Tag: Water

  • REVIEW: Ethos Water

    I need to figure out which one of these four scenarios using Ethos Water would guarantee me a ticket into hell.

    Scenario One – Visit a third-world country, like Ethiopia, and hold a wet t-shirt contest using hundreds of bottles of Ethos Water to wet the t-shirts in a village that has no clean drinking water.

    Scenario Two – Make my way to Honduras, one of the poorest countries in the Americas, and have a car wash in a town that has very little drinking water and not many cars, using thousands of bottles of Ethos Water to rinse off the cars.

    Scenario Three – Fly by helicopter to a remote African desert village that has no drinking water with a huge bathtub. Then fill the bathtub with Ethos Water, while also pouring bubble bath soap. Then I would soak in the bathtub for about one minute, occasional make “bubbles” of my own, and then dump the water onto the hot ground and watch it evaporate.

    Scenario Four – Getting a bunch of my friends and giving each of them a Super Soaker. Then we’ll all drive to a little village in India without any clean drinking water and turn it into a Super Soaker battlefield, using Ethos Water as our ammo.

    After reading this, some of you might be wishing that I do end up in hell and Lucifer sticks one of his horns up my ass for being so cruel to those thirsty people. But if you think about it, I don’t think any of these scenarios would get me a free pass into hell because with all the Ethos Water I would be purchasing, I would actually be helping those people get clean drinking water.

    Yes, by wasting clean drinking water, I would be helping those people in third-world countries get clean drinking water. For each bottle of Ethos Water purchased, five cents will be donated towards the goal of contributing $10 million over the next five years to alleviate the world water crisis.

    Now I know what you’re thinking. Holy cheap ass bastards, Marvo! Five whole frickin’ cents!

    For something that retails for almost two dollars, you would think they could be a little more charitable. At five cents per bottle, they would have to sell 200 million bottles of Ethos Water to reach their $10 million goal.

    If they donated ten cents per bottle, they would make a whole lot more to bring clean drinking water to many countries and still have enough for ONE My Super Sweet Sixteen party for some rich-ass spoiled bitch.

    Two hundred million bottles may seem like a lot, but fortunately, Ethos Water is available at all Starbucks, which acquired Ethos Water in 2005.

    As for the water itself, if I was a dehydrated child from a poor country, this Ethos Water would probably taste so damn good. But I’m a quasi-product review blog editor, and I think Ethos Water is just as refreshing as every other bottled water out there and tastes just like every other bottled water out there, except with a hint of good karma.

    Five cents worth of good karma.

    Item: Ethos Water
    Price: $1.85
    Purchased at: Cost Plus World Market
    Rating: 3 out of 5
    Pros: Helps children get clean water. Bigger than usual bottle (approx. 24 ounces). Five cents of good karma. Refreshing for quasi-product review blog editors. Really refreshing for dehydrated children in poor countries.
    Cons: Pricey compared with other bottled water. Only five cents of each bottle sold goes towards helping get clean drinking water. Tastes like every other bottled water.

  • REVIEW: Hint Water


    Up to 60 percent of our body is made up of it, it covers over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, and it’s used in 99 percent of the world’s wet t-shirt contests.

    Experts say that we should drink about eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day, which is enough to keep a person well hydrated and enough to have a four minute peeing session. There are so many ways we can get water into our bodies, like our kitchen faucets, bottled water on our store shelves, the water cooler at work, our neighbor’s garden hose, or wringing out t-shirts from a wet t-shirt contest.

    However, the water from all those sources taste pretty much the same and sometimes that taste gets a little boring, like doing the missionary position ALL THE TIME.

    Just the plain old missionary position, not even with a pillow under her hips to adjust the angle. No doggie style, reverse cowgirl, wild orchid, wheelbarrow, helicopter, playing of the cello, drilling for oil, or fettucini alfredo.

    Or blossom flower, butterfly, peace sign, octopus, froggy, Italian chandelier, black bee, threading the needle, camel ride, T-square, or the Seventh Posture of the Perfumed Garden.

    Fortunately, there are other beverages we can drink to get the water we need that don’t taste like the missionary position. For example, there’s coffee, tea, soda, sparking water, fruit juice, iced tea, lemonade, beer, milk, hot chocolate, and whatever comes out of Jack Lalanne’s Power Juicer. These are the doggie-style and Italian chandeliers of the beverage world, definitely different and a whole lot more fun.

    However, sometimes doing it doggie-style or a helicopter can be either physically tiresome or it involves too much acrobatics, but despite this, we still want a little sweet, sweet lovin’. With the various beverages, sometimes we don’t want the sugar or the caffeine that comes with it, but want something with a little flavor.

    Enter Hint Water.

    I think the sexual position that best describes Hint Water would be spooning, because it’s simple, slightly different, and satisfying.

    Each Hint Water is lightly infused with either a fruit or vegetable flavor, a “hint” of flavor, if you will. Just like the legs and armpits of hippie mountain women, the flavor is all natural.

    I tried the cucumber, lime, apple, pear, and peppermint flavors. They were all refreshing. Each of them definitely had a hint of flavor to them, not enough to be considered a juice, but enough to not be considered regular bottled water. The flavors I tried tasted exactly how they should. In other words, they didn’t taste artificial. It’s like they took the soul of each fruit and vegetable and mixed it with the water.

    Did I just blow your mind with that line?

    Anyway, out of all of the flavors, the peppermint one was surprisingly my favorite.

    At about two dollars per 15-ounce bottle, they’re smaller and pricer than 20-ounce bottles of regular bottled water, but if you’re bored with the missionary position and too tired to do anything from the Kama Sutra, I think spooning would be satisfying.

    (Editor’s Note: Thanks to Hint Water for sending me sample bottles.)

    Item: Hint Water
    Price: FREE (Retails for about $2 per bottle)
    Purchased at: Received free from Hint Water
    Rating: 3.5 out of 5
    Pros: Refreshing. Definitely better than plain old bottled water or water from wet t-shirt contest t-shirts. Peppermint flavor was surprisingly refreshing. No sugar, artificial sweeteners, or calories. No artificial taste. Pretty bottles. All-natural, like hippie mountain women.
    Cons: Significantly smaller and pricier than a regular 20-ounce bottled water. Must drink ice cold. Plain old boring missionary position.

  • REVIEW: Glaceau SmartWater

    Marvo: Okay. Whose 1916 U.S. presidential campaign slogan was: “He kept us out of war.”?

    Glacéau SmartWater: That’s easy. Woodrow Wilson’s

    Marvo: Dammit! You got the yellow wedge!

    Glacéau SmartWater: Yeah, that means I’ve got all the wedges and all I need to do to kick your ass again at Trivial Pursuit is get back to the middle and answer one more question.

    Marvo: The game isn’t over yet.

    Glacéau SmartWater: Oh wait. Let me play you a song.

    (Glacéau SmartWater pushes play on the stereo and Wilson Phillips’ Hold On starts playing.)

    Marvo: What’s up with the Wilson Phillips? Have you been watching too much I Love the 90s?

    Glacéau SmartWater: Do you hear her?

    Marvo: Hear who?

    Glacéau SmartWater: Do you hear the fat lady singing?

    Marvo: Fat lady? Do you mean Carnie Wilson?

    Glacéau SmartWater: Yeah, do you hear her singing?

    Marvo: Dude, Carnie’s not fat anymore. Actually, she lost a lot of weight and she’s pretty hot now.

    Glacéau SmartWater: But she was fat when she recorded the song.

    Marvo: You’re being an prick, you know. Just because your first name is in French, doesn’t mean you have to act French.

    Glacéau SmartWater: Whatever. Let’s get this over with so you can go crying back to your mamma. Maybe if you actually attended class and read your textbooks in college, I wouldn’t be whooping your ass for the umpteenth time.

    Marvo: Well then, roll the dice you arrogant prick.

    Glacéau SmartWater: Why do you keep playing against me? Can’t you read? I’m SmartWater.

    Marvo: More like SmartAssWater. Anyway, what makes you so special?

    Glacéau SmartWater: No water purifies better. No water hydrates faster.

    Marvo: Dude, you’re just reading your own label, you corporate shill. Besides how the hell can anyone tell if the water they’re drinking is hydrating them faster?

    Glacéau SmartWater: I’m electrolyte enhanced, beeyatch!

    Marvo: So you’re like a flavorless and colorless Gatorade?

    Glacéau SmartWater: I’m better than Gatorade.

    Marvo: Whatever. Just roll the dice.

    (Glacéau SmartWater rolls the dice and gets a six.)

    Glacéau SmartWater: Oh yeah! Six baby! Back to the middle for the win.

    Marvo: Well I get to pick the category.

    Glacéau SmartWater: It don’t matter. History. People and Places. Entertainment. Science. Sports. Literature. I know it all. I’m SmartWater.

    Marvo: All right, let’s see if you can answer this science and nature question.

    Glacéau SmartWater: Bring it!

    Marvo: What major Eastern city was the first in the U.S. to boast a bloodmobile for dogs, in 1991?

    Glacéau SmartWater: Let me think about that, Silly Willie. Maybe I should sing a little ditty? Is it getting kind of chilly? Oh look at that lily. Really?

    Marvo: Shit! You know it, just say it.

    Glacéau SmartWater: The answer is Philly, dear Billy. Philadelphia, beeyatch!

    Marvo: Dammit!

    Glacéau SmartWater: Oh! Do you know what time it is now?

    Marvo: Oh shit. Not again.

    Glacéau SmartWater: It’s peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time. Where he at? Where he at? Where he at? Where he at? There he go. There he go. There he go. There he go. Peanut butter jelly. Peanut butter jelly. Peanut butter jelly. Peanut butter jelly. Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut putter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat. Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut putter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat.

    Marvo: Frickin’ prick.

    Glacéau SmartWater: Don’t be a sore loser. You almost had me. At least you answered one question correctly this time.

    Marvo: I’m not being a sore loser, you’re being a sore winner.

    Glacéau SmartWater: Well maybe if your body was all water instead of 70 percent water, you’d be as smart as me.

    Marvo: Oh, really?

    (Marvo grabs Glacéau SmartWater opens him and drinks half the bottle.)


    Marvo: No, that WAS cool…and refreshing.

    Item: Glacéau SmartWater
    Purchase Price: $1.39 (33.8 fluid ounces)
    Rating: 6 out of 10
    Pros: Refreshing as revenge. Electrolyte enhanced. Pretty bottle. Better tasting than tap water. Peanut butter jelly time.
    Cons: Pricey compared with other bottled water in bigger sizes. Sore winner. A total prick. Know-it-all asshole.

  • REVIEW: Koyo Ma Ha Lo Deep Sea Water

    I’ve never been down into the depths of the deep-sea, so I’m not too sure what’s down there.

    Although from watching Finding Nemo, watching various Discovery Channel shows, and reading various issues of National Geographic (the boring issues without sagging topless women from African tribes), I think I might have an idea to what’s down there.

    Apparently, there are creepy-looking fish with spikes and frickin’ huge teeth, Davey Jones’ Locker, pirate treasure, the Titanic, and lots and lots of whale and fish poop.

    But who would’ve known that the deep-sea would also contain vast amounts of healthy, pure, mineral-rich drinking water. Maybe if I visited, I would’ve known, but I probably wouldn’t have been able to tell anyone since my head would’ve exploded from the pressure of being at that depth.

    Recently, I was able to try the Koyo Ma Ha Lo Deep-Sea Water, which is pumped from 2,000 feet below the surface of the ocean and then desalinized, filtered, and bottled on the Kona Coast of the Big Island.

    As you can see from the bottle, it’s printed in Japanese, because apparently desalinized deep-sea water is REALLY big in Japan.

    Although I’m not surprised by this because Japan is a country known for their eccentric products, like the boyfriend arm pillow and the girlfriend knee pillow (NSFW).

    According to Koyo, the deep-sea water contains ionized sodium, ionized chlorine, magnesium and calcium, which can help with everything from metabolism to circulation. This means the deep-sea water could help people lose weight and, for us guys, help give us boners.

    Now you would think that I would love this deep-sea water because the name Marvo means “sea lover” in some ancient language.

    Although, I don’t know whether “sea lover” means that I love the sea platonically, or if I enjoy getting it on with the sea.

    I REALLY hope that it doesn’t mean I enjoy getting it on with the sea, because thanks to my near drowning experience while bodyboarding at Hapuna Beach, I now know that the sea likes it rough and kinky, and the sea apparently has some weird sexual asphyxiation fetish.

    Sorry, but that’s a little too kinky…even for me.

    Anyway, the Koyo Ma Ha Lo Deep-Sea Water has a very, very faint salty taste and it seemed more crisp compared with typical bottled water from mountain springs. However, I don’t know if I would be willing to spend four to six dollars for a 1.5 liter bottle of it, and I highly doubt I would be willing to fly to Japan to pick some up, since it’s only available there.

    Although, I am in need of a girlfriend knee pillow.

    Item: Koyo Ma Ha Lo Deep-Sea Water
    Purchase Price: FREE (Retails for $4 – $6 in Japan for a 1.5 liter bottle)
    Rating: 3.5 out of 5
    Pros: Crisp and refreshing. Mineral-rich. May help with circulation and metabolism. Girlfriend knee pillow.
    Cons: Pricey. Only available in Japan, although it might be available in the United States in the future. The sea likes it rough and kinky. My excessive use of paragraphs that begin with an A-word.

  • REVIEW: Glaceau Vitamin Water

    Vitamin Water

    I didn’t realize it until recently, but water is apparently making a comeback. Even if it’s been here for years. In bottles and on tap it appears. Making tears and when it rain, it makes mud. Listen to your throat go chug. Dehydration, overpowering. Jump into the bathroom, I’m showering.

    Okay, okay, enough with the LL Cool J lyrics. I know, I know, I was stretching it a bit with the “overpowering/showering” rhyme.

    Anyway, it seems like everyone is coming out with their own water or selling water. McDonald’s gives us the option of having bottled water with our Big Mac and fries. The Macy’s stores here on this rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean even sell their own brand of bottled water.

    With the amounts of bottled water being sold, I’m surprised Lil Jon hasn’t come up with his own brand of water called, Crunk Water.

    Not only are there tons of bottled water to choose from, there’s also tons of flavored water to choose from, like lemon-flavored bottled water, berry-flavored bottle water, and orange-flavored water.

    One particular brand of water I’ve been interested in is the Glacéau Vitamin Water, which comes in thirteen different flavors, each flavor contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, and each flavor has a different smart-ass label.

    Now I was going to try all thirteen flavors, but unfortunately, I couldn’t find all thirteen flavors and I have a fear of the number thirteen. Although, it’s not like the fear/creepiness I had with the number sixteen, after seeing Lindsay Lohan’s picture for the first time, saying she was totally hot, finding out she was only sixteen years old, and waiting for someone to arrest me for saying an underaged girl was hot.

    Anyway, I ended up getting just nine flavors, and I’m going to individually talk about each one.

    Flavor: Essential
    Main Vitamins & Minerals: Vitamin C and Calcium
    Taste: Orangy, like a very weak orange soda without the carbonation.
    Perfect For: People who want to get some Vitamin C, but hate the feeling they get from drinking orange juice right after brushing their teeth.

    Flavor: Rescue
    Main Vitamins & Minerals: B Vitamins and Chamomile
    Taste: It’s like I’m drinking tea leaves or flowers. Blech!
    Perfect For: People wearing leis and want breath to match.

    Flavor: Multi-V
    Main Vitamins & Minerals: The name says it all.
    Taste: Lemonade-ish. Pretty damn good.
    Perfect For: People who don’t want to pay 25 cents for a small cup of crappy lemonade from some kid with a stand on the side of the road.

    Flavor: Revive
    Main Vitamins & Minerals: B Vitamins and Potassium
    Taste: Like fruit punch, although significantly less fruity than Tom Cruise.
    Perfect For: Anyone appearing on the reality show, Hit Me Baby One More Time.

    Flavor: Stress-B
    Main Vitamins & Minerals: Vitamins B3, B5, B6, and B12
    Taste: Like a watered-down lemon-lime soda, except without the carbonation.
    Perfect For: “Runaway Bride” Jennifer Wilbanks before her next wedding.

    Flavor: Balance
    Main Vitamins & Minerals: Vitamin C and Glucosamine
    Taste: Cranberry and grapefruit-ish. Definitely not my favorite.
    Perfect For: People who want to make sure they walk in a straight line after being pulled over by a police officer.

    Flavor: Focus
    Main Vitamins & Minerals: Vitamin A and Ginkgo
    Taste: Kiwi-strawberry mix. Pretty good.
    Perfect For: People who have to sit through a timeshare presentation and don’t want to get caught spacing out. Or people on weed.

    Flavor: Power-C
    Main Vitamins & Minerals: Vitamin C and Taurine
    Taste: What the heck is dragonfruit and why does it taste weird?
    Perfect For: Those who hate oranges, lemons, and limes, but don’t want to get scurvy.

    Flavor: Endurance
    Main Vitamins & Minerals: Vitamin E and Ribose
    Taste: Nice peach-mango taste.
    Perfect For: Long distance runners, workaholics, and Sting, before one of his marathon Tantric sex sessions.

    Item: Glacéau Vitamin Water
    Purchase Price: $1.79 each
    Rating: 3.5 out of 5
    Pros: Smart-ass labels. Wide variety of flavors. Good way to get vitamins and minerals. Better than water from a garden hose, unless the garden hose is attached to a slip ‘n slide.
    Cons: Pricey. Some flavors weren’t very good. Couldn’t find all the flavors.