SPOTTED: Oreo Loaded Cookies

Oreo Loaded Cookies.

With its Mega Stuf level of creme, it’s less loaded than this. (Spotted by Marc G at Acme.)

If you’re out shopping and see new products, snap a picture of them, and send them in via an email ([email protected]) with where you found them and “Spotted” in the subject line. Also, if you want to send in photos and are wondering if we’ve already covered something or if they’re new, don’t worry about it. Let us worry about it.

SPOTTED: Cheese Pizza Cheetos Puffs

Cheese Pizza Cheetos Puffs.

It ain’t easy coming up with Cheetos flavors that aren’t cheesy. (Spotted by Robbie at Target.)

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REVIEW: Cheerios Protein Cereal

We’re fast approaching the start of a new year, a demarcation of time in which many people across the globe resolve to change something about their habits or behaviors in an effort to improve themselves. They make a resolution, as it were, in the New Year. And while a lot of these resolutions involve giving something up— junk food, smoking, illegal cockfighting— others are about adopting something new— exercising, speaking out against illegal cockfighting, a healthier diet.

And as health aficionados the world over will tell you, protein, for most people in most situations, is pretty healthy. General Mills knows this and is adding protein to its already “heart-healthy” Cheerios to capture some of that sweet Resolution Cash. The new protein-packed cereals come in two versions— Cinnamon and Strawberry. I tried both.


Opening the Strawberry bag, I was hit with an overwhelming aroma of, well, strawberry. Visually, they’re also a little pink, but not blindingly so. One thing that threw me for a loop with my first bite was just how crunchy these are. While I’m not a regular Cheerios consumer, I have been known to eat a bowl of Honey Nut when the mood strikes, and they’re definitely not as crunchy as these new heavily protein-ed versions. The strawberry taste is very subtle, which seems to suit Cheerios — given that they’re not known for being cloyingly sweet in the first place.

Rating: 7 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (37g) 150 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 210 milligrams of sodium, 24 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 12 grams of sugar (11 grams of added sugar), and 8 grams of protein.


The Cinnamon kind doesn’t have as strong of a cinnamon scent, but the actual cinnamon TASTE is a bit stronger, so if you like cinnamon-flavored things, you’re in luck. Texturally, they’re about the same — incredibly crunchy. But as an avowed cinnamon lover, these ended up a point higher than their fruity brethren.

Rating: 8 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (37g) 150 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 210 milligrams of sodium, 24 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 12 grams of sugar (12 grams of added sugar), and 8 grams of protein.

Overall, these taste great. But the selling point, really, is the protein, right? A cup of these (the standard cereal serving that seems impossibly tiny when accurately measured out) is good for eight grams. What else gets you eight grams of protein in the morning? A single large egg is around 6-7 grams, so a couple of those would put you over. A cup of Greek yogurt will get you well beyond eight grams. A couple of spoons of peanut butter will do the trick. Regular oatmeal is a tick under, but close.

The point is that plenty of typical breakfast foods are good protein sources. But if you don’t have time to whip up some eggs — and you don’t wanna drink them Rocky-style raw — new Protein Cheerios are a reasonably decent (and tasty!) solution. That said, most of the foods I listed above have significantly less added sugar. Despite the decent amount of protein, these things are sugary-sweet, on par with the sugariest things the Cap’n, the Rabbit, or the uh, Cinnamon Toaster (?) have to offer.

Purchased Price: $5.49
Purchased at: Hy-Vee


It’s the last day of this year’s Season of Giving!

As you can see, with this prize drawing there’s no mystery box. It’s a briefcase, and I would’ve put into a box, if I had a box to put it in, which I have to find in order to ship it. But there’s something in the briefcase, which, I guess, makes it a mystery briefcase. So we’re giving away a briefcase and whatever is in it for the last day of TIB’s Season of Giving.


To enter this prize drawing for this Mystery Briefcase of accumulated swag, leave a comment with THIS post, and that comment MUST include the word “lutefisk.”

Remember to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for their mailing addresses.

We will stop accepting entries on Monday, December 30, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment is allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents.


If you post a comment and it doesn’t show up, it ended up in our comment spam or trash folder for some strange reason. There’s no need to attempt to post another comment because I’ll be pulling those out of the comment spam vortex regularly.

Also, do not leave your comment using the blue REPLY button at the bottom of other comments. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and leave your comment in the section above the blue POST COMMENT button. I know. Lots of scrolling. But it’ll totally be worth it if you win this.

Good luck!


The Impulsive Buy won’t use your email address to send you emails about air fryer tips or use your mailing address to send you a McDonald’s French fry. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, or me not finding a box for the mystery briefcase.

SPOTTED: Oreo Thins Irish Creme Cookies

Oreo Thins Irish Creme Cookies.

Oooh! New Oreo Thins flavor! (Spotted by Michael K at Walmart.)

If you’re out shopping and see new products, snap a picture of them, and send them in via an email ([email protected]) with where you found them and “Spotted” in the subject line. Also, if you want to send in photos and are wondering if we’ve already covered something or if they’re new, don’t worry about it. Let us worry about it.