Tag: PowerBar

  • PowerBar Chocolate Caramel Fusion Triple Threat Energy Bar

    PowerBar Triple Threat

    (Editor’s Note: It’s Day Three of Energy Week here at The Impulsive Buy. So far I’ve reviewed an energy drink and an energy gum. Today I’ll be reviewing an energy bar, and tomorrow I’ll possibly be reviewing energy underwear. Which is actually just glow-in-the-dark boxers, so maybe not.

    Also, the winners for this month’s prize drawing have been chosen and you can see who won in the News section in the right column. Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone else who participated.)

    When I think of energy bars, the first name that comes to my mind is PowerBar, one of the originators of the energy bar.

    Of course, if you’ve ever had an original PowerBar, you know that it has the chewiness and texture of Play-Doh mixed with fine sand. Over the past few years, PowerBar has introduced less dense energy bars and their most recent concoctions are the Triple Threat Energy Bars.

    PowerBars are designed for athletes who need some extra energy. Of course, my idea of exercise is occasional jogging and watching Bowflex infomercials, so finding out if this energy bar will help me with my workouts was going to be hard.

    Fortunately, a Bowflex infomercial starting playing on television and I found out that the PowerBar Triple Threat helped give me the energy to not fall asleep during it. So I guess it did help with my workouts.

    As for the taste of the energy bar, it tasted like fruit-filled chocolate. However, tasting like fruit-filled chocolate would make sense if I was eating from a Whitman’s candy box, but I was eating a bar that was supposed to taste like chocolate, caramel, and almond, or at least artificially flavored versions of it.

    Now the reason why this PoweBar is called the Triple Threat is because it’s a bar that provides great taste, energy, and nutrition.

    Of course, not all of it is true. As I proved earlier, it provided energy and with its many minerals and vitamins, the PowerBar Triple Threat has quite a bit of nutrition.

    However, as I also proved earlier, it lacked that great taste. But two out of three isn’t that bad.

    Too bad George Lucas has a much worse ratio.

    Item: PowerBar Chocolate Caramel Fusion Triple Threat Energy Bar
    Purchase Price: $1.17
    Rating: 2 out of 5
    Pros: Full of vitamins and minerals. Kept me awake during Bowflex infomercial.
    Cons: Doesn’t taste like a chocolate caramel fusion. The texture of the original PowerBar.