Tag: Oreo

  • REVIEW: Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Oreo Cookies

    Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Oreo Cookies

    Oreo is the Star Wars of cookies. While I’m always excited about the new flavor announcements, I feel like they come out too frequently these days, and I may be coming down with a case of “cookie fatigue.”

    Seriously, how many peanut butter varieties can Nabisco possible pass off as new? We’ve already had the standard Peanut Butter, PB&J, and Reese’s in recent years. Was Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie necessary? Doesn’t this kinda feel like a slight swerve on an established flavor?

    Will Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie be the Solo of the Oreo Snackematic Universe?!

    Better question – What the heck am I talking about?

    Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Oreo Cookies 2

    I’m talking about Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Oreo Cookies. The biggest difference between these and the aforementioned Peanut Butter flavors is the graham cookie, which I somehow overlooked even though it makes perfect sense to the pie it’s mimicking.

    Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Oreo Cookies 3

    Upon ripping open the annoying Oreo packaging, I was hit by the pleasant scent of Nutter Butter, and all my worries flew out the window. It was comforting and akin to seeing that nostalgic “a long time ago in a galaxy far far away” pop up on screen.

    I’ll stop trying to make this Star Wars parallel now and start the review.

    Everything about this cookie is grittier than your normal Oreo. The Graham cookies have a slightly harder and sandier texture, which again, reminded me of Nutter Butter.

    The crème also chews like it has bits of cookie crumb, but there was no indication of that on the package.

    Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Oreo Cookies 4

    As for the taste? It’s nice. They would have really had to screw up for it not to be though, right?

    I wouldn’t say the crème flavors explode. In the end, I was left thinking the graham was the lead of the movie. I’m not sure that’s gonna make too many people happy to hear, but the chocolate and peanut butter, while good, were a little masked by the cookie flavor.

    The aftertaste was heavily graham, with peanut butter on the back of my tongue. I keep coming back to it, but these do remind me of Nutter Butter, so I guess the chocolate kinda gets a bit lost.

    With all that said, I like these. They aren’t better than the Reese’s Oreo, but they’re better than the standard Peanut Butter Oreo, which I’ve always found to be disappointing.

    These aren’t as cloying as the last few Oreo flavors I’ve tried, so that was a nice change of pace. The grittiness did, however, dry my mouth out, so maybe keep a glass of milk nearby.

    So, like Solo, Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie: An Oreo Story was pretty much a fun little detour that will probably be ultimately forgettable. These aren’t gonna be anyone’s favorite Oreo cookie.

    I was ready to write them off as unnecessary, but they ended up standing on their own well enough. I would recommend picking up a bag if that’s even what you call Oreo packaging.

    (Nutrition Facts – 2 cookies – 140 calories, 6 grams of fat, 1.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 90 milligrams of sodium, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 11 grams of sugar, less than 1 grams of fiber, and 1 grams of protein.)

    Purchased Price: $2.99
    Size: 12.2 oz. package
    Purchased at: Target
    Rating: 7 out of 10
    Pros: A nice blend of the three flavors involved. Not as disgustingly sweet as the previous flavors. You’ll like these if you like Nutter Butter. Solo was a decent movie, I guess.
    Cons: A gritty reboot of the normal Peanut Butter Oreo. Dry. A little too Graham heavy. Chocolate gets outshined. Oreo may be running out of ideas soon. Cookie fatigue.

  • SPOTTED ON SHELVES: Oreo Double Chocolate Candy Bar

    Oreo Double Chocolate Candy Bar

    (Spotted by Rachel C at Walmart.)

    If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new product on the shelf, snap a picture of it, and send us an email ([email protected]) with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. Or reply to us (@theimpulsivebuy) on Twitter with the photo, where you spotted it, and the hashtag #spotted. If you’ve tried the product, share your thoughts about it in the comments.

    Also, if you want to send in photos and are wondering if we’ve already covered something, don’t worry about it. Let us worry about it.

  • QUICK REVIEW: My Oreo Creation Pina Colada Oreo Cookies

    My Oreo Creation Pina Colada Oreo Cookies

    What is it?

    Piña Colada Oreo Thins are one of the three finalists in the #MyOreoCreation contest. It’s a thin layer of pineapple and coconut flavored-creme sandwiched by two thin Golden cookies.

    My Oreo Creation Pina Colada Oreo Cookies 2

    Conjured up by a guy in Camden County, NJ, I chuckle a bit as I imagine him trying to think happy tropical getaway thoughts in the dead of a snowy, cold winter.

    How is it?

    It takes you to there – there as in that sunny beach destination. I expected this one to be overly coconut-y because most tropical flavors typically lean that way. But, there’s a great balance of between the two flavors.

    My Oreo Creation Pina Colada Oreo Cookies 4

    The trusty flavor we know and love from the existing Coconut Oreo Thins provides a nice backdrop and ending note to the brighter, more citrusy pineapple. The Golden cookie is just there as the vehicle, but a chocolate cookie would definitely not work in this flavor combo. I’m glad Nabisco made this an Oreo Thins because if it were a regular Oreo, the creme might be too much.

    Is there anything else I need to know?

    This cookie reminds me of a Big Stick and that’s a compliment. It reminds me of my childhood and those hot California summers with melted sugary goodness running down my hands and face. Now, I can taste that but without the mess!


    I’ve had all three flavors and this one is my favorite by far. Vote for it on #MyOreoCreation to keep it around!

    Purchased Price: $2.99
    Size: 10.1 oz.
    Purchased at: Target
    Rating: 9 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: (4 cookies) 150 calories, 6 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 90 milligrams of sodium, 21 grams of total carbohydrates, 0 grams of dietary fiber, 11 grams of sugars, and 1 gram of protein.

  • REVIEW: 7-Eleven Mint Oreo Hot Chocolate

    7 Eleven Mint Oreo Hot Chocolate

    I’ve never been a big fan of buying hot chocolate from a gas station, food truck, or stand. Why fork out that money when you can go home and make your own from a powder? It’s a lot cheaper, and you won’t waste a disposable cup.

    But, strangely, there’s something alluring about buying food from 7-Eleven. It might be overpriced garbage, but it’s tasty garbage. A guilty pleasure.

    7 Eleven Mint Oreo Hot Chocolate 2

    When I filled up my cup with 7-Eleven’s Mint Oreo Hot Chocolate, I was excited about how thick, chocolatey, and sugary it looked. What could be better than that on a foggy, freezing day? But it would be several minutes before I would actually get to try it.

    First of all, it was very steamy when it came out, and I wouldn’t be able to taste it if I scalded my tongue. Second, I didn’t want to be tasting it and taking pictures there in the 7-Eleven. Would people be judging me? (I did some judging of my own at 7-Eleven: I was grateful the cashier didn’t touch my cup or give me a receipt because she had just sneezed into her hand. Srsly, people, Dracula sneeze!)

    And third, I recently got a new car, so I made it a rule not to eat or drink in it. I put my cup in the cup holder and didn’t touch it until I got to my work’s parking lot.

    7 Eleven Mint Oreo Hot Chocolate 3

    When I finally tasted it, it had cooled but was still warm. It fulfilled its purpose as hot chocolate: warm, chocolatey, comforting.

    Unfortunately, it fulfilled its purpose as Mint Oreo Hot Chocolate in all the wrong ways. The mint flavor was only subtle, and the Oreo flavor was even more subtle. A few sips almost seemed bland. Yet the one way it did seem like an Oreo was in a slimy, oily mouthfeel. It felt like I had a wad of Oreo creme in my mouth, but without the satisfaction of that actually happening. They left out the best part of a Mint Oreo (the flavor) but kept the worst (the post-cookie mouthfeel).

    During the cooling period, a lot of the flavor had settled to the bottom, so the last few sips were better than the rest had been. I thought, “Oh, maybe it’s not so bad.” But then it occurred to me: if I had drunk it before the flavor had settled out, it would have been more flavorful than most of my experience, but it still would have been more diluted than the end. As it was, I thought the dregs were on the low end of the flavor I would have liked.

    If your car breaks down on a winter’s day and you’re stuck next to a 7-Eleven, the Mint Oreo Hot Chocolate would comfort you against the chill. Otherwise, you’re better off making your own from powder and dropping in a candy cane.

    (Nutrition Facts – Not available on 7-Eleven’s website.)

    Purchased Price: $1.49
    Size: 12 oz. cup
    Rating: 5 out of 10
    Pros: Fulfills its purpose as hot chocolate: warm, chocolatey, comforting.
    Cons: The mint and Oreo flavors are subtle. Leaves an unpleasant mouthfeel. Less economical than making your own.

  • REVIEW: Spangler Oreo Candy Canes

    1 Spangler Oreo Candy Canes

    Christmas Creep is bad, right?

    No one wants to see ornaments and stocking stuffers out on display in October. It’s a silent judgement — haven’t you thought about what you’re getting Aunt Mary yet? What’s taking you so long? All this great stuff will be gone by the time you start shopping after Thanksgiving.

    But Christmas Candy Creep is A-OK by me! I love walking into a store on November 1st to find Halloween candy on clearance AND a full selection of holiday treats ripe for the picking. So after checking out the 80 percent off Halloween Pop-Tarts to my left, I was delighted to see a brandy-new tower of Oreo Candy Canes on my right. I’ve been waiting for you, my pretties. Come sit with me by the fire.

    2 Spangler Oreo Candy Canes

    Visually, these candy canes fit the bill. Brown and white stripes mimic the shades of Oreo cookies & filling perfectly. These would look great on a table display with muted tones, but perhaps not the best for tree decorating – stick with the white/bright colors for contrast.

    3 Spangler Oreo Candy Canes

    Inside the package, there was no aroma. After shedding the individual wrappings, the canes themselves sported a prominent chocolate scent. It was identifiable as “Oreo,” but not authentic Oreo. It was more like a Bonnie-Bell-Lip-Smackers version of Oreo. Not unpleasant, but you won’t forget you’re consuming an approximation of that famous cookie.

    4 Spangler Oreo Candy Canes

    Moving onto taste. I regret to inform you there isn’t really any. A few licks in, I suspected the taste and smell were one in the same, so I did the old “hold your nose while you eat” test. All hint of Oreo disappeared. It was just a sugary stick. Since most of us (myself included) experience food with our eyes, nose, and mouth, I didn’t consider this a deal breaker, just a bit of a bummer. If you’re smell-challenged, however, don’t bother with these. Instead of “Oreo flavored,” these should probably be called “Oreo scented.”

    And, in case you’re wondering, yes, you can fashion them into the traditional holiday weapon of childhood – the candy cane shiv.

    5 Spangler Oreo Candy Canes

    Overall, they’re a fun change from the usual candy cane offerings – particularly for Oreo fanatics. I enjoyed them, but these were a “one-and-done” choice. I don’t think I’d get them again. 

    But since I’m in holiday craft warm-up mode, I wanted to use these in a gingerbread house project. Six sheets of graham crackers (cut with a serrated knife), a cup of Oreo minis, some royal icing cement and you’ve got the basic structure. 

    6 Spangler Oreo Candy Canes

    One Oreo candy cane makes the door frame and roof topping. Two canes (crushed with a rolling pin) make the gravel around the house. Throw in some icing dots and hearts and voila! You’ve got yourself an Oreo holiday house!

    7 Spangler Oreo Candy Canes

    (Nutrition Facts – 1 cane – 45 calories, 0 calories from fat, 0 grams of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 10 milligrams of sodium, 12 grams of carbohydrates, 9 grams of total sugars, 9 grams of added sugars, and 0 grams of protein.)

    Purchased Price: $2.99
    Size: 5.3 oz. box (12 candy canes)
    Purchased at: Tops
    Rating: 6 out of 10
    Pros: Fun gift or snack for Oreo fanatics. Great addition to holiday food displays and crafts. Strong “Oreo” aroma.
    Cons: Had to put quotes on “Oreo” aroma. Smell definitely came to the party, but didn’t bring its friend flavor.