Tag: Fast Food

  • QUICK REVIEW: Baskin-Robbins Bobsled Brownie Ice Cream

    Baskin Robbins Bobsled Brownie Ice Cream

    When the snowmen in my yard light impromptu bonfires to fight the frigid cold, ice cream is the last thing on my mind. Still, the sight of Baskin-Robbins returning Bobsled Brownie made me race over for a frozen treat. January’s Flavor of the Month boasts blonde brownie pieces and a fudge crackle ribbon mixed with milk-chocolate-mousse and butter-caramel-flavored ice creams.

    The dessert itself is an imposing sight with a large crag of the fudge crackle ribbon jutting out of the ice cream mountain base. The chocolate and caramel ice cream slopes are swirled together preventing one from isolating a single track. Fortunately, the two combine to provide a smooth, creamy consistency with a flavor that vacillates depending on the ratio in any given spoonful.

    Baskin Robbins Bobsled Brownie Ice Cream 2

    Depressingly, the brownie pieces that always excite me when advertised are neither large nor frequent enough to add more than a spongy textural contrast. They don’t detract from the dessert, but I would not have noticed their absence. An unexpected rider for me is the attenuated but still chewy chunks of caramel that are as commonplace as the brownie bits. The flavor works well, but I do not appreciate having to chew parts of my ice cream.

    Baskin Robbins Bobsled Brownie Ice Cream 3

    The fudge crackle ribbon, on the other hand, is bold and pervasive but also firm and difficult to break apart. Small pieces occasionally cleave off from the core and find themselves in the mix, but a pickaxe the pink plastic spoon is not. This does, however, result in unavoidably fudgy, dark spoonfuls of the crackle ribbon that my chocoholic self adores.

    Despite flirting with the lip of a caramel curve, Bobsled Brownie is an enjoyable treat. While some of the elements seem as out of place as a Jamaican bobsled team, everything works well enough together to be a cool running.

    Purchased Price: $2.79
    Size: Large scoop (4 oz.)
    Rating: 7 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: (Large scoop) 310 calories, 19 grams of fat, 9 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams trans fat, 45 milligrams of cholesterol, 130 milligrams of sodium, 31 grams of carbohydrates, 24 grams of sugar, 2 grams of dietary fiber and 5 grams of protein.

  • REVIEW: Starbucks Christmas Tree Frappuccino

    Starbucks Christmas Tree Frappuccino

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

    Baristas are selling me Fraps while misspelling my name at cashiers!

    I must mumble, because per usual, my Starbucks cup said “Ben.” That’s ok though because nothing could break my holiday spirit, for today I was trying the new Christmas Tree Frappuccino that looks exactly like a Christmas tree!

    Well, kinda like a Christmas tree, I guess?

    Look, I know how advertising works. I wasn’t expecting my drink to look like Rockefeller Center, but then again, I also wasn’t expecting Charlie Brown.

    The whipped cream looks more lime than pine, and when you think about it, the entire premise is flawed. In theory, the whipped cream portion represents the iconic image of a Christmas tree, so said tree would be like five feet of trunk, and one foot of branches! More like, “Bark, the herald angels sing.” Right?


    Fine. ‘Tis not the season for petty whining, so I’ll just let it go, let it go, let it go. (Sung to the tune of “Let it Snow,” not that Frozen song, although I guess that works too. You decide!)

    Starbucks Christmas Tree Frappuccino 2

    The whipped cream gets its green color due to a matcha infusion, which I’ll be honest, I barely noticed. The topping was drizzled with caramel as well as candied cranberry “ornaments,” so I tasted those more than the actual cream. I mainly order Caramel Fraps, so the whipped cream tasted like it usually does on those.

    Starbucks Christmas Tree Frappuccino 3

    Phantom matcha aside, the caramel was delicious as always. The cranberry pieces added a nice little crunch element. There’s a freeze-dried strawberry tree topper that did its job because it was the “star” of the show. I enjoyed it.

    I made sure to leave plenty of toppings so they could mix in with the Mocha Peppermint Frap.

    I finally took a big gulp and O Tannenbaum was it good! That chocolate mint goodness had me singing Ave Barista.

    If I had to equate the flavor to something familiar, it tasted like a liquid Andes mint. It wasn’t quite mint chocolate chip ice cream like you’d expect. There’s not much flavor discrepancy when combining chocolate and mint, but I still say this leans more towards an Andes.

    I mixed the toppings in, and they got a little swallowed up. Subtle caramel fought through the mint a couple times, and the cranberry bits provided a fun crunch, but the flavors kinda disappeared into the dark abyss.

    I also think there may have been too much ice because it tasted watered down about halfway in. The mocha and peppermint dulled and never lived up to the first couple sips.

    In the end, it may not have been exactly what I wanted, but I still appreciated it. I’d like to call “bah humbug” on the $5 price, but I’ll leave you on a positive note. Merry Christmas.

    (Nutrition Facts – 420 calories, 21 grams of fat, 13 grams of saturated fat, 0.5 grams of trans fat, 65 milligrams of cholesterol, 220 milligrams of sodium, 53 grams of carbohydrates, 1 grams of fiber, 50 grams of sugar, 6 grams of protein, and 15 milligrams of caffeine.)

    Purchased Price: $5.08
    Size: Tall
    Rating: 7 out of 10
    Pros: Mocha and Peppermint are a winning duo. Freeze dried strawberry was kinda brilliant. Caramel drizzle never fails. Fun overall concept. Candied Cranberry ornaments were a great addition.
    Cons: As far as looks go, it’s the thought that counts. Pretty expensive. Didn’t pick up the matcha. Flavors got watered down. Ave Maria isn’t a Christmas song. I did not intend for the Frozen song to get stuck in your head. “Ben.”

  • REVIEW: Krispy Kreme Gingerbread Glazed Doughnut

    Krispy Kreme Gingerbread Glazed Doughnut

    “Gingerbread, gingerbread, gingerbread doughnuutttss. Oh what fun it is to turn little men into fried cake. Hey!”

    Building off the spicy success of last season’s Pumpkin Spice Original Glazed, Krispy Kreme is rolling out winter’s favorite spiced cake in the form of the Gingerbread Glazed Doughnut.

    You may notice the absence of the word “original” in the title. This is intentional. For the first time ever, KK changed both the dough and the glaze to create the ultimate one-two punch of Christmas delight. The offering is spiced gingerbread dough with hints of cinnamon and ginger covered in a warm gingerbread molasses glaze.

    When I arrived at my local Krispy in the mid-afternoon I was afraid I had missed the party. But it turns out I was just in on the most underground secret of the doughnut world. No signs, no posters, and no slot in the doughnut case for them. It seems this one got promoted exclusively through online buzz.

    From what I can gather, based on the epic emptying and scrub down of the KK glazing conveyor belt happening at 4 p.m., the molasses glaze created a whole new obstacle in being able to provide these special doughnuts alongside their signature original. After talking to an employee, who described them as “super limited,” I confirmed it was cranked out once in the morning and would not be made again.

    Krispy Kreme Gingerbread Glazed Doughnut 2

    The doughnut looks different from the OG glazed, most notably the darker color and thicker texture of the molasses. The dough is speckled with spice much like the pumpkin version but feels a bit heartier with the modified glaze’s density.

    Since eating them straight from the fried belt of dreams was not an option I opted to try the doughnut at room temperature. The flavor is not very bold, and if I had to guess what the change was without knowing I’m not sure I would guess gingerbread.

    Krispy Kreme Gingerbread Glazed Doughnut 3

    The molasses glaze is less sweet and doesn’t pop with the usual bright sweetness of the OG. There’s a nice brown sugar flavor that presides over everything else, and only a tiny hint of cinnamon in the finish that’s fleeting. I don’t get any gingery tingle, but the texture is still enjoyable, soft, and fluffy, although a bit denser than the usual KK offering.

    Warmed up, for the eight seconds the box recommends, the brown sugar molasses notes become more apparent and rich, with a greasy buttery flavor, which is what I expect when venturing towards the coveted Hot Light. Still, for a doughnut that’s supposed to represent one of the most spiced breads of the year, it’s very tame and kind of disappointing.

    The dough is still quality, and it’s a sugary fried treat so it does taste good. But I don’t get a whisper of ginger, let alone the nutmeg, cloves, or black pepper that make the Christmas bread what it is. As is, this seasonal remix is a downgrade from the original. Ho ho hum.

    (Nutrition Facts – 200 calories, 10 grams of fat, 5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 95 milligrams of sodium, 25 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 13 grams of sugar, and 3 grams of protein.)

    Purchased Price: $1.69
    Size: N/A
    Rating: 7 out of 10
    Pros: Rich molasses glaze. Classic soft fluffy texture. Balanced sweetness.
    Cons: Very mellow spice. No ginger tingle. Can’t eat straight off of conveyor belt.

  • REVIEW: 7-Eleven Mint Oreo Hot Chocolate

    7 Eleven Mint Oreo Hot Chocolate

    I’ve never been a big fan of buying hot chocolate from a gas station, food truck, or stand. Why fork out that money when you can go home and make your own from a powder? It’s a lot cheaper, and you won’t waste a disposable cup.

    But, strangely, there’s something alluring about buying food from 7-Eleven. It might be overpriced garbage, but it’s tasty garbage. A guilty pleasure.

    7 Eleven Mint Oreo Hot Chocolate 2

    When I filled up my cup with 7-Eleven’s Mint Oreo Hot Chocolate, I was excited about how thick, chocolatey, and sugary it looked. What could be better than that on a foggy, freezing day? But it would be several minutes before I would actually get to try it.

    First of all, it was very steamy when it came out, and I wouldn’t be able to taste it if I scalded my tongue. Second, I didn’t want to be tasting it and taking pictures there in the 7-Eleven. Would people be judging me? (I did some judging of my own at 7-Eleven: I was grateful the cashier didn’t touch my cup or give me a receipt because she had just sneezed into her hand. Srsly, people, Dracula sneeze!)

    And third, I recently got a new car, so I made it a rule not to eat or drink in it. I put my cup in the cup holder and didn’t touch it until I got to my work’s parking lot.

    7 Eleven Mint Oreo Hot Chocolate 3

    When I finally tasted it, it had cooled but was still warm. It fulfilled its purpose as hot chocolate: warm, chocolatey, comforting.

    Unfortunately, it fulfilled its purpose as Mint Oreo Hot Chocolate in all the wrong ways. The mint flavor was only subtle, and the Oreo flavor was even more subtle. A few sips almost seemed bland. Yet the one way it did seem like an Oreo was in a slimy, oily mouthfeel. It felt like I had a wad of Oreo creme in my mouth, but without the satisfaction of that actually happening. They left out the best part of a Mint Oreo (the flavor) but kept the worst (the post-cookie mouthfeel).

    During the cooling period, a lot of the flavor had settled to the bottom, so the last few sips were better than the rest had been. I thought, “Oh, maybe it’s not so bad.” But then it occurred to me: if I had drunk it before the flavor had settled out, it would have been more flavorful than most of my experience, but it still would have been more diluted than the end. As it was, I thought the dregs were on the low end of the flavor I would have liked.

    If your car breaks down on a winter’s day and you’re stuck next to a 7-Eleven, the Mint Oreo Hot Chocolate would comfort you against the chill. Otherwise, you’re better off making your own from powder and dropping in a candy cane.

    (Nutrition Facts – Not available on 7-Eleven’s website.)

    Purchased Price: $1.49
    Size: 12 oz. cup
    Rating: 5 out of 10
    Pros: Fulfills its purpose as hot chocolate: warm, chocolatey, comforting.
    Cons: The mint and Oreo flavors are subtle. Leaves an unpleasant mouthfeel. Less economical than making your own.

  • REVIEW: McDonald’s Signature Swiss Mushroom Melt

    McDonald s Signature Crafted Mushroom Swiss Melt

    Peeling back the bun of my McDonald’s Signature Swiss Mushroom Melt revealed that the employee who made my burger obviously has something against mushrooms and wanted to punish the ones in my order by drowning them in the garlic and herb spread.

    McDonald s Signature Crafted Mushroom Swiss Melt 2

    Or maybe that’s how they’re made because the promo photos my local McDonald’s have been posting to social media show a liberal amount of spread. Either that or the burger has rabies.

    McDonald s Signature Swiss Mushroom Melt 5

    (Image via Hawaii McDonald’s Twitter.)

    Along with the garlic and herb condiment, my McDonald’s Swiss Mushroom Melt featured seasoned, grilled mushrooms, two slices of Swiss cheese, and a 1/4 lb. beef patty on a sesame seed bun. Much like other Signature Crafted Recipes, you can also have it made with crispy or grilled chicken and get it with an artisan roll.

    If you like mushroom and Swiss burgers because of those two ingredients, this one will disappoint. The spread hides the flavors of the shrooms and Swiss as effective as a Klingon cloaking device hides a Bird-of-Prey ship. But the sauce also hides the fact that the beef patty is somewhat dry.

    McDonald s Signature Crafted Mushroom Swiss Melt 2  1

    It might’ve not been so bad if the spread was flavorful, but it doesn’t have a strong garlic or herb presence. It’s mild enough to negate the flavors of the mushroom and cheese, but not strong enough to give it a memorable flavor. Yes, even with all that sauce blasted onto the mushrooms. The beef patty’s flavor does come through a little, but that doesn’t make this burger worth it.

    I can understand the reasoning behind adding the garlic and herb spread. Every time McDonald’s comes out with a new burger line there’s bound to be a mushroom and Swiss version and they’re all pretty much the same — sautéed mushrooms, mayo, and Swiss cheese. The condiment makes it different, but, unfortunately, it doesn’t make it better.

    NOTE: This is only available in select markets.

    Purchased Price: $5.39
    Size: N/A
    Rating: 5 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: Not available on McDonald’s website.