Tag: Hershey’s

  • REVIEW: Hershey’s Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Kisses

    What are they?

    The package describes these new Valentine’s Day Kisses as “extra creamy milk chocolate with strawberry flavored center.”

    How are they?

    These Kisses have the same chocolate that the other filled Kisses have. It’s a little different from the solid Kisses, but it’s largely a vehicle for the filling.

    The filling in this case is bright red, and I don’t know if I would have pegged the flavor as strawberry if the wrapper and the plume didn’t tell me.

    I enjoy this candy, but it’s not one I would miss if it didn’t come back. It’s excessively sweet, and I say that as someone with a tremendous sweet tooth.

    Anything else you need to know?

    If the description sounds familiar, it should: I’m pretty sure these are exactly the same as Vampire Kisses the company has released for Halloween.

    It might seem weird to recycle Halloween candy for Valentine’s Day, but they’re practically the same holiday. You don’t get the day off of work or school, and they both use candy to market age-inappropriate things to children (horror and romance).

    The flavor itself might be more appropriate for February, but I prefer the blood-red concept for October. So many other candies use the strawberry chocolate flavor this time of year, and they execute it better.


    Hershey’s Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Kisses are fine and passable. They would be great in a Valentine’s goody bag. But the seasonal aisle is full of better and more interesting candies.

    Purchased Price: $3.99
    Size: 9 oz bag
    Purchased at: Target
    Rating: 6 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: (6 pieces) 120 calories, 5 grams of fat, 3 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, less than 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 20 milligrams of sodium, 18 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of dietary fiber, 16 grams of sugar including 13 grams of added sugar, and 2 grams of protein.

  • REVIEW: Blueberry Muffin Kit Kat

    Blueberry Muffin Kit Kat Wrapper

    Whenever Kit Kat releases a new flavor, I think of someone who once asked me why consumers get so excited about “stuff that tastes like other stuff.”

    Obviously, this person is not our friend, but I explained there are several reasons:

    • Candy is fun. The more varieties, the better.
    • Novelty breaks up the drudgery of everyday existence.
    • There is an artful and glorious alchemy involved in combining two perfect substances into one.
    • I don’t need a reason. Mind your business.

    In the case of the Blueberry Muffin Kit Kat, all of the above apply. However, reason #3 is particularly apt because Blueberry Muffin Kit Kats are a beautiful representation of the bakery staple in candy bar form.

    Blueberry Muffin Kit Kat Fingers

    This limited edition bar is an earthy lavender-colored confection. (In real life, it looks a lot less sludgy gray than my best efforts at photography produced.) The wrapper describes the bar as “naturally and artificially flavored crisp wafers in blueberry muffin flavored creme.”

    What makes a “blueberry muffin flavored creme?” This Kit Kat’s creme combines the flavors of blueberry and buttery cake batter, with strong undertones of brown sugar and warm cinnamon like you’d find in a crumble topping. I wasn’t expecting a touch of cinnamon, but that detail was exactly what my soul and taste buds wanted. The creme tastes delicious and complex, even if the sweetness is more reminiscent of cake than muffin. Because muffins let us brazenly blur the line between bread and cake at breakfast, this feels like a minor complaint.

    Blueberry Muffin Kit Kat Wafers

    What’s really cool is that the distribution of the realistic blueberry flavor is a little uneven, resulting in occasional strong pops of blueberry goodness. In one or two morsels alone, the Kit Kat recreated the experience of finding those especially juicy blueberries in a bite of the baked good. As I ate, I felt like Violet Beauregarde in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory — before the severe physical and emotional damage.

    Flecks of graham embedded in the creme support the wafers’ crisp texture. It is difficult to isolate their flavor, but they may contribute some of that crumble-like toastiness.

    Blueberry Muffin Kit Kat Graphic

    As fans of “stuff that tastes like other stuff” know, products can sometimes promise big flavors and deliver ho-hum results. (Public service announcement: lemon flavoring alone does not make something like lemon meringue pie, and it never will.) Happily, the Blueberry Muffin Kit Kat is not just blueberry flavoring dressed in a muffin’s wrapper. While Kit Kat reliably concocts delicious limited editions, the Blueberry Muffin variety is special for its inventiveness and complexity of flavor.

    Because I would rank it within my top three Kit Kat flavors and because I can’t think of a reason not to, I am rating the Blueberry Muffin Kit Kat a rare 10 out of 10.

    Purchased Price: 98 cents
    Size: 1.5 oz bar (42 g)
    Purchased at: Walmart
    Rating: 10 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: 220 calories, 12 grams of fat, 7 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 35 milligrams of sodium, 27 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 20 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of protein.

  • REVIEW: Hershey’s Vanilla Frosting Kisses

    Hershey s Vanilla Frosting Kisses Bag

    What are Hershey’s Vanilla Frosting Kisses?

    The latest Kiss from Hershey’s is a creme-filled variety that seeks to make up for all the times you’ve rushed to a tray of assorted cupcakes at a schoolmate’s birthday party in a backyard, classroom, or Discovery Zone only to find that the more agile kids beat you to your favorite flavor, chocolate cake with vanilla frosting.

    How are they?

    Hershey s Vanilla Frosting Kisses Split

    I was the kid who would throw elbows to avoid possibly ending up with chocolate cake with vanilla frosting, but I’ve since learned the error of my ways and have to say these were yummy! Like other creme-filled Kisses, the texture was more like a truffle, with a nice snap from the chocolate. The creme had the right amount of buttery richness to make it taste like canned frosting, and the flavor kept itself separate enough from the taste of the milk chocolate shell to call to mind the experience of eating a cupcake that looks like the one on the package. Adding to that experience, Hershey’s even wrapped each Kiss in adorable plaid foil that looks like the pattern on a baking cup.

    Hershey s Vanilla Frosting Kisses Foil

    Anything else you need to know?

    From the flowers and butterflies on the bag to the colors that were selected to crisscross on the foil, these Kisses are clearly being marketed as a spring product. But I’m confused why this flavor was chosen as something season-specific.

    Hershey s Vanilla Frosting Kisses Recipe

    Speaking of season-specific, the back of the bag had a recipe for “springtime KISSES surprise brownie bites.” Although, “recipe” might be too strong a word since it was more like instructions for rolling premade brownies around Vanilla Frosting Kisses. I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m sure the creme would pair nicely with a brownie, and it seems like a fun family activity to do with children.


    Arguably the most important conclusion I reached when trying these Kisses was how much more often I was presented with free cupcakes in my youth than in adulthood, and we really didn’t know how good we had it cupcake-wise as young’uns. The second most important was that these Kisses are pretty good! Don’t let your childhood cupcake preferences keep you from trying these.

    Purchased Price: $4.39
    Size: 7 oz. bag
    Purchased at: CVS
    Rating: 7 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: (7 Kisses) 160 calories, 9 grams of fat, 6 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, less than 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 45 milligrams of sodium, 19 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of dietary fiber, 19 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of protein.

  • REVIEW: Kit Kat Duos Strawberry + Dark Chocolate

    Kit Kat Duos Strawberry + Dark Chocolate Wrapper

    Having previously released Mint + Dark Chocolate and Mocha + Chocolate varieties, Kit Kat Duos now introduces a third dynamic Duo of the candy bar aisle: Strawberry + Dark Chocolate. This addition to the line is described as “crisp wafers in strawberry-flavored crème and dark chocolate.” While the bar will be available in standard size wherever Kit Kats are sold, I recently found a King Size version at my local GetGo.

    “Oooooh, this looks GOOD!” exclaimed the cashier who rang up my purchase.

    Kit Kat Duos Strawberry + Dark Chocolate Layers

    And she was right! The bar’s appearance is striking. The top of the Kit Kat consists of strawberry-flavored crème, colored a rich pink rose. The bottom base offers the stark contrast of dark chocolate’s nearly black hue. The color combination is bright, gorgeous, and made for dessert charcuterie boards, if that’s your jam.

    In junk food and in life, however, appearances aren’t everything. Luckily, this Kit Kat delivers a pretty bite beneath the aesthetically-pleasing crème coating. Opening the package, I caught a strong whiff of strawberry that was definitely more appetizing than artificial, giving me a hint of the taste to come.

    Kit Kat Duos Strawberry + Dark Chocolate Pink Creme

    The strawberry-flavored crème successfully combines realistic fresh strawberry taste with confectionary sweetness. The flavor reminds me of the strawberry cream-filled chocolates found in Valentine’s Day assortment boxes, except less sugary-sweet. While Kit Kat has issued berry flavors (Raspberry Crème, Flavor of California Strawberry) before, this strawberry crème seems comparatively less sweet on its own, making it an interesting partner for a second flavored coating.

    Of course, the dark chocolate complements the strawberry wonderfully by providing a bitter edge. My only qualm: even though the pink crème covers more of the bar’s surface area, the dark chocolate at times overshadows the more delicate strawberry flavor. Despite these moments, the flavors still make a strong team. If no one has yet identified a metaphorical representation of Batman and Robin rendered in chocolate, this Kit Kat could be it.

    Kit Kat Duos Strawberry + Dark Chocolate Split

    At first, I thought the wrapper art depicted reddish shading between the wafers, potentially indicating another (jam? chocolate?) layer. But my eyes were deceiving me; the wafers here are the usual delicious Kit Kat fare. A third flavor integration would be stuff for Kit Kat Trios, which exists only in my dreams.

    Kit Kat Duos Strawberry + Dark Chocolate Top Bottom

    As Valentine’s Day approaches, a strawberry and dark chocolate pairing may seem either apropos or glaringly obvious, depending on your attitude toward novel flavors. But unlike those Valentine’s chocolate-covered strawberries that will grow soggy in your refrigerator after two days, dampening the chocolate and possibly your spirits, Kit Kat Duos Strawberry + Dark Chocolate is here to stay as a permanent addition to the Duos line. Because I love a classic flavor combination executed well, I plan to revisit this product to satisfy my next fruit-and-chocolate fix.

    Purchased Price: $2.49
    Size: 3 oz (85 g) – King Size
    Purchased at: GetGo
    Rating: 8 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: (per package) 420 calories, 24 grams of fat, 14 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, less than 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 40 milligrams of sodium, 54 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 40 grams of sugar, and 4 grams of protein.

  • REVIEW: Reese’s Potato Chips Big Cup

    Reese s Potato Chips Big Cup Wrapper

    It’s that time of the year when Reese’s shapes frenetically go from footballs to pumpkins to trees in the blink of an eye. But shapes aren’t the only trick Reese’s have up its sugar-coated sleeve.

    When it’s not sculpting its iconic blend of sweet peanut butter and milk chocolate into different but strikingly similar oblong shapes, it does something else with equal authority — stuffing its plus-sized cups with new goodies. Last autumn, we Hershey-heads were gifted Reese’s Big Cup with Pretzels, and this fall, it’s upping the sweet and salty ante with the Reese’s Potato Chips Big Cup.

    This item is smokin’ hot brand new, yet the packaging has a retro quality that I find really attractive. It lures me in with its nostalgic charm. Although as a bonafide sweet and salty junky, I didn’t need to be sold in the slightest to pick these up the second I saw them.

    Reese s Potato Chips Big Cup Pair

    I’m not sure if there’s a plan to release these in normal-sized cups or minis in the future, but starting with the Big Cup was the right decision. I’ve found the mix-ins, whether they’re Reese’s Pieces, cookies, or pretzels, can get lost in the smaller variety but get the proper chance to shine with the extra space the Big Cup provides. That’s definitely the case here.

    Reese s Potato Chips Big Cup Innards

    The potato chips provide an immediate and intense crunch, with a touch of pleasant greasiness and punchy saltiness that takes the already salty candy to new heights. It’s still more sweet than it is salty, but the toothy chomp of the crispy ridged chips sets off pockets of legitimate salt that aren’t part of the normal smooth peanut butter equation. The salt gets tempered by the milk chocolate, and while it’s saltier than your average PB cup, it’s still well balanced with the sweetness. It’s delicious and addictive. I want this in the novelty sized holiday half-pound cups!

    Reese s Potato Chips Big Cup Single

    If I had to fault this Big Cup in any way, it’s in the lack of identifiable potato chip flavor. While they’re not as common as chocolate-covered pretzels, chocolate-covered chips are awesome. And as strong as the sweet and salty experience is in this Big Cup, I would have loved for that classic starchy potato taste to come through. I’m not all that surprised, though. Peanut butter has such a dominant flavor, but that cheap greasiness DOES poke through over the fatty PB, so it’s still distinctly different from any prior offerings, even the pretzel. Fortunately, the lack of vegetal potato taste also doesn’t bog down the experience too much. It’s just keeping it from being perfect.

    Purchased Price: $1.99
    Size: 2.6 oz
    Purchased at: Walgreens
    Rating: 9 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: (1 cup – 36 grams) 180 calories, 11 grams of fat, 3.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, less than 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 150 milligrams of sodium, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 18 grams of sugar, 4 grams of protein.