REVIEW: Hershey’s Cinnamon Toast Crunch Kisses

Cinnamon Toast Crunch has been having a bit of a moment with a host of new-ish to hot-off-the-presses products and flavors (including Strawberry and, if you were lucky/crazy enough to win a recent sweepstakes, a collaboration with TOTINO’S freaking PIZZA).

Hershey’s Kisses is also an iconic snack brand that has recently been flirting with souped-up special editions (Butterbeer, anyone?) So, it might not be surprising to learn that these two powerhouses have gone ahead and teamed up for Cinnamon Toast Crunch Hershey’s Kisses—and if you’re like me, an aficionado of both overly sweet cereal and white crème candy, this is a total dream come true.

I had a good feeling the moment I found these on proud display at Target. The indulgently enormous Share Pack size promises luxurious abundance, and the appealing design of the bag—a crisp white with friendly swirls of star-studded bright green, purple, orange, and blue to mirror the cereal’s box—is a harbinger of the high quality and attention to detail ahead. Even the wrappers, another riff on that psychedelic color palette, are delightful, suggesting much more whimsy than the classic staid silver of the OG Kiss.

I might be establishing a high bar for the candies to live up to, but when I unwrapped my first one, I wasn’t disappointed at all. They’re beautiful little morsels of white crème run through with rich butterscotch-colored stripes, reminiscent of a lighter-colored Hershey’s Hug. Oh yeah, and they smell fantastic! The cinnamon aroma is strong; more specifically, it really does seem like a Cinnamon Toast Crunch aroma, as there’s a slightly-cloying-but-not-quite-overwhelming, powdered sugar-esque sweet undertone that specifically evokes cereal rather than any old cinnamon-y baked good. Clearly, I was extremely pleased with everything I saw and sniffed, so I barely made it two steps past the self-checkout before sneaking a snacking.

They say don’t meet your heroes, but you know what? This flavor actually lived up to all of my expectations, tasting exactly as delicious as it looks and smells. Food science really is magical—if you asked a wizard to conjure up the perfect blend of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Hershey’s Kisses, this is exactly what I imagine they’d poof into existence. (Does Hershey’s have actual wizards working for them? Come to think of it, that would explain the Butterbeer Kisses…)

One more neat touch, which the product image on the packaging exaggerates but which you can’t quite see on an actual Kiss until biting into it, is the crunchy bits on the inside. According to the Hershey’s website, they’re graham-flavored, and while I didn’t immediately identify that (they seemed to me more like a fun textural enhancement with the added bonus of slightly cutting the sweetness), it made sense, doubling as both a satisfying explanation for their more subdued taste and an additional nod to the cereal inspiration.

If you’re the type of Cinnamon Toast Crunch fanatic who’ll have a bowl for breakfast, a Creamy Cinnamon Spread sandwich for lunch, and a Cinnadust-seasoned entrée for dinner, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Hershey Kisses would make the perfect dessert… and even if you like CTC just a normal amount, I promise you’ll still love these. (If you somehow don’t, don’t worry; I’d be happy to take them off your hands.)

Purchased Price: $6.52
Size: 9 oz bag (Share Pack)
Purchased at: Target
Rating: 10 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (7 pieces) 170 calories, 9 grams of fat, 6 grams of saturated fat, 0 gram of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 40 milligrams of sodium, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 17 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of protein.

REVIEW: Reese’s Peanut Butter Pie Miniature Cups

If you Google “peanut butter pie,” you’ll see slices of pure luxuriousness—mounds of whipped cream, swirls of creamy peanut butter filling, and, often, a chocolate drizzle or chopped up Reese’s cups for garnish.

It’s hard to imagine recreating the excitement of this no-bake classic in a miniature (!) Reese’s cup, but Reese’s has a trick up its chocolate-stained sleeve, which is peanut butter-flavored chocolate. While the brand has utilized flavored crème confection, including marshmallow, vanilla, red velvet, and, yes, peanut butter, Reese’s Peanut Butter Pie Miniatures are the first to imbue milk chocolate with flavor.

The chocolate shell’s flavor profile is equal parts chocolate and peanut butter, which amounts to Reese’s Cup-flavored chocolate. The chocolate tastes like when you have chewed your Reese’s several times and the peanut butter and chocolate flavors have melded together. When eaten whole, the cup has a slightly more peanut butter-forward taste than your average Reese’s.

While enjoyable, the flavored chocolate is hard to assess. If this were a new candy, I would be thrilled with the result. But the flavored chocolate here felt a little redundant. I didn’t feel like I was tasting something new, so much as I was beginning my familiar Reese’s eating experience at the five-second mark. Given that its namesake pie contains whipped cream or cream cheese, a flavored crème might have made more sense for this product.

It took me a while to work through my dilemma, and once I did, I remembered that Reese’s Peanut Butter Pie Miniatures utilize crunchy graham cookie pieces to represent a graham cracker crust. The crunch of these pieces is hearty (think Teddy Grahams, not graham crackers), but there is no real added flavor. It would have been cool to include a graham cracker layer at the base of the cup, and I plan on testing this hypothesis next time I buy a box of Honey Maid.

The back of the package suggests using Reese’s Peanut Butter Pie Miniatures within a peanut butter pie recipe, just in case there is not enough peanut butter pie in your peanut butter pie. It’s a suggestion I support. The extra crunch in these cups would complement a creamy pie while giving the chef the opportunity to make lame jokes about peanut butter pie inception. While a taste of these Miniatures will quell the craving for chocolate and peanut butter, the buyer’s creativity may yield a more exciting result.

Purchased Price: $5.99
Purchased at: Giant Eagle
Size: 9.6 oz (272 g) bag
Rating: 7 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (per 3 pieces)130 calories, 7 grams of fat, 3 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, less than 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 60 milligrams of sodium, 16 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fiber, 14 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of protein.

REVIEW: Reese’s Filled Pretzels

As someone who is allergic to chocolate, I’m used to cries of “You can’t have that. There’s chocolate in it!” when I eat Reese’s Pieces.

“Oh, that’s a common misconception, but there actually isn’t,” I always inform my concerned companions. But, I can tell they never quite believe me, even when I point out the ingredients list on the packaging. As soon as I heard about Reese’s new Filled Pretzels with peanut butter filling, I instinctively prepared myself for more of these conversations.

Of course, I’m happy that this is a new Reese’s treat I can actually eat, but I can imagine it causing confusion in chocolate cravers, and I can’t say I’d blame them. After all, the name “Reese’s” is practically shorthand for “chocolate plus peanut butter,” so it’s surprising that they’d make something with only half of the iconic pairing—especially in the form of a snack where it seems like chocolate would fit right in. Even though it’s what allowed me to eat these, not incorporating chocolate feels like a misstep, which is only my first caveat about these pretzels.

The second is that… they’re just not that exciting. In addition to those mildly awkward Reese’s Pieces memories, they also instantly reminded me of the similarly pouch-like peanut butter-filled pretzels from other brands my parents like to keep on hand for long car rides. I’ve always found those pretzels okay but dry, their crackly exterior and dusty filling leaving me with an unpleasant urge to wash my mouth out, even though their flavor isn’t so bad. As it turns out, Reese’s take isn’t very different.

Since the pretzel is hollow to accommodate its filling (which is actually impressively robust for something so bite-size), it’s extremely thin and crispy, closer to a pretzel crisp than your standard hearty fare. Despite being quite careful, my first small bite shattered the whole thing into about a billion brittle shards! I generally prefer a thicker pretzel, but fine, I can accept that that’s not logistically possible in this format. At least the peanut butter makes up for it, right?

Well, sort of. I wanted so badly for the peanut butter to be creamier, but alas, it’s pretty powdery. It’s probably not too different than what’s in a Reese’s Cup, but since there’s a more concentrated amount here and the taste of the pretzel isn’t rich enough to really complement it, the chalky texture is apparent, and therefore unsatisfying. The peanut butter also tastes noticeably sweet rather than nutty. It’s not bad necessarily, but it’s a tad jarring (I audibly said “OHHHH, THAT EXPLAINS IT” when I noticed powdered sugar was one of the ingredients).

The saving grace for me is the salt. While I’m usually a sweet over salty girl, here it compensates beautifully for the lackluster and slightly uncanny peanut butter, adding extra complexity and cravability. The plump shape also helps, as I never got tired of crunching dramatically into it (I’d definitely recommend that over a more delicate nibbling approach, which would just get messy).

These Reese’s Filled Pretzels are certainly preferable to starving on a road trip, but ultimately, I’d never choose them over a bowl of classic Reese’s Pieces—or even just regular old hard pretzels.

Purchased Price: $5.39
Size: 9 oz bag
Purchased at: Target
Rating: 5 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (per 7 pieces) 130 calories, 6 grams of fat, 240 milligrams of sodium, 17 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of sugar, and 4 grams of protein.

REVIEW: Hershey’s Harry Potter Butterbeer Kisses

While generations of children were distraught that they never received an invitation to Hogwarts, my rejection from wizarding school was for the best. I would not have been able to concentrate on classes—or fighting villains—when the wizarding world had so many magical snacks to offer. While Harry Potter endured a high-stakes hero’s journey of good versus evil, you’d find me at Hogsmeade for the duration of all seven books, collecting Chocolate Frog trading cards and popping risky flavors of Bernie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans like shots at a frat party.

Luckily, Hershey’s newest limited-edition product offers a taste of the wizarding world without the threat of expulsion or bankruptcy. Inspired by the famed Hogsmeade beverage, Hershey’s Harry Potter Butterbeer Kisses are gold-colored crème Kisses filled with Butterbeer-flavored crème.

The Harry Potter books describe Butterbeer as a beverage that can be served hot or cold and tastes “a little bit like less-sickly butterscotch.” As someone who loves butterscotch enough to drink it, I would have devoted my time in Potions class trying to crack the code for the perfect Butterbeer, but I think these Hershey’s Kisses come pretty close.

The gold crème shell is sweet and smooth, with a white chocolate-like flavor similar to what you’d find at the base of a Cookies ‘n’ Crème bar. The shell does not seem as sweet as some cremes and carries a light buttery flavor. The creamy, fluffy filling is pure butterscotch: a perfect, very sweet combination of butter and brown sugar flavors. The frosting-like texture of the filling (versus a sticky caramel or similar) recalls the foamy topping of the Butterbeer in Harry Potter lore.

These Kisses are sweet, but not overly sweet. It’s not hard to keep eating them. They smell and taste like a butterscotch sundae, and I think the creaminess of the shell and center offset the sugariness. Fans of the Snickers Butterscotch Scoop bar will also enjoy these Kisses.

While Hershey’s has released milk chocolate Kisses in Harry Potter-themed packaging, Butterbeer Kisses is the first Hershey’s product to incorporate flavors from the franchise. It is worth noting that the Butterbeer variety also utilizes cute packaging, featuring foil wrappers printed with details from the Harry Potter series and a paper plume that reads CHEERS.

In the spirit of things, I lift my proverbial pint glass to Hershey’s Harry Potter Butterbeer Kisses for a flawless execution of the theme. I will never know the thrill of boarding the Hogwarts Express, but grabbing another bag of these Hershey Kisses while they are still available is good enough for me.

Purchased Price: $6.29
Size: 9 oz (255 g) bag
Purchased at: CVS
Rating: 10 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (per 7 pieces)170 calories, 10 grams of fat, 6 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 45 milligrams of sodium, 20 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 19 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of protein.

REVIEW: Strawberries & Creme M&M’s

Frequently for Valentine’s Day, M&M’s likes to bring us some new flavor involving strawberry or cherry because, of course, February is when those summer fruits are in season.

We have had Cherry Milk Chocolate, Strawberry Milk Chocolate, Black Forest Cake, and White Chocolate Strawberry Shake. And I swear there was a Valentine’s raspberry version in there somewhere, but I can’t find it.

For 2025, the flavor is White Chocolate Strawberries & Crème. And you might be thinking, “That sounds an awful lot like White Chocolate Strawberry Shake.” And you would be right.

I don’t have any of the Strawberry Shake variety with me, but the new Strawberries & Crème version tastes just like I remember the 2023 flavor. The main difference is that Mars removed green from the color scheme and replaced it with an extra shade of pink. (Though green was explainable, I still thought it was an odd choice. I fully support the new pink and red colors.)

So, even though it’s the same, how is it? It reminds me of strawberry milk: creamy, fruity, and artificial. I happen to like strawberry milk in all its fake-flavor glory, so I approve! Aside from the flavor, it’s the same white chocolate you find in other limited edition M&M’s. If you don’t like white chocolate, stay away, but I like it. (It might get cloying if you eat too many, but built-in moderation isn’t a bad thing!)

If Mars wants to rerelease an enjoyable candy with a new name and an improved color scheme, I certainly won’t complain. Especially since Valentine’s candy is probably the best thing about January and February.

Purchased Price: $4.99
Size: 7.44 oz bag
Purchased at: Dick’s Market
Rating: 8 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (16 pieces) 140 calories, 7 grams of fat, 4 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, less than 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 25 milligrams of sodium, 19 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of dietary fiber, 19 grams of sugar including 17 grams of added sugar, and 1 gram of protein.