Tag: Reese’s

  • REVIEW: Reese’s Peanut Butter Sandwich and Reese’s Peanut Butter Light Ice Cream

    Reese's Peanut Butter Sandwich Box

    Let me start this review by saying I absolutely love Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Has been, and always will be my favorite candy. I just can’t get enough of that amazing chocolate and peanut butter combo. I’m usually shocked when I find out someone doesn’t like them. Case in point: I joke that the only flaw of my boss is she doesn’t love Reese’s. All this said, I was super excited to find out Reese’s is releasing a new line of frozen treats.

    Reese' Peanut Butter Sandwich Wafer Top

    The first item I tried was the Reese’s Peanut Butter Sandwich. It’s described as “peanut butter frozen dairy dessert filling with a signature Reese’s peanut butter swirl packed between two chocolate wafers.” Upon opening, the sandwich was about the size of my palm – enough to be satisfying without overdoing it. The chocolate wafer portion was thinner than I expected.

    Middle of the Reese's Peanut Butter Sandwich showing side view of wafers and ice cream

    Interestingly, on first bite, it actually had a hint of coffee flavor, which I think came from the chocolate. Further tasting brought no more coffee, just chocolate. The sandwich does have more of a peanut butter taste, though. To me, that’s the main reason this does not taste exactly like a Reese’s – the candy gives a pretty even chocolate-to-peanut butter ratio. Here, the focus is on the peanut butter. If you want a Reese’s, this isn’t quite it, but it still proves to be a delicious treat.

    The peanut butter swirls in the ice cream were amazing, but I just wish there were more of them. They added a nice texture, especially since the wafers were so thin. And the ice cream itself felt light and sweet.

    All in all, I thought this was good and something I’d eat again. Here’s a quote from my three-year-old, a budding opinionated reviewer himself: “It’s good, like Reese’s peanut butter.” Ah, the wise words of the young!

    Reese's Light Ice Cream Tub

    The next treat we tried was the Reese’s Peanut Butter Light Ice Cream. This one is “light peanut butter ice cream with chunks of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and a Reese’s peanut butter swirl.” Now THIS is what we’re talking about if you want a dessert that tastes more like the candy. I was thrilled to see this one had pieces of the cups loaded inside. (Although I did get worried when I first took off the lid – the ice cream was so smooth at the top with no chunks in sight. Alas, they were there when I dug in. Phew!)

    Top of Reese's Light Ice Cream tub. Digging in reveals the Reese's cup chunks and peanut butter swirls

    Once again, the peanut butter swirls were a big positive and an excellent addition to the peanut butter ice cream. I would think both the sandwiches and the ice cream use the same ice cream base, but for some reason this one had a stronger peanut butter taste AND smell. Not complaining! The amount of candy chunks per spoonful was definitely acceptable. I’d happily eat this ice cream all year round, even in the chilly winter of the Midwest where I live.

    Reese's Light Ice Cream in a bowl

    If you’re a Reese’s fan, I recommend you give these a try. They are nice additions to the Reese’s product lineup!

    DISCLOSURE: I received free product samples from Reese’s. Doing so did not influence my review.

    Purchased Price: FREE
    Size: Four sandwiches (Sandwich) and 1.5 quart (Light Ice Cream)
    Rating: 7 out of 10 (Sandwich), 9 out of 10 (Light Ice Cream)
    Nutrition Facts: Reese’s Peanut Butter Sandwich (One sandwich, 81 grams) 240 calories, 9 grams of fat, 4 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 180 milligrams of sodium, 36 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 20 grams of total sugars, and 4 grams of protein. Reese’s Peanut Butter Light Ice Cream (2/3 cup) 230 calories, 12 grams of fat, 4 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 10 milligrams of cholesterol, 180 milligrams of sodium, 29 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 24 grams of total sugars, and 5 grams of protein.

  • REVIEW: Reese’s Big Cup with Reese’s Puffs

    Reese s Big Cup with Reese s Puffs Wrapper

    When I first heard about Reese’s Big Cup with Reese’s Puffs, I had to do some mental measurements. Because as someone who has stuffed his face with the popular chocolate and peanut butter-flavored cereal enough times to be familiar with its size, I wondered if several Reese’s Puffs could fit in a Reese’s Big Cup.

    Well, all that mental math was for naught because what’s inside these big peanut butter cups is not the cereal we’ve been eating as part of a complete breakfast or the only thing in the house so it ended up being dinner. What’s stuffed in these cups is less puffy and more pellet-y.

    Reese s Big Cup with Reese s Puffs Top

    The Reese’s cereal pieces suspended in the peanut butter are a tiny 3/16ths of an inch in diameter, and although it may not look like it in the photo below, they are plentiful. They seem to be primarily concentrated in the middle of the cup, hence the bulges in the center. But a few cereal pieces have found their way to the edges.

    Reese s Big Cup with Reese s Puffs Split

    Reese s Big Cup with Reese s Puffs Mini Cereal

    But after eating several of these, I can’t say the mini cereal pieces enhance the flavor of the Big Cup. I’m not surprised because I assumed chocolate and peanut butter-flavored cereal would get lost in actual peanut butter and chocolate. But I’m okay with that because the mini cereal pieces provide a satisfying crunch to go along with the irresistible Reese’s flavor.

    Think of that texture as what you’d get with a Crun…oh wait, this is a Hershey product, and the fine folks there sent me samples, so I mean, think of that texture as what you’d get with a Krackle bar but with a Reese’s Cup. As someone who steals is lucky enough to end up with all the Krackle miniature bars from a mini bar assortment, I love the crispy cereal pieces within the gritty, salty peanut butter.

    Reese’s Big Cup with Reese’s Puffs isn’t as earth-shattering as the peanut butter cup being stuffed with Reese’s Pieces or potato chips (or maybe someday with bacon bits…just an idea, Hershey’s). Also, I can understand how this might be ho-hum to some, but I find it delightful.

    DISCLOSURE: I received free product samples from Hershey’s. Doing so did not influence my review.

    Purchased Price: FREE
    Size: 1.2 oz bar
    Purchased at: Received from Hershey’s
    Rating: 8 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: (1 package) 170 calories, 9 grams of fat, 3.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, less than 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 115 milligrams of sodium, 20 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 17 grams of sugar (including 16 grams of added sugar), and 4 grams of protein.

  • REVIEW: Reese’s Puffs Cluster Crunch Cereal

    Reese s Puffs Cluster Crunch Cereal Box

    Hmm. Where do I start? I want to be excited about a new Reese’s Puffs cereal, especially one that switches up the shape and doesn’t just supersize it for reasons I don’t fully understand (Big Puffs) or have box art featuring a musician I’ve only vaguely heard of (no offense, Lil Yachty, that remote control cereal boat was pretty cool). I like when the spheres are seasonally swapped for bunny and bat shapes. Those both take a classically good cereal like Puffs and change it up in a fun way.

    When I first saw the box of Reese’s Puffs Cluster Crunch, I couldn’t help but approach it with a bit of trepidation. The shapes looked familiar like the berry pieces in Trix or, more inauspiciously, the “clusters” in the largely disappointing Lucky Charms Marshmallow Clusters. I think I see where you’re going with this one, General Mills. We’re looking at Clusters Plan B, and it’s still not exactly working.

    There’s definitely nothing wrong with this cereal in terms of taste. It’s actually quite good, assuming you’re a fan of Reese’s Puffs to begin with. The same strong Reese’s peanut butter smell is present when you open the bag, and as usual, there isn’t as much of a chocolate component as you might hope for, but I’d be lying if I said I’d ever really docked Puffs for lacking this. The peanut butter-colored and chocolate-colored pieces are interchangeably flavored as usual. The issue here is the wording.

    Reese s Puffs Cluster Crunch Cereal Bowl

    Picture this. You’re at the breakfast table with your cereal bowl in front of you, spoon in hand (or if you’re me, at your desk at four p.m. with no spoon and your hand just shoved inside the box. Kidding, I don’t have a desk). You’re about to go fishing in your bowl for a nice crunchy cluster, something that stands out from the other bites. I bet you’re envisioning something like a gob of flakes and oats and maybe pieces of nuts, all different textures and clumped together with the power of something sugary. Instead, you get…a few little rafts of aerated puffs that seem kind of like Rice Krispies but aren’t?

    Reese s Puffs Cluster Crunch Cereal Puffs

    I can’t even tell if these are more aerated than usual, and I cut several pieces in half to check. Even if they were, this would be more of an “extra puffed” and not exactly my definition of crunchy. In milk, they fare the same as the regular ones do, and I know this because I ate them both side by side on a fruitless quest to discover the difference.

    Reese s Puffs Cluster Crunch Cereal Spoon

    Reese s Puffs Cluster Crunch Cereal Split

    This cereal is identical to Reese’s Puffs in every way, except instead of regular round pieces, there are “clusters” of smaller balls. But they’re stuck together from the get-go, and this doesn’t produce any significant difference in crunch. They do have more flavor powder on them, thanks to the little bumps and crevices, and eating them feels a little different because they aren’t a shape that my tongue is totally used to when it thinks it’s getting Reese’s Puffs.

    I consider the original Puffs to be an 8 out of 10, and it seems unfair to rank this any lower because it’s exactly the same, but I think the name Cluster Crunch evokes an idea that the product doesn’t deliver on. If you like Reese’s Puffs, you should be happy with this cereal. If you’re hoping for a new and crunchy twist, this underwhelms.

    Purchased Price: $2.50
    Size: 11.9 oz box
    Purchased at: Jewel-Osco
    Rating: 7 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: (1 cup without milk) 160 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, 0.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 210 milligrams of sodium, 30 grams of total carbohydrates, 2 grams of dietary fiber, 12 grams of total sugars including 12 grams of added sugars), and 3 grams of protein.

  • REVIEW: Reese’s Potato Chips Big Cup

    Reese s Potato Chips Big Cup Wrapper

    It’s that time of the year when Reese’s shapes frenetically go from footballs to pumpkins to trees in the blink of an eye. But shapes aren’t the only trick Reese’s have up its sugar-coated sleeve.

    When it’s not sculpting its iconic blend of sweet peanut butter and milk chocolate into different but strikingly similar oblong shapes, it does something else with equal authority — stuffing its plus-sized cups with new goodies. Last autumn, we Hershey-heads were gifted Reese’s Big Cup with Pretzels, and this fall, it’s upping the sweet and salty ante with the Reese’s Potato Chips Big Cup.

    This item is smokin’ hot brand new, yet the packaging has a retro quality that I find really attractive. It lures me in with its nostalgic charm. Although as a bonafide sweet and salty junky, I didn’t need to be sold in the slightest to pick these up the second I saw them.

    Reese s Potato Chips Big Cup Pair

    I’m not sure if there’s a plan to release these in normal-sized cups or minis in the future, but starting with the Big Cup was the right decision. I’ve found the mix-ins, whether they’re Reese’s Pieces, cookies, or pretzels, can get lost in the smaller variety but get the proper chance to shine with the extra space the Big Cup provides. That’s definitely the case here.

    Reese s Potato Chips Big Cup Innards

    The potato chips provide an immediate and intense crunch, with a touch of pleasant greasiness and punchy saltiness that takes the already salty candy to new heights. It’s still more sweet than it is salty, but the toothy chomp of the crispy ridged chips sets off pockets of legitimate salt that aren’t part of the normal smooth peanut butter equation. The salt gets tempered by the milk chocolate, and while it’s saltier than your average PB cup, it’s still well balanced with the sweetness. It’s delicious and addictive. I want this in the novelty sized holiday half-pound cups!

    Reese s Potato Chips Big Cup Single

    If I had to fault this Big Cup in any way, it’s in the lack of identifiable potato chip flavor. While they’re not as common as chocolate-covered pretzels, chocolate-covered chips are awesome. And as strong as the sweet and salty experience is in this Big Cup, I would have loved for that classic starchy potato taste to come through. I’m not all that surprised, though. Peanut butter has such a dominant flavor, but that cheap greasiness DOES poke through over the fatty PB, so it’s still distinctly different from any prior offerings, even the pretzel. Fortunately, the lack of vegetal potato taste also doesn’t bog down the experience too much. It’s just keeping it from being perfect.

    Purchased Price: $1.99
    Size: 2.6 oz
    Purchased at: Walgreens
    Rating: 9 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: (1 cup – 36 grams) 180 calories, 11 grams of fat, 3.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, less than 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 150 milligrams of sodium, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 18 grams of sugar, 4 grams of protein.

  • REVIEW: Reese’s Peanut Brittle Peanut Butter Cups

    Reese s Peanut Brittle Peanut Butter Cups Bag

    Maybe it’s my short attention span or the fact that I can barely watch Hocus Pocus without having nightmares, but I enjoy seeing autumn wind down as anticipation for winter holidays grows. Swapping snowmen for skeletons and poinsettias for pumpkins has become a familiar, comforting routine in transitioning from one holiday to the next.

    As the shelves of my local stores trade fall staples for time-honored winter favorites like peppermint and hot cocoa, Reese’s caught my attention with something unique. The brand’s newest offering features a peanut brittle-flavored crème cup stuffed with a mixture of peanuts and peanut butter filling.

    While peanut brittle wouldn’t have been my number-one answer in a holiday food-themed episode of Family Feud, it makes sense. You find that delicious hard candy nestled in gift tins, offered at holiday potlucks, and as the object of longing gazes from your elderly relatives who just might risk their dentures for a taste.

    Reese’s Peanut Brittle Peanut Butter Cups will be available in miniatures, King Sized, and Big Cup varieties across retailers, and I snagged a bag of miniatures. Honestly, I was half-expecting the “peanut brittle-flavored crème” to be the same peanut butter-flavored crème you find in Ultimate Peanut Butter Lovers Cups, with the “brittle” label tacked on as a bit of holiday razzle dazzle to get you humming “White Christmas” in October.

    But upon opening the bag, the candy’s aroma indicated I was in for something a little different. It smells a lot like kettle corn–like caramelized sugar with butter and peanuts–and has me begging for a Reese’s/Yankee Candle collaboration.

    Reese s Peanut Brittle Peanut Butter Cups Unwrapped

    The cups not only live up to their intoxicating scent, but also really deliver on the peanut brittle flavor. The creamy shell tastes like a combination of white chocolate, peanut butter, and caramelized sugar. It reminds me of the short-lived Hershey’s Gold bar, which had a caramelized crème base that tasted nutty. The peanut brittle crème here tastes very similar, but a touch sweeter, creamier, and with fewer toasty notes.

    Reese s Peanut Brittle Peanut Butter Cups Split

    The filling pairs creamy peanut butter with crunchy peanut pieces. The filling is pretty salty, which balances the crème cup’s sweetness. My cups only had a few peanut pieces resting near the bottom of the cup. Candied peanuts may have added an additional brittle-like crunch–as well as potentially dangerous sugar shards. (Considering that the process of making peanut brittle involves boiling sugar goo to dangerously hot temperatures, fans of the stuff live on the edge already.) When eaten in one bite, however, the cup’s flavors compensate for the generally soft texture. The flavor combination reminds me of finding a salted peanut studded in a piece of sweet brittle.

    Reese s Peanut Brittle Peanut Butter Cups Lonely

    Reese’s products have always been one of my favorites, whether they adorn a holiday cookie or fill my trick-or-treat bag. Although some of their recent products have underwhelmed (see: Reese’s Mallow Cups, Reese’s Snack Cakes), Reese’s Peanut Brittle Peanut Butter Cups nail the peanut brittle flavor and serve as an unexpected homage to a traditional treat. Whether you are bored by brittle or have your grandmother’s recipe committed to memory, any Reese’s fan will be pleased with this sweet-and-salty holiday treat.

    Purchased Price: $4.49
    Size: 7.4 oz (209 g) bag
    Purchased at: CVS
    Rating: 8 out of 10
    Nutrition Facts: (per 3 cups) 140 calories, 8 grams of fat, 3.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 65 milligrams of sodium, 14 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fiber, 11 grams of sugar, and 3 grams of protein.