As an adult who loves cereal but can almost never wake up on time to consume a normal breakfast (and even if I could, I can’t be counted on to have non-expired milk on hand), I found the concept of Kellogg’s new breakfast cereal flavored ice creams intriguing. Freed from the confines of a balanced breakfast, perhaps Frosted Flakes could finally team up with an even more indulgent dairy in the form of ice cream and become a childhood dream come true. Who didn’t want ice cream for breakfast? Also, Kellogg’s went so far as to make these ice creams and not “frozen dairy desserts.” Additionally, this ice cream base is cereal milk flavored and not just vanilla. It should be good! Dare I say, Gr-r-eat?
I do not dare. Opening the container, I couldn’t help but notice this is a boring pint. It was obvious that the flakes were completely obliterated, and no effort was made to include any whole flakes or larger chunks of them. I suppose if you throw Frosted Flakes into a mixer, you can’t really expect them to maintain their structural identity. I guess I expected them to sprinkle in a few whole pieces, maybe coated with something to ensure they provided some crunch. If not for the packaging, you’d never know there were Frosted Flakes in here. The sandy-colored specks that remain from the cereal pieces are just that…sandy. It’s as if you’d dropped your ice cream at the beach and were determined to follow the five-second rule and enjoy it anyway. However, instead of eventually getting beyond the sanded part, the grittiness has permeated the whole way through.
I could overlook the pulverized flakes if the ice cream itself was good. I’m not that picky about ice cream, but this stuff is just disappointing. The texture is oddly gummy and not in a way that feels intentional. If I got an ice cream maker and this was the result of my first batch, I’d pat myself on the back because I technically made ice cream, and then I would definitely never use that recipe again. It appears the folks at Kellogg’s were less discerning.
The price here is the same as Ben & Jerry’s, but this seems like a worse quality product and instead of swirls and mix-ins, you’re only getting smashed corn flakes. I don’t mind the overall flavor and could be convinced its milky sweetness resembles cereal milk, but it’s mostly nondescript and the tiny flecks just aren’t enough to remind me of actual Frosted Flakes. It feels like Kellogg’s is relying on consumers to try this line solely based on the clout its beloved cereals carry, but I think it will have to put in a little more effort if it wants repeat customers. I found this pint on the bottom shelf at my store, and after having tried it, I can safely say that’s where it belongs.
Purchased Price: $5.29
Size: 14 fl oz
Purchased at: Jewel-Osco
Rating: 4 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (2/3 cup) 210 calories, 11 grams of total fat, 45mg of cholesterol, 65 milligrams of sodium, 25 grams of total carbs, 20 grams of total sugars, and 3 grams of protein.