Yes, Ben & Jerry’s already has a s’mores flavor, but not why s’more?
Limited Batch Gimme S’more Ice Cream seems to be influenced by what Ben & Jerry’s did two years ago with its Flavor Flip line, which involved taking its popular varieties and “flip” them. For example, it turned Chubby Hubby (vanilla malt ice cream with peanutty fudge-covered pretzels and fudge and peanut buttery swirls) into Tubby Hubby (peanut butter ice cream with sweet and salty pretzel swirls and fudge swirls).
While the original S’mores Ice Cream features chocolate ice cream with fudge chunks, toasted marshmallow, and graham cracker swirls, this upended s’mores has toasted marshmallow ice cream with chocolate cookie swirls, graham cracker swirls, and fudge flakes.
I’ve eaten Ben & Jerry’s S’mores and find it to be heavy on the chocolate. While this new s’mores variety has a noticeable chocolatiness, the use of the toasted marshmallow ice cream and graham cracker swirl help balance the flavor. By itself, the base is vanilla-ish with a tinge of something else.
But what I like about Gimme S’more are the swirls, and there were a lot of them in my pint. They say too much of a good thing is bad for you. Well, if those folks eat this ice cream, they will also eat their words.
Unfortunately, as I dug through the container, I’d occasionally come across the graham cracker one, but most of them were the chocolate cookie swirls, which give off an Oreo vibe. Because the latter dominates the pint and the base is similar to vanilla, as a whole it tastes like a better cookies and cream ice cream.
As for the fudge flakes, they’re now fudge shards, and I did a little dance when I realized that. Okay, not a little dance. I jumped up, screamed “YES,” pumped my fists, and thrust my hips at a rhythm matching my yelling of “That. Is. How. It. Should. Be.”
As long as I can remember, fudge flakes were more like fudge plates. They were these half-inch long rectangles that, if you scooped one up, would dominate whatever else was on your spoon. I’ve complained they are larger than they should be, but in this flavor, they’re not.
It’s as if Ben & Jerry’s reads my reviews. Hi, Ben & Jerry’s!
Gimme S’more doesn’t make me think of s’mores, but neither did the original S’mores Ice Cream. Despite that and the fact it tastes like cookies and cream, I found myself quickly eating through the pint. It’s not s’mores to me, but I do want s’more of it.
DISCLOSURE: I received a free sample from Ben & Jerry’s. Receiving it for free did not influence my review in any way.
(Nutrition Facts – 1/2 cup – 310 calories, 160 calories from fat, 18 grams of fat, 8 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 60 130 milligrams of sodium, 33 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fiber, 27 grams of sugar, and 4 grams of protein.)
Purchased Price: FREE
Size: 1 pint
Purchased at: Received from Ben & Jerry’s
Rating: 7 out of 10
Pros: It’s like a slightly better cookies and cream, but I still really like it. Fudge flakes are broken into smaller pieces (you don’t know how happy this makes me). Lots of swirls in my pint.
Cons: It’s like a slightly better cookies and cream, not s’mores. Need more graham cracker swirls. Kind of miss the squishy marshmallow swirl.