Tag: Dunkin Donuts

  • REVIEW: Dunkin’ Roasted Tomato & Hummus Toast

    Dunkin Roasted Tomato  Hummus Toast Box

    What is Dunkin’s Roasted Tomato & Hummus Toast?

    A little over a year after the debut of its Avocado Toast, Dunkin’ brings a new item to its expanding toast menu. This variety starts with the same sourdough bread but has hummus as the spread and is topped with oven-roasted tomatoes. It’s then finished with a generous dusting of za’atar seasoning (oregano, thyme, sumac).

    How is it?

    I genuinely feel like Dunkin’ must be reading my diary because this item feels made for me. Hummus is one of the foods you will always find in my fridge, and za’atar is a pantry staple. Admittedly, I was a little worried the quality of both would be lacking since the Avocado Toast was a letdown. The first bite, however, was delicious. The hummus has a strong but not overpowering garlic flavor that works well with the sourdough. Za’atar adds a kick that elevates the entire item.

    Dunkin Roasted Tomato  Hummus Toast Tomato Closeup

    The oven-roasted tomatoes honestly reminded me more of sun-dried tomatoes in the sweetness they had. They felt like rehydrated sun-dried tomatoes (if that’s even possible?), and it was a pleasant surprise. I wish the tomato pieces were a little smaller, as taking a bite with them meant you were committed to a whole tomato chunk.

    Anything else you need to know?

    From now until March 22nd, if you order the Hummus & Roasted Tomato Toast through the app, you will get 2x the points. If you don’t like tomatoes, you can request just the hummus and za’atar on the toasted sourdough.


    Dunkin Roasted Tomato  Hummus Toast Side

    The Roasted Tomato & Hummus Toast is an absolute win for Dunkin’. The price is a little high for what amounts to a snack, but it feels worth the cost because of the quality of ingredients and size of the item. It feels like a slide out of the breakfast zone and more into a midday snack you can grab when you get your afternoon caffeine boost. Just make sure to have some gum or mints after to curb that hummus breath.

    Purchased Price: $3.99
    Size: N/A
    Rating: 9 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: (1 piece) 300 calories, 13 grams of fat, 1.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 690 milligrams of sodium, 39 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of fiber, 5 grams of sugar, and 8 grams of protein.

  • REVIEW: Dunkin’ Shamrock Macchiato

    Dunkin Shamrock Macchiato Layers

    No, it’s not mint flavored.

    I assume this is the answer to the first question that popped into your head when you saw the product name. And it’s a reasonable thing to ask: Dunkin’ introduced the Shamrock Macchiato in a news release only two days after the iconic St. Patrick’s Day shake with the same moniker and color returned to McDonald’s.

    I love mint and coffee together, so I was let down to learn this beverage instead contained the preexisting (albeit seasonal) Irish Creme flavor swirl with a clover-hued makeover. Still, I think Irish cream is delicious and I love that this swirl lets me enjoy the taste of it sans alcohol, so my disappointment quickly dissipated as I became eager to see how it complemented a macchiato.

    As I mentioned, the Irish Creme swirl is a bright, grassy green this year. It was drizzled into 2% milk (the default at that store) in the bottom half of my to-go cup, which lightened the shade to a pastel. With the espresso on top, there was a unique color blocking effect that would cause a few rubbernecks from passersby, but I honestly didn’t find the combination of colors all that attractive.

    Dunkin Shamrock Macchiato Top

    I’ve heard of people drinking a simple two ingredient cocktail of Bailey’s and milk, and I totally get it now. I took a sip of just the Irish Cremed milk before mixing the two halves, and it was rich and delicious. Dunkin’ definitely got the essence of Irish cream right and did a great job mimicking the taste and slight burn of the alcohol in this swirl. However, the sweetness of the syrup with whatever was used to give it a faux whiskey flavor oddly gave it notes of cherry and almond that, while tasty, would make more sense in an Amaretto flavor swirl.

    Dunkin Shamrock Macchiato Mixed

    Once mixed, the macchiato took on a nauseous green tinge that made it look like it had eaten some bad oysters. Luckily it tasted way better than it looked, and I think it was a smart move to add Irish Creme to a macchiato. The strong and bitter espresso toned down the sweetness of the swirl and made it more balanced than it would be in a drink made with Dunkin’s thinner and milder coffee. The Irish Creme paired nicely with the espresso and milk as one would expect, but the swirl may have tasted even more like the real thing if the drink had been made with whole milk since Irish cream is, well, creamier.

    Dunkin Shamrock Macchiato Top 2

    If you can overlook the misleading name, the occasional discomfort of feeling like you’re breaking the law as you drink it in the car, and the sickly green hue upon stirring, give this macchiato a try. I wouldn’t say it sham-rocks, but it’s clo-very good.

    Purchased Price: $5.05
    Size: Medium
    Rating: 7 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: (With whole milk) 280 calories, 6 grams of fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 3.5 grams of saturated fat, 20 milligrams of cholesterol, 190 milligrams of sodium, 48 grams of total carbohydrates, 45 grams of total sugars, 0 grams of fiber, and 8 grams of protein.

  • REVIEW: Dunkin’ Pink Strawberry Coconut Refresher

    Dunkin Pink Strawberry Coconut Refresher Hold

    Strawberry and coconut are two of the most delicious fruits on Earth, yet I don’t think I’ve ever had them mixed together.

    How’s that possible?

    At this point in my life, I feel like I’ve tried almost every fruit duo you can throw at me, yet here I sit, wracking my brain, and I can’t think of a single snack, candy, juice, cocktail, pastry, ice cream, whatever, that prominently features a combination of strawberry and coconut.

    I didn’t even have that realization until I saw this Pink Strawberry Coconut Refresher in the Dunkin’ app. Then it hit me like a brick. Why haven’t I had this before?

    I’ve actually been pretty mixed (no pun) on Dunkin’s line of “Refresher” drinks as a whole, but I had a good feeling about this one. It’s strawberry. It’s coconut. This one had to work, right?

    Oh, it worked. I think this might be my favorite non-coffee drink Dunkin’ has ever released.

    As it turns out, “pink strawberry,” is actually a concoction of strawberry and dragonfruit. While it’s most definitely an overpowering strawberry flavor, the dragonfruit adds a tart kick that levels off the sweetness you’d probably get from straight strawberry concentrate. Toss in the mellow creaminess of the coconut milk, and you’ve got a perfectly blended drink.

    Dunkin Pink Strawberry Coconut Refresher Top

    I genuinely don’t like to use the word “mouthfeel” (*shudder*) … but they really nailed the mouthfeel.

    There’s no indication that the coconut milk is flavored, but I could be convinced there was a tinge of vanilla sweetener. If you’ve ever had Italian Ices mixed with vanilla custard – not sure what they call that around your way – it reminded me of one of those. I used to get Watermelon and Vanilla as a kid, and I was whisked back to those days*.

    Dunkin Pink Strawberry Coconut Refresher Half

    I also love when these drinks have that oil and water style separation. The way the coconut milk sat atop the vibrant pink juice and slowly cascaded down made me feel like I was drinking some kind of crazy theme park creation.

    I gotta say, this lived up to its “Refresher” name. It gave me an energizing pep in my step, but if I had to dock it slightly, I would say this is more of a midday “pick me up” type drink. I don’t know if I’d ever order this in the morning over my standard coffee, as I tend to try and stay away from too much sugar to start my day.

    I really enjoyed the flavors and the boost this Refresher gave me. This is definitely the proper use for coconut milk. I tried one of Dunkin’s coconut milk lattes and didn’t even wanna finish it. In this format, I wish I got a larger size. I’ll one hundred percent be a repeat customer.

    So, I guess I’ve had strawberries mixed with coconut now. If anyone can tip me off to any other product that combines those two flavors, I’d appreciate it.

    *Oh, and if anyone from Dunkin’ sees this – Watermelon Coconut Refresher. Let’s do it.

    Purchased Price: $3.69
    Size: Medium
    Rating: 9 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: 170 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, 0 gram of trans fat, 3.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 mg of cholesterol, 65 milligrams of sodium, 31 grams of total carbohydrates, 28 grams of sugars, 0 grams of fiber, and 1 gram of protein.

  • REVIEW: Dunkin’ Brown Sugar Oat Iced Latte

    Dunkin Brown Sugar Oat Iced Latte Sign

    I’ll admit, I’m late to the brown sugar coffee game. It seems like a simple enough swap to have considered it sooner, but it never occurred to me over the years, even as I tried drinking my cup of joe with more adventurous sweeteners like honey and rich chocolate Ovaltine.

    Once I finally learned of the warm and cozy depth it provided, I found myself visiting Starbucks more often for their brown sugar syrup. But this month, Dunkin’ one-upped its competitor with a baked good twist: brown sugar cookie syrup, which they’ve lovingly drizzled (I assume, since it doesn’t sound possible to hatefully drizzle brown sugar cookie syrup) into espresso and oat milk to create its new Brown Sugar Oat Iced Latte.

    Dunkin Brown Sugar Oat Iced Latte Cup

    Suspecting this was going to be something special, I was able to confidently order a medium at 2:28 pm knowing full well it was going to spoil my bedtime. I cracked off the lid to see if it smelled like brown sugar cookies and instead was met with something closer to caramel. Not a dealbreaker, so I took a sip.

    Holy cow, it was tasty. Wait, oat milk, forget the cow. Holy whatever plant oats come from, it was tasty.

    Dunkin Brown Sugar Oat Iced Latte Top

    The drink was rich, sweet, and creamy in all the ways one could want from a flavored iced latte. The syrup was perfectly sugary and had a pleasant cookie-like toastiness but I felt it lacked a hint of molasses that would really confirm the brown sugar flavor. Although, that syrup was so beautifully suspended in the oat milk that I couldn’t hold the lack of specificity against it. The flavor felt balanced throughout and lingered in my mouth after every sip, coating my tongue. After a few experiences with overly sweetened coffees at Dunkin’, this felt more restrained and never became too cloying, especially with the slight bitterness of the coffee and oat. I couldn’t help but recognize what a well-thought-out decision it was to add this syrup to oat milk as I took increasingly awed sips. I appreciated that Dunkin’ seemed to take the time to really pair a flavor with a dairy-free milk instead of adding it to a beverage just to say they used plant milk.

    This was an overwhelmingly delicious iced latte that I would love to see permanently added to the menu. However, I think many would view this as a winter flavor, and a news release from Dunkin’ calls the Brown Sugar Oat Iced Latte a “comforting sip” that “warms the soul,” so… maybe snag it while you can. Whenever that may be, even if it’s late in the day; I can assure you it was totally worth spoiling my bedtime.

    Purchased Price: $5.29
    Size: Medium
    Rating: 9 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: 240 calories, 4 grams of fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 160 milligrams of sodium, 49 grams of total carbohydrates, 30 grams of total sugars, 3 grams of fiber, and 2 grams of protein.

  • REVIEW: Dunkin’ Bacon & Cheddar Omelet Bites

    Dunkin Bacon  Cheddar Omelet Bites Tray

    I’ve eaten many an egg bagel in my day, but eggs shaped like little bagels?! What is this madness?

    Yeah, I’m not gonna lie, Dunkin’ got me to try its new Bacon Cheddar Omelet Bites mostly because of the shape. Seeing egg bites with a donut hole somehow filled the massive hole in my ever-aging heart.

    It takes a lot to get a dedicated Bread Head™ like myself to order eggs without some kind of carb surrounding it, but I had to find out if these were as good as they looked.

    As it turns out, I’m a fan. Sure, the expectation of the menu picture didn’t quite match the reality of what I got, but I still found the presentation to be pretty fun.

    Dunkin Bacon  Cheddar Omelet Bites Both

    The bites come in a serving tray with a fork, but have enough structural integrity to hold in your hand if you wanna be a weirdo and eat them like the holed out treats that preceded them.

    The egg is cooked sous vide, and it made me realize that I’ve never had eggs that way. I’m not sure I’ve ever had anything sous vide, and I honestly don’t even know if I’m using it right in a sentence – I uh, I don’t know how to write sous vide. … Sue me. I’m what the French call, “les incompetents.” I’ll just be an uncultured dummy and use the English translation, “under vacuum.”

    Guess what? “Under vacuum” eggs taste pretty damn good.

    Dunkin Bacon  Cheddar Omelet Bites Fork

    They had a slightly mushy almost potato-like texture that might not be for everyone, but I genuinely enjoyed it. It was as if they took the filling of Pillsbury Breakfast Scrambles (the savory Toaster Strudels) and rolled it into a patty. The flavor was very similar to me, but it was also right in line with what you know and love from Dunkin’ or most other fast food breakfast menus.

    The cheddar and bacon definitely pop. The cheese is blended perfectly into the egg, so there’s no ooze to worry about. I’d say the bacon leans towards that artificial “bacon bits” taste, but it’s fine. Those are good too.

    Dunkin Bacon  Cheddar Omelet Bites Single

    I’m glad they used this gimmicky shape, because I’m not sure I would have gravitated towards them without it. I’ve seen omelet bites at other places like Starbucks, but never gave them a second thought.

    So yeah, these are fun and satisfying. They’re a really good source of protein also, which I appreciate.

    Dunkin’ is also selling an egg white and veggie variety. I might try them at some point, but I’m definitely going back for the Bacon Cheddar bites. Even though they stand on their own, I’d like to see if I can try to slide these between two little biscuits. It might end up being an overwhelming starch bomb, but I know it’d be delicious. Hopefully they release more of these with some crumbled sausage next time.

    After the speed bump that was the Mini Pancakes, it’s good to see Dunkin’ innovating the “mini” food game once again. You’ll never go wrong with a Munchkin, a mini bagel ball, or a couple of these new Omelet Bites.

    Purchased Price: $4.14
    Size: 2 Bites
    Purchased at: Dunkin
    Rating: 8 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: 280 calories, 19 grams of fat, 10 grams of saturated fat, 0.5 grams of trans fat, 185 milligrams of cholesterol, 520 milligrams of sodium, 7 grams of total carbohydrates, 2 grams of total sugars, and 17 grams of protein.