’d probably expect, and it packs some nice heat. They blend in perfectly with the Ranch pieces, but these blasted Chex are such a strange textural experience.

Chex Mix MAX D Buffalo Ranch Closeup

They are exactly like Muddy Buddies, except savory. For some reason, my brain had a hard time with this concept. The powder-caked pieces hit my tongue and I wanted a sugar rush every time, not the exact opposite.

Chex Mix MAX D Spicy Dill

The Spicy Dill blasted Chex also threw me for that same loop. They smelled and tasted like pickles, but that was perhaps a bit short-lived, as the dill got overtaken by the corresponding “Spicy” Chex pieces. This mix is hotter than Buffalo Ranch. They’re a bit too hot – not quite the Ghost Pepper I reviewed, but almost there.

Chex Mix MAX D Spicy Dill Closeup

You also get pretzels and cheese crackers, which I prefer to the bagel chips. These ingredients help to neutralize the burn a bit, but I wish the dill pieces were cooler, creamier, and maybe not flavor blasted.

I expected to prefer the pickle flavor, but the Buffalo Ranch won me over. They’re still both pretty “damn good,” but I don’t think I’ll be safe from a Chex Mix relapse for a while. Also, keep in mind my dumb brain couldn’t comprehend the spicy Muddy Buddy MAX’D pieces, and that’s probably clouding my judgment. I’m still confused.

I need more opinions, so give em a try.

Purchased Price: $2.50 each
Size: 8.75 oz. bag
Purchased at: 7-Eleven
Rating: 7 out of 10 (Buffalo Ranch), 6 out of 10 (Spicy Dill)
Nutrition Facts: (1/2 cup) Buffalo Ranch – 140 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 280 milligrams of sodium, 22 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 3 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of protein. Spicy Dill – 140 calories, 4 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 320 milligrams of sodium, 23 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 3 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of protein.