NEWS: Doritos Releases Limited Edition Taco Flavor In Retro Bag That’s From A Time In Your Life When You Could Eat Doritos and Not Worry About Getting Fat


For those of you who follow snack news religiously, the Limited Edition Taco Flavor Doritos is old news since it was released last month. But I only heard about them the other day. Despite it being slightly old news, I decided to post something about it because, to be honest, I really wanted to write the title above.

If you’re a snack historian, you’ll know the Taco Flavor was the second Doritos flavor ever after Toasted Corn, and although I am old enough to have eaten them, I only remember eating the Toasted Corn Doritos. Eventually, the Taco Flavor went away.

The Limited Edition Taco Flavor Doritos follows what Pepsi has done with their Throwback Pepsi and Mountain Dew issues, which is to release them in packaging similar to the original. So if you want to trick your friends into thinking you’re eating something out of a time capsule, now would be the time.

The Limited Edition Taco Flavor Doritos retail for $3.99.

Image via flickr user loop_oh / CC BY ND 2.0

NEWS: No Coconuts Will Be Killed In The Making of Limited Edition Twix Coconut

Sunset at Waikaloa

Every year it seems like Twix comes out with a limited edition version. I’d check to see if it’s true, but I just ate a Twix candy bar and my fingers are covered in chocolate, making it hard to type. But how am I typing this paragraph? I’m dictating it into my iPod Touch using the Dragon Dictation app.

Anyhoo, this year, Mars will be releasing the Limited Edition Twix Coconut.

According to Candyblog, the candy bar won’t have any coconut in them, instead it will have a little bit of coconut flavor. Besides that, it will have the same Twix ingredients that we all know, love, and buy impulsively when we’re in the checkout line waiting for some person who purchased enough food to feed a platoon; claims some of the products are on sale, which leads to price checks; asks for the groceries to be packed in paper and plastic; and writes a personal check.

Limited Edition Twix Coconut will be available starting in April 2011.

Source: Candyblog

Image via flickr user The Big Scout Project / CC BY 2.0

NEWS: Whole Grain Helper Doesn’t Help The Fact You’re Still Eating Hamburger Helper

Hamburger Helper CLASSIC Cheeseburger Macaroni

Betty Crocker Whole Grain Helper is kind of like spraying Lysol on poop. The Lysol makes the poop smell a little better, but deep down it’s still poop. While the whole grain pasta or rice in Whole Grain Helper gives us something nutritionists say we need, but deep down it’s still Hamburger Helper.

Now I’m not dissing Hamburger Helper, because Hamburger Helper saved my life. Without it I would’ve starved in college or resorted to stealing my college roommate’s food. But Hamburger Helper can get quite unhealthy and I don’t think adding whole grains will give it any wholesomeness.

Betty Crocker Whole Grain Helper comes in two hamburger varieties and two chicken varieties: Cheeseburger Macaroni, Stroganoff, Honey Mustard Chicken and Lemon & Herb Chicken. The Honey Mustard Chicken contains 100 percent whole grain rice, while the other three varieties contain 100 percent whole grain pasta.

Source: Betty Crocker website

Image via flickr user / CC BY SA 2.0

NEWS: Kellogg’s Makes Frosted Flakes Less Gr-r-reat With Less Sugar But More Go-o-od For You With Fiber

Let’s face it. The flakes have never been the reason why Frosted Flakes are awesome. They get soggy quicker than a t-shirt on Titty Tuesdays at a nightclub. Frosted-less Flakes would just be regular Corn Flakes and a part of an unlucky kid’s complete breakfast.

Although that unlucky kid is probably skinny and the kids who eat Frosted Flakes are probably overweight.

However, Frosted Flakes eaters could lose some weight with new Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes with Fiber, Less Sugar. Fiber AND less sugar? I bet kids are lining up around the block for these. The less gr-r-reat Frosted Flakes has 25 percent less sugar than original Frosted Flakes, which has 11 grams per 3/4 cup serving. I’m not sure how much fiber is in a serving of these Frosted Flakes, but the original version has just one gram of fiber.

Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes with Fiber, Less Sugar will be available in two sizes: a 16.3-ounce box and a 24-ounce box available at Walmart.

Source: Kellogg’s website

NEWS: New Rockstar Pink Doesn’t Improve Women’s Energy Drink Equality

Rockstar For Women

Updated: Read our Rockstar PINK review here

Why do women’s energy drinks come in cans smaller than most regular energy drinks?

Go Girl Energy Drink…11.5 ounces.

Her Energy Drink…8.4 ounces.

At 12 ounces, the new Rockstar Pink Energy Drink is larger than those two, but 25 percent smaller than almost every other Rockstar Energy Drink. Just because women in the United States still earn only 77 cents on the male dollar, according to the US Census, that doesn’t mean women’s energy drink sizes should match that.

Rockstar Pink is sugar free, has zero carbs, contains something called “Rockstar Actives” and is only 10 calories per can. It also comes attached with a drinking straw. That’s right, women. You don’t get those four ounces, but you do get a straw.

Progress! Yeah!

Rockstar Pink will roll out nationally sometime this month.

Source: Rockstar Facebook Fan Page