REVIEW: Dairy Queen Heath Brownie Caramel Cupfection

Dairy Queen Heath Caramel Brownie Cupfection Top

It’s pretty unusual for me to order something where I have no clue what it is. However, when I ordered the new Heath Brownie Caramel Cupfection at Dairy Queen, I didn’t know what I was getting.

Well, that’s not entirely true. I knew that it would have ice cream and at least the ingredients listed in the title, but I didn’t know much beyond that. Was it a shake? A sundae? What in God’s name is a “Cupfection?”

My treat was served on one of those ubiquitous little cardboard drink trays that DQ uses for ice cream and drinks, and it looked basically like a shake with abundant toppings. “Okay,” I thought, “So a ‘cupfection’ is just a fancy name for a shake; I can handle this.” Seeing all the different layers on top and the pure white soft-serve on the bottom, I assumed I was supposed to mix it all up, which sounded fun. However, I soon realized there is no mixing this thing up because there is an entire freakin’ brownie sitting on top of the treat, and you need to fully consume the brownie before you can access most of the ice cream. I had originally assumed that the “brownie” in the title must refer to small chunks in the mix, but oh, no: this thing is massive.

Dairy Queen Heath Caramel Brownie Cupfection Brownie Dig In

In addition to the brownie, this thing also has a river of caramel and Heath bar pieces. The only time I see Heath bars available in any form is as an optional ice cream topping that I never order, so I didn’t know what they tasted like, and to be honest, I still don’t. Their flavor is totally overpowered by everything else that’s going on here. What the Heath bar pieces do is provide a highly satisfying crunch that serves as a contrast to the abundant, sticky caramel and the chocolatey gooeyness of the brownie.

I started to feel a little sick about two-thirds of the way through, but for some reason, I felt compelled to finish it, maybe to prove my mettle as a dessert eater? I’m not sure what I thought I was accomplishing, but I did eat the whole thing and then felt sick for about two hours afterwards. Do I regret it? Not really; it was nice to have a sugary treat that completely satisfied my gargantuan sweet tooth, which is never truly content with more reasonable portions.

DQ’s website says that this thing has 760 calories, and I frankly think that’s a lie. I know what a 1,000-calorie-plus treat tastes like, and that’s what this thing tasted like. Maybe I got a larger brownie than usual, but 760 just sounds small for this brownie-laden monstrosity. I guess we’ll never know.

If reading this makes you Cupfection-curious, be aware that there’s also a Brownie and Oreo Cupfection that comes with marshmallow topping and chocolate sauce. The caramel was such a prominent part of the experience that I’m genuinely curious what a version without caramel would taste like. But I won’t find out for a while because I don’t trust myself to order one of these again. I guess I could always get one and split it with my husband, but let’s be honest, I’d just promise certain favors until he gave in and let me eat his half too.

Purchased Price: $5.59
Size: n/a
Rating: 9 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: 760 calories, 29 grams of fat, 14 grams of saturated fat, 0.5 grams of trans fat, 117 grams of carbohydrates, 390 milligrams of sodium, 2 grams of fiber, 90 grams of sugar, 65 milligrams of cholesterol, and 11 grams of protein.

REVIEW: Taco Bell Loaded TRUFF Nacho Fries

Taco Bell Loaded TRUFF Nacho Fries Tray

If not for Taco Bell’s new Loaded TRUFF Nacho Fries, I don’t think I would’ve made any effort to try TRUFF’s Original Hot Sauce. Sure, it’s one of Oprah’s Favorite Things, but spending $18 for a six-ounce bottle of black truffle-infused hot sauce that may or may not be worth $18 is a bet my wallet is not willing to open its bifold for.

Other than the sauce, you’ve probably had all the other ingredients together in a burrito or on fries because this is Taco Bell’s Steak Nacho Fries, except the chipotle sauce has been replaced with pricey hot sauce. But if you’re unfamiliar with this combination, it’s Taco Bell’s-could-be-permanent-but-will-never-be Nacho Fries with marinated steak, nacho cheese, cheddar cheese, tomatoes, reduced-fat sour cream, and of course, TRUFF Hot Sauce.

Taco Bell Loaded TRUFF Nacho Fries Steak

As I drove this home from the second closest Taco Bell location, it filled my car with the aroma of tomatoes. The smell made me wonder if the headlining ingredient had a bit of tomato-ness to it or if I’m going to be surprised by a tray of nothing but diced tomatoes. Thankfully, it was neither.

Taco Bell Loaded TRUFF Nacho Fries Sauce

The hot sauce, which reminds me of claymation movie blood, is not that hot. Well, at least to me. The TRUFF website claims the condiment is between 2,500-3,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU), which is how spicy Tapatio is. But I found it to be as tame as Taco Bell’s Mild Sauce. Maybe the nacho cheese and sour cream take it down several hundred SHUs, or maybe there was not a lot of it on my order because it’s $18 for a bottle of the stuff, and Taco Bell employees can’t be generous with it like they sometimes are with hot sauce packets or ice in beverages.

Taco Bell Loaded TRUFF Nacho Fries Fork

Thankfully, the lack of heat allowed the light truffle flavor to come through, even with all the other ingredients. The sauce also has a slight sweetness, and the peppers and spices in it make it flavorful beyond just the truffles. Overall, it’s a tasty condiment on these loaded fries.

Is the sauce good enough to convince me to buy an $18 bottle of it? No, but I would be happy if Santa put a bottle in my stocking. Is it good enough that I would order Taco Bell Loaded TRUFF Nacho Fries again? Yes.

Purchased Price: $6.99*
Size: N/A
Rating: 7 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: 500 calories, 31 grams of fat, 6 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 35 milligrams of cholesterol, 1250 milligrams of sodium, 40 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of fiber, 3 grams of sugar (including 1 gram of added sugar), and 15 grams of protein.

*Because I live on a rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, things are a bit pricier here. You’ll probably pay less than I did.

REVIEW: Burger King Ghost Pepper Whopper

Burger King Ghost Pepper Whopper Whole

Between pumpkinundation and trick-or-treating, there’s a lot of sugar to consume at this time of year. So it’s refreshing when companies bring something spooky to savory foods for a change. Burger King gave us Halloween Whoppers in 2015, 2018, 2019, and this year it brought the concept back.

Burger King’s website describes the 2022 version, the Ghost Pepper Whopper, as “1/4 lb. flame-grilled beef patty, melty Ghost Pepper cheese, bacon, crispy jalapeños, and queso sauce all on a toasted orange and black sesame seed bun.” Apparently, spicy things are for Halloween now just because one pepper has “ghost” in its name.

Burger King Ghost Pepper Whopper Orange Bun

When I unwrapped my sandwich, it struck me how beautiful the bun was! A perfectly festive orange with black sesame seeds. It’s stunning, and that alone is worth the purchase. Much better than the greenish bun of the 2018 sandwich. Visuals aside, it’s soft and slightly sweet. It’s just a bun, but it gets the job done!

Let’s go through the toppings from top to bottom:

Burger King Ghost Pepper Whopper Jalapeno Chips Queso

The queso sauce has a standard nacho flavor but with a kick. I don’t always love queso, but I like this one.

The crispy jalapeños have the texture of potato chips, and I like them better than fresh or canned jalapeños. They provide a welcome textural contrast, and the crisps bring the heat without the hiccups. BK made a solid choice here.

Burger King Ghost Pepper Whopper Bacon

The bacon is as good as any, and it’s neither too chewy nor too crispy.

The ghost pepper cheese is the only element that’s lacking for me. It just tastes like regular American cheese. If it has a pepper flavor, it’s drowned out by the queso and the jalapeños.

The beef patty was everything I hoped from a BK burger: substantive and with the perfect amount of chew.

Burger King Ghost Pepper Whopper Bites

Altogether, these elements made for a tasty sandwich. Sometimes I didn’t enjoy having both the cheese and the queso; I might have liked it better without the Ghost Pepper cheese. But that’s just me.

Now, as for the spiciness: I didn’t find the burger that spicy. My nose ran a little, but I ate the whole sandwich without needing to drink anything. People hoping it will be as spicy as an actual ghost pepper will be disappointed. But the mildness means that a larger segment of the population will get to enjoy this fantastically festive burger.

The previous iterations of spooky Whoppers didn’t rise from the dead on subsequent Halloweens. But I wouldn’t mind if this one did.

UPDATE: Thanks to our readers’ helpful comments, I realized that I originally got plain American cheese instead of the ghost pepper cheese it was supposed to be. So I went to a different location on a different day and got the real cheese.

Burger King Ghost Pepper Whopper Actual Cheese

It has a discernible kick, and it’s much better than the American cheese. This burger also came with a more generous helping of jalapeño crisps, so overall it was noticeably spicier. I definitely got the hiccups this time. But still, most people should be able to handle it.

Purchased Price: $6.99
Rating: 8 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: 750 calories, 44 grams of fat, 17 grams of saturated fat, 1 gram of trans fat, 115 milligrams of cholesterol, 1,510 milligrams of sodium, 51.2 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 9.1 grams of sugar, and 38 grams of protein.