REVIEW: Limited Edition Marshmallow Moon Oreo Cookies

Limited Edition Marshmallow Moon Oreo Cookies

What are Marshmallow Moon Oreo Cookies?

In honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the moon landing in July 1969, Oreo has launched (pun unintended) a cookie with chocolate wafers and purple, marshmallow-flavored creme.

Limited Edition Marshmallow Moon Oreo Cookies Designs

There are also three separate images on the wafers: a crescent moon with stars, a rocket (Apollo 11?), and an astronaut on a moon with a flag. (It can’t be Neil Armstrong or Buzz Aldrin on our moon, because the image appears to have Saturn or another ringed planet in the background. Really, Nabisco?)

How are they?

The marshmallow creme does taste different from the standard creme, but it’s a pretty nondescript flavor. It’s reminiscent of all the Peeps-flavored products that come out in the spring. In fact, the filling might just be leftover Peeps creme, but without the sugar grains. The flavor is a bit boring, but we’re talking about Oreo cookies here. They’re pretty close to the regular Oreo, which means they’re delightful. Like standard Oreos, they’re better with milk.

Is there anything else you need to know?

Limited Edition Marshmallow Moon Oreo Cookies Stickers

The fun of this product doesn’t stop with the cookies. The packaging glows in the dark (but it says “Marshmallow M N”), and there are stickers on the back, if you’re into that kind of thing.

Two cookies contain six percent of your daily recommended iron. I hoped for a higher iron content so it would be more like lunar maria, the dark, iron-rich volcanic patches on the moon’s surface.


Limited Edition Marshmallow Moon Oreo Cookies Phases

Marshmallow Moon Oreo Cookies are nothing earth-shattering (pun unintended again), but they’re good enough. And in this summer of Game of Thrones and Stranger Things food products, it’s refreshing to have a factual, scientific, historic event get its due.

Purchased Price: $1.99
?Size: 10.7 oz.
?Purchased at: Walgreens
?Rating: 7 out of 10
?Nutrition Facts:: (2 cookies) 140 calories, 7 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 85 milligrams of sodium, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 13 grams of sugar, and less than 1 gram of protein.

REVIEW: Mint Creme Fudge Covered Oreo Cookies

Mint Creme Fudge Covered Oreo Cookies

What are the Mint Creme Fudge Covered Oreo Cookies?

A full-sized, regular Oreo cookie enrobed in chocolate, like the one that came out in February, but its creme is mint flavored!

How are they?

Mint Creme Fudge Covered Oreo Cookies Innards

Like its smaller counterpart (Oreo Thins Bites Fudge Dipped Mint), it’s dang good. The mint flavor is consistent with other mint Oreo cookies – not toothpaste or gum minty, still an off-putting artificial green, but very tasty!

Mint Creme Fudge Covered Oreo Cookies Coating

There is also something about the texture of this larger version that I love; I think it’s the fudge-to-cookie ratio. There’s enough chocolate for it to be delightfully decadent but not overly so. The decadence ends with the satisfying crisp of the chocolate wafer. I’m not sure why I was worried it would be soggy or stale because it wasn’t!

I also appreciated that the fudge didn’t melt from handling. I was a bit concerned that this much chocolate dipped surface area would mean brown confection all over my hands and face from the meltage. Again, worried about nothin’!

Is there anything else you need to know?

If you have the impulse to freeze these like Thin Mints, don’t do it. They become too much like hockey pucks that feel like they’ll chip your tooth!



Mint Creme Fudge Covered Oreo Cookies Wrapper

I enjoy these, but I’m probably going to stick with the Mint Oreo Thins Bites Fudge Dipped because I can scarf down too many of these full-sized ones too quickly!

Purchased Price: $2.79
?Size: 9.9 oz.
?Purchased at: Meijer
?Rating: 8 out of 10
?Nutrition Facts:: (1 cookie) 120 calories, 6 grams of fat, 4 grams of saturated fat, 55 milligrams of sodium, 16 grams of carbohydrates, 12 grams of total sugars, 12 grams of added sugar, and less than 1 gram of protein.

REVIEW: Orange & Mango Oreo and Grape & Peach Oreo Cookies (China)

Orange  Mango Oreo Cookies and Grape  Peach Oreo Cookies

What are Orange & Mango Oreo and Grape & Peach Oreo Cookies?

To reward myself for braving Chicken Wing and Wasabi Oreo cookies, I also ordered some of China’s Double-Fruit Oreo. These were the standard chocolate cookies with dual-flavored fruit creme fillings. The orange/yellow variety was orange/mango, and the green/pink filling was grape/peach.

Orange  Mango Oreo Cookies and Grape  Peach Oreo Cookies 2 Bags

How are they?

Orange dominated the aroma of the Orange & Mango cookies. The Grape & Peach smelled like a subdued grape Bubble Yum Gum.

Orange  Mango Oreo Cookies and Grape  Peach Oreo Cookies 3 Stacks

I’ll get right to the point, taste-wise. These are not authentic flavors in any way. They were fruit refracted through a prism of candy. If you find American Oreo flavors to be too artificial, these will not appeal to you – stop reading.

Hardcore sugarheads who are still with me: these fillings reminded me of SweeTarts – bright flavors in the neighborhood of the fruit they’re meant to be (orange was a little closer), although not quite as pucker-inducing as the candy. The chocolate cookies did some of the work of toning down the tartness.

Orange  Mango Oreo Cookies and Grape  Peach Oreo Cookies 4 Filling

Both cookies had a dominant flavor – orange won over mango and grape pushed peach out of the frame. I was hoping for the opposite in both cases. I tasted each colored half of the filling separately in search of the missing fruit, but found the color difference is purely cosmetic.

I enjoyed these on the whole – the chocolate and fruit worked together for me, but missed the peach and mango and wished they were a little more exciting in general.

Orange  Mango Oreo Cookies and Grape  Peach Oreo Cookies 6 Designs

Is there anything else you need to know?

The cookies had Chinese designs embossed on one side. They were cute and unexpected since the Hot Chicken Wing and Wasabi flavors were just the standard design. Google translate couldn’t recognize them, so if you know what they say, leave a comment – I’m curious.

Orange  Mango Oreo Cookies and Grape  Peach Oreo Cookies 5 Dunk


If you like fake fruit, and these end up being released in America, give ‘em a go! Splurging on having them sent from China is probably not worth it, however.

Purchased Price: $9.36 (+ free shipping)
Size: 97g box (10 cookies)
Purchased at: eBay
Rating: 7 out of 10 (both flavors)
Nutrition Facts: (per 100g) 486 calories, 21.5 grams of fat, 380 milligrams of sodium, 67.5 grams of carbohydrates, 4.5 grams of protein.

REVIEW: Hot Chicken Wing Oreo Cookies and Wasabi Oreo Cookies (China)

Hot Chicken Wing Oreo Cookies and Wasabi Oreo

There comes a day in all novelty junk food reviewers’ lives when we must make the ultimate sacrifice for our craft. We boldly dash past others’ disgusted faces to taste the impossible snacks. We tackle the foods whose descriptions elicit not a single human response of “that sounds edible.”

Today is that day for me.

Hot Chicken Wing Oreo Cookies and Wasabi Oreo Back Box

Eight months after reading about the release in China of Oreo cookies with Spicy Chicken Wing and Wasabi creme filling, I finally gave in to morbid curiosity and vastly overpaid to have a small box of each flavor make the 7,800-mile journey to my home – just so I could say I’d done it, and of course, to write about it.

Hot Chicken Wing Oreo Cookies and Wasabi Oreo Content

I wasn’t completely convinced these Oreo cookies would be disasters. While most people turn their noses up at chicken-flavored snacks, I am drawn to anything that tastes like it was dipped in pulverized bouillon cubes (see Chicken in a Biskit crackers, Chicken & Waffles Lay’s Chips, and Chicken Pretz sticks).

We’ve also seen enough hot spice creep into candy recently that wasabi isn’t THAT much of a stretch. I had high hopes that these cookies would smash people’s expectations and be delicious. Okay, maybe not high hopes…a glimmer of hope?

Hot Chicken Wing Oreo Cookies and Wasabi Oreo Stacks

I went for the Wasabi Oreo first. The smell inside the package was slightly cocoa – not at the usual Oreo level – and a faint trace of an earthy something. The first flavor to hit my taste buds was the chocolate, and again, not nearly as sweet as the O.G. American Oreo.

The wasabi jumped in immediately after, with a big flavor but just a tinge of heat – around a 3 (keeping in mind I’m a spicy wussy). The biggest problem was that the tastes clashed. It was the food equivalent of playing Slayer and Carpenters songs simultaneously – two things that shouldn’t go together, working independently to make an all-around unpleasant experience. I had no desire to take a second bite.

Hot Chicken Wing Oreo Cookies and Wasabi Oreo Filling

And because one must always save the best for last, it was Spicy Chicken Wing’s turn. I was greeted by the familiar and comforting aroma of powdered poultry, and was ready to be enraptured. A cocoa scent was almost unnoticeable.

The flavor was the expected salty, fake chicken, but like the wasabi cookies, it did not work at all with the chocolate cookie. I usually love a salty/sweet combo, but these were too different to do either taste justice. I wondered if they would be better with a vanilla cookie and less salt. There was heat present, but even less than the wasabi filling. The worst part of the experience, however, was the greasy slick it left behind in my mouth that still haunts me.

Hot Chicken Wing Oreo Cookies and Wasabi Oreo Remains

Saying these cookies were bad doesn’t quite cover it. This was the first time in my life that I ate less than a single Oreo in a sitting. I ate half a package of Swedish Fish Oreo when it came out, fercryinoutloud. Unless you have the neurotic compulsion to try ALL the Oreo flavors (like me), don’t bother with these.

Purchased Price: $9.36 each (+ free shipping)
Size: 97g box (10 cookies)
Purchased at: eBay
Rating: 2 out of 10 (Wasabi)
Rating: 1 out of 10 (Spicy Chicken Wing)
Nutrition Facts: (per 100g) Wasabi – 486 calories, 21.6 grams of fat, 580 milligrams of sodium, 66 grams of carbohydrates, and 26 grams of protein. Spicy Chicken Wing – 486 calories, 21.6 grams of fat, 580 milligrams of sodium, 66 grams of carbohydrates, and 26 grams of protein.

REVIEW: Duncan Hines Perfect Size for 1 Cups

Duncan Hines Perfect Size for 1 Cups

Not content with occupying half an aisle with its 150 flavors (slightly exaggerated, obviously, but have you seen how many there are?), Duncan Hines expands its Perfect Size for 1 cake mix line to include other established brands and fun toppings.

There are four flavors at the moment – Chocolate Chip Cake Mix with Chips Ahoy Cookie Pieces, Chocolate Cake Mix with Chocolate Candy Pieces, Cookies and Cream Cake Mix with Oreo Cookie Pieces, and S’mores Cake Mix with Honey Maid Graham Cracker Pieces.

They all have straightforward instructions like the previous mug mixes – it’s pretty much add water, stir, and microwave! One interesting thing is that while the official instructions tell you to sprinkle the toppings on after baking there is also a suggestion to try them blended in before nuking. I decided to do both and put some of the toppings in before and then sprinkled some afterward so that I could have the full experience.

Chips Ahoy

Duncan Hines Perfect Size for 1 Cup Chips Ahoy

This one had a nice and fluffy texture with good chocolate flavor throughout. Considering it’s a microwaveable powdered cake mix it’s not entirely fair to compare to a regular cake. It’s all about being economical and convenient, and this suffices in that regard. Sure, it could be a little more moist and flavorful, but it gets the job done.

I had a hunch the reason the toppings are added later is that the cooking process would affect them and that was the case with this one especially. The pieces added before blending in too well by turning into different colored elements of the cake. Those added later maintained their consistency and added a nice crunch. The chocolate pieces added a decadent touch and seemed evenly dispersed. In essence, this is like a very simplistic version of a dessert at a fancy restaurant in which it would be called Chocolate Chip Cookie – TWO WAYS.

Purchased Price: $3.19*
Size: 2.4 oz. cup
Purchased at:
Rating: 8 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 Container) 300 calories, 9 grams of fat, 5 grams of saturated fat, 30 milligrams of cholesterol, 350 milligrams of sodium, 51 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 29 grams of sugar, and 4 grams of protein.

Candy Coated Chocolates

Duncan Hines Perfect Size for 1 Cup Not M Ms

This one is heavy on the chocolate, like really, really heavy and almost to the point of being too rich. It’s a one-note chocolate cake with more chocolate. I’m sensing a theme here as the toppings seem to be the stars here.

The cake part, like the previous one, was serviceable as it was nice and fluffy, but a little dry. The bootleg M&M’s though are amazing in this one and make up for the mediocre cake. Whether you add them before baking or after, the heat melts them so that the insides are like molten chocolate. It’s like you’re digging for treasure and when you find one of the candies, it’s oh so satisfying. Again, the crunch adds another satisfying element when eating this. This one is a joyous textural adventure through chocolate.

Purchased Price: $3.19*
Size: 2.4 oz. cup
Purchased at:
Rating: 8 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 Container) 290 calories, 8 grams of fat, 5 grams of saturated fat, 35 milligrams of cholesterol, 350 milligrams of sodium, 53 grams of carbohydrates, 2 gram of fiber, 32 grams of sugar, and 4 grams of protein.


Duncan Hines Perfect Size for 1 Cup Oreo

Not breaking with the trend with the others, this was also fluffy, but a bit dry. It has Oreo cookie crumbles as part of the batter with what seemed like white chocolate chips.

With the topping, there’s a little bit of a cookies and cream flavor, but this whole endeavor ended up tasting mostly like sugar to me even though it has about the same amount as the other three. The white chips weren’t large enough to stay molten, so they blended in and faded away, while the Oreo topping pieces weren’t as crunchy as I was expecting them to be. In a nutshell, this was a lightly chocolatey and creamy, but way too sweet cake.

Purchased Price: $3.19*
Size: 2.4 oz. cup
Purchased at:
Rating: 6 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: 1 Container – 300 calories, 9 grams of fat, 5 grams of saturated fat, 30 milligrams of cholesterol, 380 milligrams of sodium, 52 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fiber, 29 grams of sugar, and 4 grams of protein.

Honey Maid

Duncan Hines Perfect Size for 1 Cup Honey Maid

This one perplexed me. I prepared it in the same way as the others, but the cake here turned out to be a little gummy, which was very odd. It’s supposed to be a s’mores base, but I didn’t get any of that except for the little bits of chocolate.

There’s no graham flavor even though I added a few of the pieces and there’s certainly no marshmallow even if I did see a few white chips buried in there. The graham pieces were a nice addition that added a bit of extra flavor, but they were not as crunchy as the other toppings. Unfortunately, though, nothing could save this one as I couldn’t get past the weird texture.

Purchased Price: $3.19*
Size: 2.5 oz. cup
Purchased at:
Rating: 5 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: 1 Container – 310 calories, 9 grams of fat, 5 grams of saturated fat, 25 milligrams of cholesterol, 370 milligrams of sodium, 55 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 30 grams of sugar, and 4 grams of protein.

Other Things:

  • You’ll notice that three of four are all well-known brands. This is because Duncan Hines partnered up with Mondelez to gain access to their snacking portfolio that includes those three. M&M’s, though? It’s another company entirely, so I’m assuming it wasn’t worth the effort, hence why the generic candy-coated chocolates make an appearance.
  • Duncan Hines Perfect Size for 1 Cups Before Baking

  • I tried the toppings both as an add-in with the cake batter and afterward on top. Here are my suggestions for you: Chips Ahoy – Add them later as they pretty much vanish once cooked. Candy Coated Chocolates – Do what I did and put half before and half after. You will get a range of molten chocolate that’s glorious. Cookies and Cream – The batter already contains small bits of the Oreo wafer so save them all to add as toppings. Honey Maid – I would skip this one entirely but if you do partake, add the graham as a topping.
  • Regardless of the actual food product, one thing that’s a total upgrade with these is the single serve cup. With the boxed versions, you had to take the plunge on four servings and with so many different flavors to try one may end up with too many extras. Also, all you have to dirty up to indulge is a spoon whereas previously it was a spoon, mug, and measuring utensil.

*Editor’s Note: The cups were purchased from an online grocer, so the prices are slightly higher than they are at stores.