SPOTTED ON SHELVES: Talenti Coconut Chocolate Chip Gelato (Target Exclusive)

Talenti Coconut Chocolate Chip Gelato (Target Exclusive)

I want to call this flavor Talenti Triple C or CocoChocoChi. (Spotted by Rachel at Target.)

If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new or limited edition product on the shelf, snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. Or reply to us (@theimpulsivebuy) on Twitter with the photo, where you spotted it, and the hashtag #spotted. If you’ve tried the product, share your thoughts about it in the comments.

Also, if you’re wondering if we’ve already covered something, search our Flickr photos or use the Google Search box on the right (or below if you’re on a mobile device) to find out.

REVIEW: DiGiorno Pizzeria Thin Primo Pepperoni Pizza

DiGiorno Pizzeria Thin Primo Pepperoni Pizza

Like ’em or not, you have to admit DiGiorno is a gutsy brand. For years, their advertising campaign has been predicated on the idea that an unwitting consumer could mistake their frozen pizza for hand-tossed, homestyle goodness delivered fresh from the local trattoria.

Now, with the introduction of their new line of thin-crust pies, the company has grown so confident in the quality of their work that their packaging is actually shrieking the word “PIZZERIA!“, exclamation point and all, in customers’ faces. But does DiGiorno’s latest creation finally live up to their lofty claims?

Because of my local grocery store’s limited selection, Pizzeria! Thin Primo Pepperoni was the only variety available for me. The box instructed me to place the pie directly on the center oven rack, warning that a pizza stone or cookie sheet may diminish its tastiness.

As an ardent pizza stone user/insane person, this filled me with terrific dread. I envisioned magma-like cheese dripping to the bottom of the stove and bursting into flames, or microscopic mites native only to oven racks infesting the crust. (Obviously, I have an awesome grasp on how science works, you guys.) Thankfully, when the kitchen timer rang, I discovered the pie intact and, from what I could tell, mite-free.

The directions also recommended that I let it rest for five minutes before slicing in, so I took that time to savor the smell; it was slightly herbaceous, but the oregano and basil were overwhelmed by the greasy aroma of the pepperoni (which isn’t a bad thing if you’re aiming for a genuine pizzeria experience).

As I bit in, I found the end product to be a bit of a mixed bag. Let’s start with the cheese: It was unremarkable, owing probably to the lame part-skim mozzarella used. No provolone, cheddar, or Parmesan to add some complexity and depth of flavor? Points deducted.

The sauce was similarly disappointing. Although the packaging proudly describes it as “made with vine-ripened tomatoes and herbs” – uh, I would hope so? – it tasted distinctly frozen pizza-y, by which I mean that it was equal parts bitter and bland, very unlike the sweet tomato sauce I’m accustomed to eating in actual pizzerias. Come on, DiGiorno!

Moving on to the “primo” pepperoni, I have no compliments, but no complaints either. It baked to a nice, crisp texture, and it tasted like your average pepp – savory and oily with a minor spicy afterkick.

DiGiorno Pizzeria Thin Primo Pepperoni Pizza 2

But in spite of all this mediocrity, there exists one seriously redeeming factor: The crust. It was chewy yet crispy, pillowy yet flavorful. Just as the box says, you can taste the nuanced seasonings and the lushness of the olive oil drizzle. It would seem DiGiorno’s entire budget went into the dough and, really, that’s the smartest area of investment when it comes to pizza. Gourmet toppings don’t mean much when they’re served on a disc of tasteless, rubbery breading.

So has DiGiorno finally achieved mistakable-for-delivery status? Nah. But if you’re expecting something less ambitious, like a serviceable frozen pizza, then you’re less likely to walk away disappointed. Perhaps the other varieties (Supreme Speciale, Spinach & Mushroom, and Margherita) are a bit more convincing. Or maybe it just depends on the kind of delivery you’re used to.

(Nutrition Facts – 1/4 pizza – 310 calories, 130 from fat, 15 grams of fat, 7 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 35 milligrams of cholesterol, 760 milligrams of sodium, 31 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of dietary fiber, 3 grams of sugar, and 15 grams of protein.)

Item: DiGiorno Pizzeria Thin Primo Pepperoni Pizza
Purchased Price: $7.19
Size: 17.2 oz.
Purchased at: Stop & Shop
Rating: 6 out of 10
Pros: Awesome crust. Okay pepperoni. Serves its humble purpose.
Cons: Lackluster cheese and sauce. Still not pizzeria-quality. Box condescendingly advises you to enjoy “with fresh salad and great company.”

ANNOUNCEMENT: New Reviewer Jeff S.

Hey there! I’m Jeff. Although I see The Impulsive Buy already has a Jeff, so I guess you guys can call me Jeff S. Or is that too confusing? You could make up some other name for me. Hmm. What’s another name? Baxter DuFrayne. No. That’s weird. I’ll just stick to Jeff S.

Junk food has always played an integral role in my life, from my bizarre pre-adolescent obsession with stale Cheez Doodles and off-brand peanut butter cups, to my teenage years when 7-Eleven’s Go-Go Taquitos comprised a solid 83% of my personal food pyramid, to my current opinions on McDonald’s recent dipping sauce shake-up. (They’re PRETTY controversial, be warned.)

Simply put, I love putting garbage in my mouth.

Within the junk food sphere, my areas of expertise are soda, cereal, and candy. More specifically, though, I love season-exclusive items. I don’t care if it’s made from fiberglass and expired iguana kibble -– if it’s dyed shamrock green, or speckled with candy hearts, or shaped like a pine tree, or dusted with nutmeg and cinnamon, I will purchase it. And I will consume it.

Reading my reviews, you’ll also find that I like to like stuff –- sorry, just had to flex that ever-useful bachelor’s degree in writing ;-D -– so I refuse to be hypercritical just for the sake of having something to say. At the same time, I’m not overly forgiving. For example: Pepsi Holiday Spice was slightly too acidic. Yes, someone FINALLY had the backbone to say what we’ve all been thinking these past ten years.

But yeah, as a longtime fan of TIB, having the opportunity to join the site as a contributor fills me with a tremendous amount of happiness. Thank you for having me, and I look forward to discussing salty, greasy, and sugary foodstuffs with all of you!

SPOTTED ON SHELVES: Nabisco Honey Maid Birthday Cake Teddy Grahams

Nabisco Honey Maid Birthday Cake Teddy Grahams

Update: We reviewed it! Click here to read our review.

That is one ugly shirt, my friends. (Spotted by Brian at Giant.)

If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new or limited edition product on the shelf, snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. Or reply to us (@theimpulsivebuy) on Twitter with the photo, where you spotted it, and the hashtag #spotted. If you’ve tried the product, share your thoughts about it in the comments.

Also, if you’re wondering if we’ve already covered something, search our Flickr photos or use the Google Search box on the right (or below if you’re on a mobile device) to find out.


Here are some interesting new and limited edition products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers. If you’ve tried any of the products, share your thoughts about them in the comments.

Jello Star Wars Jigglers Mold Kit

Jello Star Wars Jigglers Mold Kit

Perhaps the Black Cherry Jello would’ve been a more appropriate flavor to use for Darth’s head. Although I understand the red since that’s the color of Darth’s lightsaber. Also, I know. I know. This should’ve been posted yesterday. (Spotted by Tracy at Woodman’s Markets.)

Smucker's Fruit Fulls (Pom Berry with Chia, Tropical Fusion with Oats, and Strawberry Vanilla with Chia)

Smucker’s Fruit Fulls (Pom Berry with Chia, Tropical Fusion with Oats, and Strawberry Vanilla with Chia)

I wonder if these would make an adequate jelly replacement in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. (Spotted by Nathan at H-E-B.)

Birds Eye Steamfresh Italian Style Protein Blends

Birds Eye Steamfresh Italian Style Protein Blends

Birds Eye Steamfresh Asian Style Protein Blends

Birds Eye Steamfresh Asian Style Protein Blends

Birds Eye Steamfresh California Style Protein Blends

Birds Eye Steamfresh California Style Protein Blends

Birds Eye Steamfresh Southwest Style Protein Blends

Birds Eye Steamfresh Southwest Style Protein Blends

If you’re into frozen vegetable porn, here you go. (Spotted by Sara at Bi-Lo.)

Cole's Pretzel Sticks filled with Pub Cheese

Cole’s Pretzel Sticks filled with Pub Cheese

I have to admit, the term “pub cheese” sounds like slang for dried up vomit outside of a bar. (Spotted by Carmen at Walmart.)

Thank you to all the photo contributors! If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new or limited edition product on the shelf, snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. Or reply to us (@theimpulsivebuy) on Twitter with the photo, where you spotted it, and the hashtag #spotted. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.

Also, if you’re wondering if we’ve already covered something, search our Flickr photos or use the Google Search box on the right (or below if you’re on a mobile device) to find out.